See, I just don't get how people can honestly say this before either game is personally played.
If we're talking about it from a purely graphical standpoint, then RC does indeed "win easy" at this point if you intend to play it with the camera positioned only 5ft from a players face... from the leaked RC gameplay footage and the released RWC2011 gameplay screenshots both ***les are fairly comparable in graphical quality... and its from the actual gameplay cameras that it is most important to do the comparison, that's were 95% of your game time will be! But it certainly isn't an "easy" win for RC if this gameplay camera comparison is carried out.
RC will "wins easy" if you consider the game content as a standalone aspect, there is easily much more content on offer (which I am very glad for). If you took both games and timed how long it would take to play through all the content on offer in each game, it would become clear very early on that RC would take a lot longer and therefore offer greater longevity in this regard.
But IMO it is impossible to take both of these "easy win" scenarios as standalone without considering them alongside the most important and central aspect of any game, the actual gameplay.
We know RWC is going to play like R06 and R08, both good ***les with some flaws. We've been advised that some of these flaws have been corrected, ironed out or the gameplay actually enhanced from the previous ***les. We know this from the detailed gameplay information given by HB Studios themselves (regarding rucking in particular) and also in the words of people from TRF itself that have experienced the gameplay...
RC on the other hand does not have the same historical track record in gameplay as RWC and I've not seen the same depth in detailed gameplay mechanics information released from Sidhe (Mario or otherwise) and we have no-one from TRF that has actually played or experienced the gameplay for themselves.
So when the most important part, the gameplay or information regarding it, of each ***le is directly compared then I believe it actually stacks up in favour of RWC being better.
What good are the better graphics and the extra modes & competitions if you don't like the gameplay and how the game flows? If the game isn't enjoyable, I'm damned if I'm going to invest hours going through the different modes. Gameplay is where longevity is garnered, not from content... if you have good gameplay and then the content then you (hell, all of us actually) are laughing, but gameplay will always carry the more weight if it is a straight decision between the two.
So an easy win for RC if you actually want to enjoy playing rugby on your xbox360 or PS3?... nope, sorry but its impossible to state that and back it up at this point. And that's not denial, that's just fairly using all the information currently available.
(For the record, I do think that RC looks incredibly good on the surface and I am really excited about their depth in game modes, but I'm not going to be blinded by the shiny bits and just hope that the gameplay is up to the standard of the previous rugby ***les we are used to playing)