It looks like we're having a positive influence on you then, you've
almost got the hang of complete words in complete sentences. Lets not get picky about grammar & structure just yet... little steps at a time eh? Well, you are young afterall and seemingly with things to do...To just follow up on that wonderful initial reply of yours, pray tell me why someone else, albeit from a different county, wouldn't be fit for writing in good old fashioned, plain english?I take your surprise at there being computers in Fermanagh as another example of your all-excusing youth, otherwise me typing this must be magic. The comment about horses instead of cars is down to your plain stupidty... Can I make a guess at you being from Leinster perhaps (well, I have to as you've decided to not display your location)? Isn't it parts of Leinster that still has a culture of horses in housing estates, hell, some might say folk there use them instead of cars? (example for you: Not the case in Fermanagh.And finally, I'm on TRF to discuss and learn about current and new rugby games, being from a prominent rugby background or region (albeit Fermanagh is in Ulster - that's geography for you - and they've done their part for Irish rugby) is not a requirement. If only a base level of intelligence was...

But do hang around, we'll have you fluent in english yet!