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David Cameron Decides Porn is Bad for You, Blocks All Access to Pornography in UK

Err, I think you have never been to Switzerland.

So orderly, they are anal! (probably not the right word to use on a thread of this type...)

I think his whole thing looks a little like cracking walnuts with a post-driver

The place to attack this issue of child pornography is with the child pornographer, make the penalty so severe that there will be REAL fear of what will happen if they get caught.

First Offence
► 10 years imprisonment - no parole.
► On release (if they survive prison), 10 years restriction to residence and place of employment (enforced by lifetime wearing of a GPS ankle tag)
► Lifetime no-access to the internet.
► Public notification of offender's whereabouts (similar to Megan's Law in the US)

Subsequent Offence
► Whole of life imprisonment
► Cut their gonads off

I have been to Switzerland, it is a nice country although they aren't exactly friendly to outsiders. I speak francais though so I am sure I did not have as many problems as most. Plus the fact that every man over the age of 18 is given a free assault rifle means they are cool in my books.

Damn straight! I believe in individual freedoms and this appears to me to be yet another encroachment on them. I have no problem with looking to target people who look at child pornography. What rational person would have a problem with trying to stop the exploitation of children? I have a problem with the state coming in and trying to control every aspect of my life and monitoring my every activity. Forcing people to call in and tell the ISPs what they can watch and can't watch give the appearance that the government is trying to create some sort of registry so they are more easily able to monitor "illegal activity" and I believe police forces will be exploiting this fully. This opens up a can of worms the government shouldn't be going down. Like someone said, the government should be targeting child pornographers and not the average joe.
They can fix all that, by introducing new rules regarding internet domains. Just give every porn-site a .cum domain, and it's much easier to filter.

Not what I was getting at, I was stating that you can expect a debate on to what constitutes pornography....e.g. is the mainstream movie Showgirls technically pornography?
They can fix all that, by introducing new rules regarding internet domains. Just give every porn-site a .cum domain, and it's much easier to filter.

The porn website registers its domain outside of the UK and doesn't have to follow that. Unless you're suggesting the every country agrees to change their internet domains to this. Which is unlikely.

But that's what we have in SA. only child porn is blocked, but all the other sites are accessable.

By my admittedly limited, second-hand knowledge of the subject - that might be the law, realistically, child porn will still exist, just on sites that don't show up on the search engines, p2p networks, etc.etc.
This thread misleads, porn isn't banned, it's just blocked from now on by default internet settings in the UK. Should be simple enough for anybody to tick or untick a box to change the settings, no need for sneaky bypasses or anything.
This thread misleads, porn isn't banned, it's just blocked from now on by default internet settings in the UK. Should be simple enough for anybody to tick or untick a box to change the settings, no need for sneaky bypasses or anything.
This isn't quite true. The block would be put on by the ISP, so I believe that the account owner will have to get in touch with the ISP to make changes to the block.

It may seem innocent on the surface, as you just have to opt-out of the service, but there are some considerable "pitfalls".

My biggest concern is over websites that are non-pornographic but sexual in nature (eg, sexual advice forums for teenagers), or websites that are just partly pornographic. Does reddit get blocked for its gonewild section? 4chan and deviantart? What of websites such as Liveleak, which may have political merit in spite of containing pornographic material, or of shock news websites such as ogrish? Wouldn't it be easy for the government to apply pressure to have these websites blocked on the account of pornographic content, in order to break up vocal, anti-government groups?

My next biggest concern is the precedent it sets. They simply have to add a string of "extensions" to the law, each extension a small addition to the last, and we're heading more into an era of censorship. Such happened with university tuition fees. Pre-1998: £0. 1998: £1000. 2006: £3000. 2012: £9000.

My final concern is how much a load of crap the whole affair is. It may instil a false sense of security in some parents (pornography isn't the real threat to children on the internet: it's viruses, strange people, fraud, bullying, addiction etc.) and kids may now be even more unsupervised on the internet than before. Wrapping kids in cotton wool is no good for them either. Kids need to know about sex and porn and drugs and alcohol in the modern world, and at a young age. Isolating them in order to preserve their innocence only strengthens their ignorance, and it may just come back to bite them when they're older.
I nominate this for greatest TRF post EVER!!!!!

Also this bill sucks monkey balls...expect plenty of awful debates as to what constitutes pornography as well. I can maybe(and I stress maybe) see the use of filters on public computers, but personal usage should not be government mandated. Does your UK Tory party have any libertarian conservatives left or have they already run to UKIP? This would cause a big split in a conservative movement in North America with so-cons going up against libertarians. Some have suggested that our PM will follow suit but I really can't see it happening.

loool, I'm sure you're alone in thinking that my dear friend though ! :lol: Preeeeeeeeetttyyyy sure !
These are dark days, Little Guy. I can't find a thread I can post anything on ! This is just about the most constructive I can be on this forum at this point in the Rugby calendar !! IT IS, don't laugh, it iiiiiiiis !!

Jokes (jokes ?) aside: I'm a believing Christian but I still believe porn should be legal. It should be regulated, and no actual harm should be done to the poor girls obviously. But no matter what angle you look at it from, sex is amongst the most natural, spontaneous things out there. We're primates, hominids...therefor animals, with urges, physical limits...underneath the spiritual and the profound calling we may belong to, we have to take dumps, eat fkn vegetables and meat to survive...and ****. Some ppl go insane from not spanking the monkey or filling up women.
They say prostitution is the "oldest job there is" in French.

Has pron been so damaging to society as a constant, and in many different casts/sectors, that the government should be able to ban it ? I don't think so.
Metal music, pron...alcohol...these things alone don't kill people, make ppl suicidal, influence ppl to the point of cementing their thoughts into action.
"Guns don't kill ppl, ppl kill ppl", as an alternate statement to this topic; works with the same logic.

Pron is just an industry. Ppl everywhere seek it, and everywhere ppl make money off it. Just like I want candy, and the candy man makes money off that. Of course, there is abuse in the industry, but in a place like America, pronstars are fine. It's a choice in fact, and some of them like it. Of course that alone isn't an argument.

But my basic premise is this: harm ? not enough to ban. Necessary ? Absolutely. Misleading ? no, not to the sane.

P.S.: oh and for the poor (and eerie ?) idiots who still don't understand my grammar's fine, just to make sure uhm..."ppl" stands for "people". Thank you....*cough*

oh and, this is a tough one, stay with me now, just a moment of deep focus: "pron" is actually ??........________
loool, I'm sure you're alone in thinking that my dear friend though ! :lol: Preeeeeeeeetttyyyy sure !
These are dark days, Little Guy. I can't find a thread I can post anything on ! This is just about the most constructive I can be on this forum at this point in the Rugby calendar !! IT IS, don't laugh, it iiiiiiiis !!

Jokes (jokes ?) aside: I'm a believing Christian but I still believe porn should be legal. It should be regulated, and no actual harm should be done to the poor girls obviously. But no matter what angle you look at it from, sex is amongst the most natural, spontaneous things out there. We're primates, hominids...therefor animals, with urges, physical limits...underneath the spiritual and the profound calling we may belong to, we have to take dumps, eat fkn vegetables and meat to survive...and ****. Some ppl go insane from not spanking the monkey or filling up women.
They say prostitution is the "oldest job there is" in French.

Has pron been so damaging to society as a constant, and in many different casts/sectors, that the government should be able to ban it ? I don't think so.
Metal music, pron...alcohol...these things alone don't kill people, make ppl suicidal, influence ppl to the point of cementing their thoughts into action.
"Guns don't kill ppl, ppl kill ppl", as an alternate statement to this topic; works with the same logic.

Pron is just an industry. Ppl everywhere seek it, and everywhere ppl make money off it. Just like I want candy, and the candy man makes money off that. Of course, there is abuse in the industry, but in a place like America, pronstars are fine. It's a choice in fact, and some of them like it. Of course that alone isn't an argument.

But my basic premise is this: harm ? not enough to ban. Necessary ? Absolutely. Misleading ? no, not to the sane.

P.S.: oh and for the poor (and eerie ?) idiots who still don't understand my grammar's fine, just to make sure uhm..."ppl" stands for "people". Thank you....*cough*

oh and, this is a tough one, stay with me now, just a moment of deep focus: "pron" is actually ??........________

As you French would say: "A chacun son gout" :D
Right well you should be jamming it in as much as possible before this is passed and work out you right side then interchange to the left to strengthen your heart and finish with the serious insecurity that we are all not hung like the local donkey :(
This thread misleads, porn isn't banned, it's just blocked from now on by default internet settings in the UK. Should be simple enough for anybody to tick or untick a box to change the settings, no need for sneaky bypasses or anything.

It's banned by default, I stand by the ***le.

Also, this isn't about pornography, it's about the power of the state to censor the content you receive. Today they decide that you don't get to see pornographic content should be unavailable by default, what's to stop them filtering out foreign news or essentially anything they want whatsoever?
It's banned by default, I stand by the ***le.

Also, this isn't about pornography, it's about the power of the state to censor the content you receive. Today they decide that you don't get to see pornographic content should be unavailable by default, what's to stop them filtering out foreign news or essentially anything they want whatsoever?

Agree completely with this. I have no idea how the government is even allowed to do this and people are somehow magically OK with it. If this were Canada or the US the government would be getting ripped a new one!
As you French would say: "A chacun son gout" :D

...we say that ?...
haha, nah just farting with ya...good, but it's "chacun ses gouts". It's plural, and doesn't have the "à".
But I do like the smiley at the end of your comment, I have nothing to correct there.
...we say that ?...
haha, nah just farting with ya...good, but it's "chacun ses gouts". It's plural, and doesn't have the "à".
But I do like the smiley at the end of your comment, I have nothing to correct there.

Merci pour le correction! Je parle le Chiac des Acadiennes :D et comme vous pouvez voire mon ecriture n'est pas tres bonne!
Exactly Feic, its the first step to dictating and controlling the intake of information. I'm fairly liberal, in my view as soon as someone turns 18 then they can do, watch, listen to whatever the heck they want within the confines of the law and whether they like it or not watching an of age couple having rumpy-pumpy on a computer isnt against any law.

As for protecting the children, that can just be mostly solved by better teaching of the scenario by parents and teachers.
Exactly Feic, its the first step to dictating and controlling the intake of information. I'm fairly liberal, in my view as soon as someone turns 18 then they can do, watch, listen to whatever the heck they want within the confines of the law and whether they like it or not watching an of age couple having rumpy-pumpy on a computer isnt against any law.

As for protecting the children, that can just be mostly solved by better teaching of the scenario by parents and teachers.

...we say that ?...
haha, nah just farting with ya...good, but it's "chacun ses gouts". It's plural, and doesn't have the "à".
But I do like the smiley at the end of your comment, I have nothing to correct there.

Merci pour le correction! Je parle le Chiac des Acadiennes :D et comme vous pouvez voire mon ecriture n'est pas tres bonne!

Have you ever heard Quebec French spoken yoe? I hear it's pretty bad patois and has some distinct qualities from mainland French. I've heard it criticized as almost worse than the most backwater Southern accents and oddest English regional accents.
Thought this was bloody ridiculous as soon as it was announced.

Who exactly decides what is porn and what isn't?
e.g. Reddit, one of the largest sites of the web, has a fair amount of porn subreddits - will that site be blocked to? What about this place? We've got that sexy-lady thread somewhere in archives, and yoe's posts are basically pornographic :)p)
Twitter, instagram, flickr, pretty much every site has nudity on.
Thought this was bloody ridiculous as soon as it was announced.

Who exactly decides what is porn and what isn't?
e.g. Reddit, one of the largest sites of the web, has a fair amount of porn subreddits - will that site be blocked to? What about this place? We've got that sexy-lady thread somewhere in archives, and yoe's posts are basically pornographic :)p)
Twitter, instagram, flickr, pretty much every site has nudity on.

Yoe would wear that "banned in the UK" status with pride, grace and dignity...something like this.....

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