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Complete and Utter Bull****


Maybe that was to far.
yep. That's it for me. Of course it looks like I'm playing victim, but it doesn't matter what things look like, it matters what they really mean, the facts: it's mind boggling to me some ppl actually call me an attention-craving person or someone with a big ego or anything along those lines. Ffs you idiots, I'm here to have fuuuun, how can you not see this ?! How can you blind yourself so ?! Ppl are just gonna read what they want to read in your posts anyways...that's just human nature. You can patiently explain things as they are to them, they're still just like "no !!!!! I want to hate you !!!" :p After all there's a thin line between some ego-monster and some dude with a lot of presence who's just being genuine and fkng around. Lots of folks just don't see the difference, although it isn't all that subtle..

Unlike some, I'm not here to look cool, with my little clique, my awesome little quips and what not. I'm completely fine with other users being funny and I'm in competition with no one. Never have been. Understand this, and you've understood a lot about "Big Ewis" (yeah I know, I totally referred to myself by the third person...but I'm humble ! HUMBLE !!!!). Except for being a turncoat prostitute, or call girl (I prefer that) and the Dubya award...I don't like it when ppl beat me at those...

Yeah anyways...maybe those posts clear out the shiit in some users' eyes coz there is some unnecessary fkng dissing on here, wasteful and stupid, and at least I laid it all out as it is. And I don't do fallacious BS, all that's been said here is fo' relll...shieeeeeeeeeet....

Peace out, I love R and the B and the rapping music, much happy sound for me, and respecting, yo. Sheet, man. Representings.

Jesus Christ you post a lot of ********.
Jesus Christ you post a lot of ********.

:D nope, not in those posts I don't. Feel targeted I see, feel lots of anger in that post there. Tell me exactly what you feel is stars stars stars in my posts.
Floor is yours, if you have actually anything to say.
:D nope, not in those posts I don't. Feel targeted I see, feel lots of anger in that post there. Tell me exactly what you feel is stars stars stars in my posts.
Floor is yours, if you have actually anything to say.

Right. Whatever. Maybe it's time you grew up a bit and learned to act like a normal person as opposed to trying to take to take some kind of moral high ground while acting like a cock. I wont be bothering in future, blocked.

Are you back in UCD?
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Right. Whatever. Maybe it's time you grew up a bit and learned to act like a normal person as opposed to trying to take to take some kind of moral high ground while acting like a cock. I wont be bothering in future, blocked.

Are you back in UCD?

Yes digging bones by day and burying them by night.

Don't be like Sker and have a one post comeback now...
I dont internet like I used to.
but I intend to be sticking around. Big season ahead
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yep. That's it for me. Of course it looks like I'm playing victim, but it doesn't matter what things look like, it matters what they really mean, the facts: it's mind boggling to me some ppl actually call me an attention-craving person or someone with a big ego or anything along those lines. Ffs you idiots, I'm here to have fuuuun, how can you not see this ?! How can you blind yourself so ?! Ppl are just gonna read what they want to read in your posts anyways...that's just human nature. You can patiently explain things as they are to them, they're still just like "no !!!!! I want to hate you !!!" :p After all there's a thin line between some ego-monster and some dude with a lot of presence who's just being genuine and fkng around. Lots of folks just don't see the difference, although it isn't all that subtle..

Unlike some, I'm not here to look cool, with my little clique, my awesome little quips and what not. I'm completely fine with other users being funny and I'm in competition with no one. Never have been. Understand this, and you've understood a lot about "Big Ewis" (yeah I know, I totally referred to myself by the third person...but I'm humble ! HUMBLE !!!!). Except for being a turncoat prostitute, or call girl (I prefer that) and the Dubya award...I don't like it when ppl beat me at those...

Yeah anyways...maybe those posts clear out the shiit in some users' eyes coz there is some unnecessary fkng dissing on here, wasteful and stupid, and at least I laid it all out as it is. And I don't do fallacious BS, all that's been said here is fo' relll...shieeeeeeeeeet....

Peace out, I love R and the B and the rapping music, much happy sound for me, and respecting, yo. Sheet, man. Representings.

Perhaps it boils down to how people interpret humor. For instance, the Chinese (according to Jackie Chan) find American humor unfunny, and I personally find Chinese humor baffling - not just unfunny (usually) but also confusing. In 'type' it can be even worse because we can't hear the vocal inflections or see facial expressions. And some folks are just downright touchy and easily take offense, as if everything is directed at them (I found that out on a fangirly site - geez...girlz be CRAY-CRAY!! :rolleyes: ).

That said, I've never had a problem understanding where your posts are coming from, Big E - perhaps that means we have the same warped sense of humor. You didn't by any chance grow up dining on a steady diet of Monty Python and The Smothers Brothers, did you? (If you don't know Tom and Dick Smothers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEiU-8gx0hc ).

BTW, Big E - You're Tom, and I'm Dick. ;)

Right. Whatever. Maybe it's time you grew up a bit and learned to act like a normal person as opposed to trying to take to take some kind of moral high ground while acting like a cock. I wont be bothering in future, blocked.

aw geez, I think I just tickled the grand guru of the great intellectually superior elite group of TRF a little too much. He doesn't look like he's coming back...it's interesting because if you read my posts, that's exactly what I'm talking about: growing up, not being the neat little kid around the block with hot licks to throw at others, come down from high horses and just be a dude, stop the little games, almost effeminate in the weird jealousy-ish type demeanor. And why in the world does he want me to act like a normal person ?!! so weird...
Yeah so that's that...

Perhaps it boils down to how people interpret humor. For instance, the Chinese (according to Jackie Chan) find American humor unfunny, and I personally find Chinese humor baffling - not just unfunny (usually) but also confusing. In 'type' it can be even worse because we can't hear the vocal inflections or see facial expressions. And some folks are just downright touchy and easily take offense, as if everything is directed at them (I found that out on a fangirly site - geez...girlz be CRAY-CRAY!! :rolleyes: ).

That said, I've never had a problem understanding where your posts are coming from, Big E - perhaps that means we have the same warped sense of humor. You didn't by any chance grow up dining on a steady diet of Monty Python and The Smothers Brothers, did you? (If you don't know Tom and Dick Smothers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEiU-8gx0hc ).

BTW, Big E - You're Tom, and I'm Dick. ;)


yeah well not going to hold this debate here but humor is like everything, it's personal taste but there are facts and rules to it. Obviously humor reflects who the person is. It reflects the intelligence of a person, the character of a person...my grandma is German, (therefor) has no sense of humor but is quite full of herself. She likes "Hollywood" humor, big fat jokes that brings the individual forward. She likes showoff humor, the James Bond, man to woman type. The grandeur, sexy thing. When I do my remote shiit to her and I'm tripping with the cousins, for her it's just yapping, sound, noise. And if you ask her, she'll tell you she has a great sense of humor. My dad is a robot, he'll analyze your joke and tell you why it's funny like it's a poem analysis. My brother loves really weird shiit, so he loves awkward situations which he'll try to make as bizarre as possible;that highlights his peculiar self altogether, the dude's a weirdo. And that's me saying that !
It's a reflection of our personalities, obviously. How you take life.
Some people think random shiit is too easy, of course some of it is. Family Guy just isn't funny. For some ppl humor has to be like literature: the perfect wording, the right wittiness, and enough to show off just a little bit of how intelligent the person is.

For some ppl, humor is a way of intimidating, and attracting respect...a little bit like how tigers pi$s everywhere to mark their territory.

No never heard of those two ! I was a big Jim Carey fan, and Steve Oedekerk. A very underrated cartoon was "Pinky and the Brain" btw. Some hilarious shiit in there.

Man, Cymro is on an absolute Hogan RAMPAGE !! SOMEBODY STOP THE GUYYY !!!!!!!
aw geez, I think I just tickled the grand guru of the great intellectually superior elite group of TRF a little too much. He doesn't look like he's coming back...it's interesting because if you read my posts, that's exactly what I'm talking about: growing up, not being the neat little kid around the block with hot licks to throw at others, come down from high horses and just be a dude, stop the little games, almost effeminate in the weird jealousy-ish type demeanor. And why in the world does he want me to act like a normal person ?!! so weird...
Yeah so that's that...
*hot edgy comment having nothing to do with Rugby to get rep from a bunch of guys on an online Rugby forum*


Stop derailing this ****ing thread, unless of course you get your 'free fun' and enjoyment by ruining others fun. If that's the case carry on by all means.

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