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A Political Thread

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Who said you can't voice your opinion?
You're not trying to stifle my voice by saying I'm not allowed to comment on it.
You also know nothing about me, and I've never ran for office so I've never been voted against.
I've said before in this thread: I have no time for the whole "everyone has an opinion that should be respected" brigade.
If your opinion is bigoted and sets out to harm people then it can **** off. You can voice it, by all means, but don't expect me to kiss your arse and agree with everything you say.

WRT the increasing popularity of the far right as a justification of why being a decent human being is wrong in this day and age:
When I said I vote against you, I don't mean you personally I mean you and your kind. Just as you vote against me and my kind.

Similarly, I have no problem with you voting or thinking against my views. However, you and a few others seem a little precious about anybody whom does not conform to your standards and ethics. It is as if you think that everybody must think the same way as you - guess what, we don't and we won't.

I also have little time for bigotry, certainly from those on the uber-moralistic left. It's also ironic that as a mixed-race man who rejects the left that somehow it is fine to call me bigoted/uncle tom/n----r traitor (amongst the nicer names I have been called) by the same seemingly pious and virtuous lefties.

I think that people like you are the reason that the Far Right/Alt Right is gaining popularity. You (as a group now) are rude, offensive, threatening, bullying, belittling whilst trying to be pious and innocent. To you, anybody who opposes Progressive Politics is wrong and must be silenced.

I take the notion that ALL arguments should be heard, and whilst you may not like a particular argument (whether it is Germaine Greer on Feminism or Tommy Robinson on the English Defence League) you have no right to shut them down. Take on what is being said and challenge it, but also allow your thoughts and your philosophies to be challenged.

Being from a Welsh-Somali background, I was expected to vote Labour - all my family and friends did, they were God and don't you dare question them. However. when I started working for myself and I began to realise that being independent of thought and state was the way for me then they no longer got my vote.

Besides, I don't mind Coldplay at all. That might surprise you as I should surely know my place and be listening to Pharrell Williams?
You (as a group now) are rude, offensive, threatening, bullying, belittling whilst trying to be pious and innocent. To you, anybody who opposes Progressive Politics is wrong and must be silenced.
This is such a funny strawman argument that the right love to wheel out.
Literal nazis marching in the streets of America murdering people (there has been far more outrage about footballers taking a knee during the anthem than L.I.T.E.R.A.L nazis murdering people on the streets of America),
A British MP was gunned down in the street by a right wing fanatic,
Yet it's the left that's the big bad evil, and oh so intolerant.
I do not doubt that there are issues with the Alt-Right/Far Right, and I venomously oppose these idiots. I am neither Left nor Right, as I have said before I believe that politics and politicians have failed.

One question though - why are these people deemed as Nazis? I gather that there are racists and morons amongst their number, and they do deserve to be called out for this, but Nazi comes from the German word Nationalsozialismus or National Socialists. Socialism is traditionally associated with the left?

I would call them fascists and thugs, just as I call those on the left who display fascist and bullying tendencies as fascists and thugs. Different butt cheeks, same amount of crap between them.

However, the Left does itself no favours taking the attitude that it does. Since when is being rude/insulting going to convince somebody to join their cause? They should be better than that, and by being a genuinely nice tolerant and open group (which also means open to change and different viewpoints other than what they consider the gospel truth).

Jo Cox was murdered by a man with mental health problems, and now thankfully he will be removed from society. I suppose that if Jo Cox had been a Conservative or even UKIP or a BNP candidate that would have been justified? After all, just look at some of the comments left online about wishing death to people who vote Conservative, UKIP, BNP etc.

In one way, yes you are intolerant - you cannot tolerate what I say, yet I can accept your point of view. I just don't believe it is right, but I would not slag you off or use offensive language. I'm beyond sinking to the lowest common denominator in debate, but hey if you think that shaming or name-calling is going to make a difference (it won't, but you can try) then go right ahead.

TL:DR - the Left should be better than the Right and be above reproach. I am personally disappointed that it is not.
Charlottesville Nazis:


Jo Cox was murdered by a man with mental health problems, and now thankfully he will be removed from society. I suppose that if Jo Cox had been a Conservative or even UKIP or a BNP candidate that would have been justified?
******* hell that's a bit of a leap, isn't it? Of course it wouldn't be and it's sickening that you'd say something like that to be honest.
The prick who shot her was a member of a far right group (EDL or Britain First, can't remember which) and was shouting about taking the country back when he did it.
Not denying he had mental health issues, but facts are he was a member of a right wing hate group.
I agree that it is sickening, but I was also passing reference to comments made on Social Media at the time which mentioned that had Jo Cox been a Tory it would have been okay to kill her. Surprise surprise, these comments were not deleted despite being flagged up by many people including myself.

I am glad that you agree it was a vile comment. I also accept the point re: Charlottesville Nazis, the Swastika is disgusting no matter which side uses it. I was asking the above question out of curiosity as Nazis were considered historically as 'left' or socialist.

I don't deny that Thomas Mair was a member of the Far Right (it was Britain First) - it's common and accepted knowledge that he was/perhaps still is. I am against all hate groups on all sides of the political divide, and will always say that all extremism is bad. I would also have hoped that if he was a member of a left-wing extremist group and he had gone for a Tory that we would all be similarly condemning him.

What I want is a world without the extremes of both sides - like you, I suspect, I just want peace.
The Nazi's weren't socialists in exactly the same way the Democratics Peoples Republic of Korea is democratic. Hitler was a far right candidate and the poster boy for the far right yet for some reason the right want to portray him as a left wing candidate for the name of his party. Learn something about bloody left wing vs right wing before actually bringing this **** up.

Seriously people are going bynwhat people label themselves. You'd consider yourself a centrist but your anything but jyst like Corbyn tried to announce himself as one today.

Anyway your doing whataboutary again and taking a large problem (far right people killing people) and conflating to a much smaller problem (far leftpeople saying mean things).

Do you know the actual problem why both sides dont talk because both side want to play the victim card and say the other says means things. Rather than actually engage. Sadly the far right has a lot more to answer for on the violence front that the far left. Not that I support either side.
I agree that it is sickening, but I was also passing reference to comments made on Social Media at the time which mentioned that had Jo Cox been a Tory it would have been okay to kill her. Surprise surprise, these comments were not deleted despite being flagged up by many people including myself.

I am glad that you agree it was a vile comment. I also accept the point re: Charlottesville Nazis, the Swastika is disgusting no matter which side uses it. I was asking the above question out of curiosity as Nazis were considered historically as 'left' or socialist.

I don't deny that Thomas Mair was a member of the Far Right (it was Britain First) - it's common and accepted knowledge that he was/perhaps still is. I am against all hate groups on all sides of the political divide, and will always say that all extremism is bad. I would also have hoped that if he was a member of a left-wing extremist group and he had gone for a Tory that we would all be similarly condemning him.

What I want is a world without the extremes of both sides - like you, I suspect, I just want peace.
No sorry dont get confused with the word socialist. The Nazis were far right and fought against communist factions on the far left on their rise to power.
The Nazi's weren't socialists in exactly the same way the Democratics Peoples Republic of Korea is democratic. Hitler was a far right candidate and the poster boy for the far right yet for some reason the right want to portray him as a left wing candidate for the name of his party. Learn something about bloody left wing vs right wing before actually bringing this **** up.

Seriously people are going bynwhat people label themselves. You'd consider yourself a centrist but your anything but jyst like Corbyn tried to announce himself as one today.

Anyway your doing whataboutary again and taking a large problem (far right people killing people) and conflating to a much smaller problem (far leftpeople saying mean things).

Do you know the actual problem why both sides dont talk because both side want to play the victim card and say the other says means things. Rather than actually engage. Sadly the far right has a lot more to answer for on the violence front that the far left. Not that I support either side.

Dearie me, are you always this angry? I doubt that one post has gone by without you using ****'s.

I actually consider myself non-aligned - personally I think that politics and politicians have failed, and as there is no debate/discussion allowed anymore (seemingly from the likes of you) then nothing will change. You seem to be so angry that I dare challenge the Left - you know the supposed moral high ground, where all the nice and wonderful people are - and show that some of them are falling short of their moral targets.

Of course I am well aware of the issues on the right, and yes of course one should call out their bad behaviour and demand action be taken against them. However, when you refuse to admit that there are idiots on the left - including racists and anti-Semites - then quite frankly your argument begins to lose merit.

'But, but we're nice people - it's the right who are racists... look at the Nazis causing trouble'

Point taken, now will you call out Antifa for their thuggish behaviour? Or will you let them have a free pass because they mean well, despite the fact that they have caused violence and suffering to people - and those people were probably racist in your eyes anyway? What about police men and women killed by BLM supporters? I am mixed-race, but do not support these thugs at all and IMO they have divided communities rather than bringing them together (though yes I do believe that some police men and women in the USA do have racial issues).

Maybe I expect less from the Right, because after all we are told by our learned experts (at least I think a few of them have cobbled together Liberal Studies HND's) that they are the party of the racists, bigoted and hateful. Why would I expect them to be nice, when we are told that the Left is the complete antithesis of these people? I expect nothing from racists and bigots, but I do expect a certain standard of good behaviour from supposedly nice and fair people. When they fall short of these expectations, that to me is more disappointing. I can accept that a racist will act like a moron, I certainly don't (or shouldn't) expect a 'look at me I'm so nice' liberal/Lefty to be one.

'Oh but we're only human' - in that case, try harder. You've got to be better than the other team, and that includes basic manners and common decency. More flies are caught with honey than vinegar, and if you manage to change somebody's mind through being nice and understanding then you've won that battle. You don't allow the other side room for excuses (rightly so), so you should get no free passes/privileges without working for them.

Where I do agree is that there should be no victim card mentality at all, and we need a level playing field for debate and discussion - maybe even compromise. Large problem or small problem, all problems need to be sorted if we're going to have a decent world to live in. The talking has to begin soon and the madness has to stop.

Anyway, I'm obviously Whatabouting, and rather than actually tackle what I am saying you'll just come out with the same old response and nothing will change. The Left won't change and ultimately will be Left behind come the next time we go to the Ballot Box, as that is where people do their talking these days.
No sorry dont get confused with the word socialist. The Nazis were far right and fought against communist factions on the far left on their rise to power.

Fine, was just asking as it's a question which has cropped up numerous times.

There was a debate on one website (may have been Quora) about whether they were left or right wing. Got a bit spicy!
I couldn't believe Ncurd's comment about Jeremy Corbyn being a 'Centrist', but lo and behold:


I can't see Labour moving to the centre - Momentum are very much on the left and with Labour getting the popular vote at the last General Election, I don't think that they will shift. Whether the Blairites of the party will have a say remains to be seen.
Fine, was just asking as it's a question which has cropped up numerous times.

There was a debate on one website (may have been Quora) about whether they were left or right wing. Got a bit spicy!
Definitely not socialist. Very much focussed on nationalism and facism meaning everything was geared towards the German state being greater than others. They didn't extol right wing or conservative values such as free markets etc and had a very strong centralised government! The further right/ left you go the closer they get to each other.
Definitely not socialist. Very much focussed on nationalism and facism meaning everything was geared towards the German state being greater than others. They didn't extol right wing or conservative values such as free markets etc and had a very strong centralised government! The further right/ left you go the closer they get to each other.

Ah, you mean like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory
Its time that there were new laws written for cyclists as advocated recently in the press -:
Compulsory hi-vis
Compulsory helmets
ID plates
Nominal road tax (£20) and compulsory insurance.
Prosecution for the pricks who jump red lights
Prosecution for riding 2 abreast
Dangerous riding equivalent to dangerous driving
Careless riding equivalent to careless driving
Breath tests the same as drivers
I think this whole "Nazis are right wing / left wing" shows the fault with the basic right/left wing way of classifying political stances. Essentially there are 2 different right-left political spectrums that people use and it causes confusion when one person is using one spectrum and another is using a different one. A more clear way is the political "compass" (x and y axis). https://www.politicalcompass.org/uk2017#ukhistorical
I think this whole "Nazis are right wing / left wing" shows the fault with the basic right/left wing way of classifying political stances. Essentially there are 2 different right-left political spectrums that people use and it causes confusion when one person is using one spectrum and another is using a different one. A more clear way is the political "compass" (x and y axis). https://www.politicalcompass.org/uk2017#ukhistorical
I agree on the diametric less so on whether placed the parties (one of the biggest complaints we have is Labour claiming they are liberal when whilst they've lurched more to the left are no way Liberal). Either way the Nazi's were not socialists or Liberals.
Yes cyclists the scourge of our world and like normal shows a complete lack of sense other than 'I hate cyclists'.

You realise the two abrest thing is usually a safety tactic to protect themselves from prick drivers right?

Helmets are compulsory.

It's still illegal to jump the lights but how many people know a car getting picked up for it?

Insurance for what? When a car hits them?

It's illegal to ride and drink already. A police officer still has to pull them over.

Road tax you realise they cause no emissions (which is what our tax is based on even some cars fonts pay) and actually don't damage the roads? So what are they paying for?

Agree on laws in regards to dangerous and careless driving you won't see many prosecutions but at least it's in the statue book for the rare occasions where something is required.

What do people really hate about cyclists? They get stuck behind one.
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