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A Political Thread

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This would be in the make me laugh thread if it wasn't based on real life. Still, I do enjoy Seth Meyers segments.

"Treated worse than Abraham Lincoln.":confused:

Giuliani arguing against contact tracing because they don't for heart attacks, cancer and obesity.:confused:

The new WH press secretary stating she will never lie. :p
Criminal charges against Flynn that he pled guilty to have been dropped. Seriously, can any Americans on the board give me some hope that the people of the USA can actually see how ******* corrupt the current regime is and how Republicans have carried out the most systematic assault on the separation of powers in modern history? There is no accountability, no rule of law. It's lies an deceit, it's politicising a disaster, it's pardoning criminals...

There isn't much lower the USA can go short of fully rigging elections (because they have already started down that path).
Criminal charges against Flynn that he pled guilty to have been dropped. Seriously, can any Americans on the board give me some hope that the people of the USA can actually see how ******* corrupt the current regime is and how Republicans have carried out the most systematic assault on the separation of powers in modern history? There is no accountability, no rule of law. It's lies an deceit, it's politicising a disaster, it's pardoning criminals...

There isn't much lower the USA can go short of fully rigging elections (because they have already started down that path).

Of course we see it. But all that matters is that enough people don't see it (and they are spread across the country properly). The republicans have done such a good job of making themselves the referees of everything they can't get in trouble.

this is who we are.

Honestly, I can somewhat respect the Republican's brazenness, they absolutely have no reservations about being corrupt.
Just reading the voter turnout in the last Presidential election was just under 56% and this was in line with previous elections of between 50 and 58% turnout, which means at least 40% can't turn out to vote or don't give a **** to turn out to vote. In a country of what c 200m eligible voters that is a lot of apathy and structural deficiencies in the US Presidential electoral college vote system. Compared to the 2019 UK general election which had a voter turnout of 67%. That's just crazy.
Just reading the voter turnout in the last Presidential election was just under 56% and this was in line with previous elections of between 50 and 58% turnout, which means at least 40% can't turn out to vote or don't give a **** to turn out to vote. In a country of what c 200m eligible voters that is a lot of apathy and structural deficiencies in the US Presidential electoral college vote system. Compared to the 2019 UK general election which had a voter turnout of 67%. That's just crazy.

And the worst part is the turnout skews an already skewed system even further. The US system is heavily stacked in favour of white male right wing boomers so that all other things being equal, they would still win. However who are the people that actually turn out to vote? White right wing boomers. Something that really ****** me off about my generation is we have the numbers so significantly affect politics but are ignored because we are too apathetic to simply get of our arses and vote yet will PAY to vote for some pointless ******* TV program. It drives me up the wall how uninformed and apathetic the youth vote here and in the USA is. Trump and the Republicans could take an absolute pummelling of record proportions if younger and disadvantaged people actually vote. The best bit? If they did it would actually improve their situation as governments could no longer screw them over knowing they won't do anything about it. You don't have to solve your problems with 1 vote now, you just have to as a group make your votes ones that anyone in government would need to fight to win.

I am worried that Trump will get in again as it's shown it doesn't matter how much Republicans **** them over, many on the left are just too damn lazy to simply vote, they would much rather sit back and whinge.
Voting in the United States is hard. If you live in the country and don't have a car you can't vote without someone giving you a ride. If you live in a city my might be a little easier but a lot of cities have really **** public transportation.

last midterm I was lucky that my one professor treated it as a holiday we could vote. I was on crutches so I drove but I could run to my voting station. If you work and don't have a car (and can't afford an Uber) I highly doubt you could get to a voting place before it closes.

this is all don't intentionally btw. voting on a workday with polling places that are hard to get to is done so that poor people can't vote. The correlation between income and voting isn't an accident.

how unaware the middle and upper class are of the issues of the working class in this country is astonishing. I've had a car since my 16th birthday so getting to a voting station has never been an issue. If your parents can't buy you a car and you don't have a reasonable income until 22-23 (even then you might still use public transportation) voting is going to be really hard.
And the worst part is the turnout skews an already skewed system even further. The US system is heavily stacked in favour of white male right wing boomers so that all other things being equal, they would still win. However who are the people that actually turn out to vote? White right wing boomers. Something that really ****** me off about my generation is we have the numbers so significantly affect politics but are ignored because we are too apathetic to simply get of our arses and vote yet will PAY to vote for some pointless ******* TV program. It drives me up the wall how uninformed and apathetic the youth vote here and in the USA is. Trump and the Republicans could take an absolute pummelling of record proportions if younger and disadvantaged people actually vote. The best bit? If they did it would actually improve their situation as governments could no longer screw them over knowing they won't do anything about it. You don't have to solve your problems with 1 vote now, you just have to as a group make your votes ones that anyone in government would need to fight to win.

I am worried that Trump will get in again as it's shown it doesn't matter how much Republicans **** them over, many on the left are just too damn lazy to simply vote, they would much rather sit back and whinge.

You're not the only one Rage. It would be a travesty if Trump won again in November. All the rest of the world can do is sit back and watch and hope enough swing state voters in the right key swing states have been totally disgusted enough by Trump's ineptitude to change their's to Biden.

I note Obama has heavily criticised Trump, after largely staying silent the last 3 years and also finally endorsed Biden. With him and Michele on board, they will hopefully be a big part of Biden's campaign to get the black vote out, which after Obama left office, didn't turn out for Hilary 4 years ago. Even Hilary and Sanders have have come out and endorsed Biden. So, it will be interesting to see how much they can galvanise their supporters to come out and vote for Biden. And with Hilary no longer in the equation how the female electorate use their vote.

I am no fan of Biden, but this November's election is so important - it's for the very soul of America and what they stand for. Another 4 years of Trump, would just confirm the last 4 years wasn't a fluke and America really has abdicated it's responsibility a leader of the free world.

Voting in the United States is hard. If you live in the country and don't have a car you can't vote without someone giving you a ride. If you live in a city my might be a little easier but a lot of cities have really **** public transportation.

last midterm I was lucky that my one professor treated it as a holiday we could vote. I was on crutches so I drove but I could run to my voting station. If you work and don't have a car (and can't afford an Uber) I highly doubt you could get to a voting place before it closes.

this is all don't intentionally btw. voting on a workday with polling places that are hard to get to is done so that poor people can't vote. The correlation between income and voting isn't an accident.

how unaware the middle and upper class are of the issues of the working class in this country is astonishing. I've had a car since my 16th birthday so getting to a voting station has never been an issue. If your parents can't buy you a car and you don't have a reasonable income until 22-23 (even then you might still use public transportation) voting is going to be really hard.

Yeah here in the UK elections are held on Thursdays. It's pretty obvious weekdays are chosen to put off a large proportion of the electorate from voting. Why can't it be held on weekends? No reason here in the UK other than bloody tradition of holding it on a Thursday.

It's crazy in the 21st century why first world countries like the UK and US cannot create a secure online voting system, where you don't have to bloody travel miles or have a car to get to place to vote.
I think trump wins the popular vote this time. I think conservatives and moderates who didn't vote for him on character issues will vote for him based on the market doing well under his watch. All his bad policy doesn't really hurt those who have money.

A lot of people who held up their nose and voted for Hilary aren't going to vote for Biden this time around.
I think trump wins the popular vote this time. I think conservatives and moderates who didn't vote for him on character issues will vote for him based on the market doing well under his watch. All his bad policy doesn't really hurt those who have money.

A lot of people who held up their nose and voted for Hilary aren't going to vote for Biden this time around.

Market doing well under his watch? Even with 30 million plus unemployed and counting and all his lies and outright lunacy; plus likely one of the deepest recessions because of his lack of action back in February and not preparing properly. If you're right then the conservatives and Moderates are more messed up than I thought. Still a long way to go until November.

Most people likely already made up their mind on Trump. It's those swing state voters you can never tell and relying on. Not really buying the polls right now (burnt before with Brexit/2017 here).

The way I see it Trump wins and he'll be even smugger than he is now. The GOP and right will crow from 'til the cows come home how they won again despite the hostile media. History is on their side and I think if America can re-elect Dubya despite Iraq they can again vote in Trump back in. Despite 100,000 plus dead from COVID-19 by November. I will shake my head in disbelief that America has allowed Trump yet again to get away with it and reward him for his last 4 years.

For me he would just down in history below, but the modern day western equivalent of the likes of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot (not to extent to their insane numbers whom they killed), but who still facilitated one of the biggest mass murders on American soil. And despite his handling the conservative and moderates reinforced all that Trump stands for.

If he loses in a tight contest and it boils down to one state like 2000, then he's gonna take this all the way to the Supreme Court where he's got the majority of conservative justices, of which he appointed two of them. He could get it turned over.

In the unlikely event he gets hammered and Biden wins by a landslide then Trump will cry victim and rant that the election was totally rigged. He won't go quietly. If he is forced out he'll spend the next 4 years ranting and spouting conspiracy theories at how the elite stole the election from him.

If he gets booted out tight or big He'll probably enjoy going back on the roads again to campaign. He never really enjoyed the day to day work of being POTUS anyway. He never expected to win last time (Cohen) It was always part of his plan to boost his brand and wealth. And then what go again for 2024?

What a great future US politics has to look forward to.
conservatives and moderates have always sucked. It's blue governors who are getting most of the criticism for shutting down the states, not Trump. White-collar workers are still happy they have jobs and the market has (somewhat) steadied after the corporate bailout. His poor supporters are going to keep blaming the democrats.

Like you said, no one is changing their mind on Trump so it just matters how many people are going to vote for Biden. Which I must say, every time Biden gets mentioned in the news he looks worse.

I think the dems have a pretty good chance in down-ballot elections. There are some key senate and house seats up for grabs and I think those might be a little less decisive without trump's cult of personality.
If Trump wins again it will just beggar belief that conservatives and moderates have endorsed Trump's behaviour and incompetence in his first term. If this current crisis doesn't make those swing state voters come out in force and vote against Trump and vote for Biden nothing else I can see will. They now have a chance to put 2016 abomination right.

And if it does turn out Trump win then I think it would confirm that this is not about that for them but an identity issue of what Trump represents: a White Nationalist standing up for white America before white Caucasions become the minority in the USA, despite being the most incompetent, lying POTUS in living memory. He's already degraded the office to the lowest level imaginable.
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