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Also spotted last year in HK with President Duterte.:p
ARGH need to rant about this a friend posted, it has a point in that its capturing some of the public mood about the press but fails utterly to understand the point of the press. The purpose of the (political) press like the opposition it scrutinise and investigate the ongoing of the government (and in the presses case other political parties) its not to be another mouthpiece for the government. If you want to do that just read conservative and goverment press releases and ignore journalists I swear some people want to live in authoritarian dictatorship.....

ARGH need to rant about this a friend posted, it has a point in that its capturing some of the public mood about the press but fails utterly to understand the point of the press. The purpose of the (political) press like the opposition it scrutinise and investigate the ongoing of the government (and in the presses case other political parties) its not to be another mouthpiece for the government. If you want to do that just read conservative and goverment press releases and ignore journalists I swear some people want to live in authoritarian dictatorship.....


Plus the hypocrisy in that the right wing will never hesitate to stick the boot in if it's a left wing government where things are going wrong and demand the press do the same. It's always "not the right time". Also this crisis in part very much was the making of the government and they should not allow this one to slip through like a whole load of other government policies and blunders that barely got challenged.
ARGH need to rant about this a friend posted, it has a point in that its capturing some of the public mood about the press but fails utterly to understand the point of the press. The purpose of the (political) press like the opposition it scrutinise and investigate the ongoing of the government (and in the presses case other political parties) its not to be another mouthpiece for the government. If you want to do that just read conservative and goverment press releases and ignore journalists I swear some people want to live in authoritarian dictatorship.....

Off topic (I do agree) - I always find it amusing when someone tries so hard to be eloquent and fucks it up in one or two stupid and needless ways. Here it's feeling the need to clarify that the great country referenced is the United Kingdom following a paragraph calling out numerous UK journalists. Just couldn't help him/herself.
Plus the hypocrisy in that the right wing will never hesitate to stick the boot in if it's a left wing government where things are going wrong and demand the press do the same. It's always "not the right time". Also this crisis in part very much was the making of the government and they should not allow this one to slip through like a whole load of other government policies and blunders that barely got challenged.
Yup failings where the government have created issues in the crisis should very much be up scrutiny both during and after the crisis. I'm willing to cut them huge levels of slack on following scientists advice (I'd very much like to understand detail of when they decided to go into lockdown but at the time it appears they were following advice) just failures beforehand to prepare for peak crisis.

Plus there's the dishonesty angle with panorama whilst I care very much the NHS doesn't have the correct PPE, I accept they may have had to downgrade it to what they did have as a matter of pragmatism. However to not inform NHS staff this had occurred and attempt to bluster it is suitable is utterly wrong and they need to be called out on it. Same as The Sunday Times article about the governments lack of action in the early days.
ARGH need to rant about this a friend posted, it has a point in that its capturing some of the public mood about the press but fails utterly to understand the point of the press. The purpose of the (political) press like the opposition it scrutinise and investigate the ongoing of the government (and in the presses case other political parties) its not to be another mouthpiece for the government. If you want to do that just read conservative and goverment press releases and ignore journalists I swear some people want to live in authoritarian dictatorship.....


Sugar is a ******. Always has been. He made his money off the back of others knowledge - much like Trump - does anyone thing Sugar knows how to design the components in a computer?

The BBC are utterly failing to act as a neutral party right now. Go look at their news homepage.

Boris smiling on some stairs. A hundred year old that can walk around a garden, explanation of R0 for the thick who should have known weeks ago, and one corner saying "probable government will miss 100,000 test target" - which if you go into is then a load of fluff with a few quotes from professionals saying "mass testing" is needed.

Not one bit of hard journalism there grilling the government on why they aren't doing what needs to be done and why their targets aren't even where they need to be to.
Yup failings where the government have created issues in the crisis should very much be up scrutiny both during and after the crisis. I'm willing to cut them huge levels of slack on following scientists advice (I'd very much like to understand detail of when they decided to go into lockdown but at the time it appears they were following advice) just failures beforehand to prepare for peak crisis.

I'd love to see the meeting minutes from then.

If the government are following scientific advice and have had no interest in compromising said advice, surely they wouldn't be afraid to publish the minutes... would they?
The BBC are utterly failing to act as a neutral party right now. Go look at their news homepage
It's weird cause the news has their tongues up the Tories arses, but then they also put out stuff like the recent panorama which basically called for the guillotine
It's weird cause the news has their tongues up the Tories arses, but then they also put out stuff like the recent panorama which basically called for the guillotine

Are there two completely separate entities within the BBC - the investigative side and the "daily news" side?

Your absolutely right though - panorama especially is one of the best investigative programmes on the planet, yet look at the dirge on their main news website.
ARGH need to rant about this a friend posted, it has a point in that its capturing some of the public mood about the press but fails utterly to understand the point of the press. The purpose of the (political) press like the opposition it scrutinise and investigate the ongoing of the government (and in the presses case other political parties) its not to be another mouthpiece for the government. If you want to do that just read conservative and goverment press releases and ignore journalists I swear some people want to live in authoritarian dictatorship.....


It's really worrying because in America and the U.K as well as elsewhere the governments and politicians and managed to change the narrative to avoid criticism. This was a segment of LBC and highlights how the government changes it wording or what it's measuring to make out that it has achieved it's targets or that Britain isn't worse than other countries.

Pence said yesterday that we hit our testing goal because we have the capability to swab whatever number he said we would meet. Apparently actually performing wasn't part of the goal.
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