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A Political Thread

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You are correct. This is very much a left wing/anti Brexit echo chamber.
We just explained why his example was shite.

Either way echo-chambers are what tends to happen even more so these days, Brexit polarised the UK a huge amount but that isn't really a left/right wing divide. Any place which is not a echo-chamber tends to be a cesspit by both sides just check out twitter.

I'd say center-left rather than straight up left there aren't many Corbyn true believers on here. May appear more left due to current leaders of right parties but considering Johnson is quickly driving away his entire center-right wing its easy to think of anyone on the Overton Window that people of the center-left are left or hard left.

But yes its an echo chamber as are most places. But unless your a rampant somethingist or defend Trumpian actions I don't think your opinions will be automatically dismissed or not engaged with.
Yes everything is a massive anti Corbyn conspiracy
Sorry - what's Johnson being interviewed on LBC got to do with Corbyn? Apart from right-wing deflection that is.
May appear more left due to current leaders of right parties but considering Johnson is quickly driving away his entire center-right wing its easy to think of anyone on the Overton Window that people of the center-left are left or hard left.
Get with the times!
The Overton window is flat-out broken at the moment, there are 2, smaller windows, with a gaping chasm in between where no-one's allowed to paint an opponent as fitting in. Anyone to the left of Chamberlain is a rampant Corbynista, and anyone to the right of Foot is a pseudo-nazi
How is it a conspiracy?
He's being interviewed by a softball rightwinger - that's a fact

LBC is a commercial radio station what has Nigel Farage on it: why are people surprised/complaining that Johnson is being interviewed by a "soft rightwinger"? Its not surprising.

Channel 4 put some ice in place of a tory in a debate the other night: Channel 4 are very left leaning so again this isn't a surprise that they have a dig a the tories.

The point is every side is constantly moaning about media bias when the coverage has been very even. Yes Sky news and the daily mail are going to be very pro tory in the same way Channel 4 news and The Guardian are very pro Lib dem/Labour but overall no side can claim its had a harder time than the other.

The BBC has remained very impartial and has done a very good job of fact checking all the major parties as they have all come out with bullshit of one sort of another.

People who are complaining about bias need to look at how badly their hero's are performing during debates and interviews and stop blaming the media.

PS: If Boris Johnson avoids doing the Andrew Neil interview then its not the bloody BBC's fault.
Channel 4 put empty chaired by placing some ice in place of a tory Boris Johnson in a Climate Change Leaders debate the other night because Boris Johnson refused to take part and sent Gove instead
Sorry I'm going to correct a huge amount of this because there is some bullshit going round by the Tories (not accusing you of it). Basically it was a debate about climate change for party leaders and the Tories refused to let their leader take part.
Honestly if Johnson refuses to do Andrew Neil they should just broadcast it anyway with Kate Burley style 'questions I would of asked'.
Sorry I'm going to correct a huge amount of this because there is some bullshit going round by the Tories (not accusing you of it). Basically it was a debate about climate change for party leaders and the Tories refused to let their leader take part.

Yes I get that and I am not surprised that Channel 4 did what they did and I am glad they made a point of it because Johnson is ducking out of difficult situations, my annoyance is with Tories moaning about it on Twitter in the same way Labour supporters are moaning about a number of things such as the recent Neil interview with Corbyn.

The coverage of the election has been very even: the partisan media has sided with their normal alliances and the BBC have been straight down the middle and doing a very good job of calling our ******** when they see it.
Yeah right, that's why "Trump" has been mentioned on this thread over 150 times in the last year and with "Trudeau" getting zero mentions during the same time period, despite the multiple black face scandal.
Can you honestly tell me that if Canada had a right leaning leader the scandal wouldn't be mentioned on this left leaning thread at least once?

You do realise that supports my point right? Trudeau did black face. When found out he apologised unreservedly and admitted it was wrong. His supporters also admitted it was wrong. He was held to account for something he did. When has Trump apologised for anything he has done wrong? When has he even admitted he did anything wrong? How many scandals has Trump had compared to Trudeau? How often do his supporters make excuses for his actions?

This EXACTLY proves my point.
Boris Johnson has served notice that he intends to clip the power of the courts in what leading lawyers said was revenge for outlawing his attempt to suspend parliament.

The prime minister is understood to have insisted that the Conservative party manifesto include a promise of constitutional reform so that he could claim a mandate to reform the Supreme Court and House of Lords.

A little-noticed section of the manifesto, published this week, states that "after Brexit we also need to look at the broader aspects of our constitution: the relationship between the government, parliament and the courts; the functioning of the royal prerogative".
Richard Tice, chairman of the Brexit party, is present on the BBC1 debate tonight. Can't wait to see him get torn a new one
Richard Tice, chairman of the Brexit party, is present on the BBC1 debate tonight. Can't wait to see him get torn a new one
eh the problem with being the sole complete loon whom everyone disagrees with is generate a fair bit of sympathy.
Cockwomble on BBC1 right now shamelessly playing politics and blaming Corbyn and Labour for the London Bridge attack and ignoring the question about the Tories having been in power for the past 10 years.
Cockwomble on BBC1 right now shamelessly playing politics and blaming Corbyn and Labour for the London Bridge attack and ignoring the question about the Tories having been in power for the past 10 years.

It's quite incredible how people can say they trust BoJo
It's quite incredible how people can say they trust BoJo

He's a nasty self serving lier. Most people voting for him won't even have bothered their arses to properly inform themselves and watch this trainwreck of an interview.
Corbyn really got the full establishment treatment this election. I almost thought he was a member of the SNP with the coordinated level of misinformation thrown in his direction by state media and private outlets with wealthy, right wing owners.

In Scotland we have had the same old, same old. Basically the same story regurgitated for three weeks about the SNP somehow being personally responsible for one, or maybe two kids dying in a hospital. Ambulance chasers in the media putting a microphone under grieving mothers egging them on to denounce the Scottish government.

Meanwhile, a story about dozens of child deaths and deaths of mothers in England gets literally less than a hundredth of the level of coverage.


Try googling about English child deaths and you get the Scottish story instead from the BBC and can only get the English story via the US! Election in a nutshell right there.

Those anticipating a good showing from Andrew Neil should be aware his previous occupation was applying a raging Tory editorial stance at the Scotsman newspaper, which alienated most of the population and brought the papers circulation to the floor. If Neil is the independent arbiter we are relying on to make this election a wholesome exercise in democracy then heaven help us.

Personally, I consider him a grade-A tool that does little for political discourse.
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Yeah right, that's why "Trump" has been mentioned on this thread over 150 times in the last year and with "Trudeau" getting zero mentions during the same time period, despite the multiple black face scandal.
Can you honestly tell me that if Canada had a right leaning leader the scandal wouldn't be mentioned on this left leaning thread at least once?

As covered by other posters, the forum has certain biases towards what is covered in the UK media, and the US gets wall to wall coverage, to the extent that the main state broadcaster changed their 'World News' to Trumps '100 days' to focus more on the US instead of the rest of the world. This '100 days' is still going, over 1000 days into his presidency.

Trudeau is a strange one. Heart in the right place but head up his backside on some topics, such as what is appropriate party-wear. A typical sign of political nepotism and dynasties being a terrible thing and of the massive advantages granted to people who had a certain privileged upbringings.

If people want more international talk, then go for it.

How about the main opposition in South Africa, the National Alliance reinstating a senior figure (a former leader) who felt the need to repeatedly state that some parts of colonialism were good, and how this reinstatement resulted in the two most senior non-white members of the party, including their leader, feeling that their position was untenable in such a party and resigning?


If the National Alliance leadership and their voters think this is the way to go about installing competent governance in South Africa then heaven help them.
To the surprise of absolutely everyone, trunp will not be turning up to the house impeachment inquiry. Can't possibly think why...
You do realise that supports my point right? Trudeau did black face. When found out he apologised unreservedly and admitted it was wrong. His supporters also admitted it was wrong. He was held to account for something he did. When has Trump apologised for anything he has done wrong? When has he even admitted he did anything wrong? How many scandals has Trump had compared to Trudeau? How often do his supporters make excuses for his actions?

This EXACTLY proves my point.
Funny that, I think you guys proved my point perfectly.

Not one person even came close to branding Trudeau as racist. All responses were along the lines of he made a silly mistake because of his privileged upbringing and he was just young at the time (he was 30 in one instance). This from a guy who did black face 3 times, one of those with something stuffed down his pants. But he apologized so let's move on.

No politician even close to right leaning would get the same kind of benefit of the doubt like that. Nope, something like this would only serve as further evidence that they are in fact an irredeemable racist. Apologizing would just be used against them. They know the left have rigged the game.

So no, the left and right don't have different standards. Everybody looks over things their leaders do and look after their own side. Hence you proved my point.

How about the main opposition in South Africa, the National Alliance reinstating a senior figure (a former leader) who felt the need to repeatedly state that some parts of colonialism were good, and how this reinstatement resulted in the two most senior non-white members of the party, including their leader, feeling that their position was untenable in such a party and resigning?


If the National Alliance leadership and their voters think this is the way to go about installing competent governance in South Africa then heaven help them.
Dude, are you a troll? Seriously...

The only thing close to factual in your post is the name of the political party, and you even got that wrong. Democratic Alliance, not National Alliance.
Try reading more than just news headlines.
Not one person even came close to branding Trudeau as racist.

"Ultimately though 'youngster who did racist thing' is massively better than 'man who bragged about committing sexual assault and able to get away with it due to being famous'
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