Trump making so much sense on Fox News.
Take this for instance on Michael Cohen who allegedly paid hush money to Stormy Daniels:
"Michael is a good person. Let me just tell you that Michael is in business. He's really a businessman. Fairly big businesses, as I understand it. I don't know his business. But this doesn't have to do with me. Michael is a businessman. He has got a business. He also practices law. I would say probably the big thing is his business. And they are looking into something having to do with his business. I have nothing to do with his business," said the crank caller.
"But isn't his business being your attorney," asked Kilmeade, perhaps the softest questioner on any television show anywhere in the world.
"Just so you understand, I have many attorneys. Sadly I have so many attorneys you wouldn't even believe it," replied the caller.
So just how much of your legal work did he handle, asked Doocy.
"As a percentage of my overall legal work, a tiny, tiny little fraction but Michael would represent me and represent me on some things. He represents me like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me. And from what I see he did absolutely nothing wrong. There were no campaign funds going into this, which would have been a problem."