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I guess that's why it's called 'downloading' then.

By the same token, Tallshort, by interfering we can decide if a baby has Down's Syndrome lives or dies. Look at Iceland (no, not the Food Store) where Down's Syndrome children have almost been eradicated: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...n-first-country-world-screening-a7895996.html

Somehow I guess that they don't matter?

Some people are concerned with 'playing God' as being a slippery slope. Even in The Guardian (which is very pro-science) there was an article about screening sperm for dyslexia and asking where do people draw the line with cutting out illnesses or disorders:


It may be old fashioned, but I choose to accept people (especially the very young) just the way they are in spite of their imperfections and disabilities.

TBH i would rather my kid didn't have a disability.
I hear that Philip Schofield's in a spot of bother - allegedly touching a woman's knee (though only been told this, can't see anything online).

If it is 'fake news' I'll withdraw the post.
TBH i would rather my kid didn't have a disability.

That's your choice and I respect that.

It wouldn't matter to me, I'd love the child regardless of any disability. Many can still go on to live fulfilled lives and also contribute to the work force.
I am pro-choice, Tigs.

That means the right to choose to have a child, regardless of its ability, as well as not have one.

Whilst I respect your right to not wish to have a disabled child, many thousands of people simply do not mind and will love their child regardless.

Unlike some, I don't believe in policing perfection - I'd have Bath fans struck off were I in charge :p
So why make a song and dance about people choosing genders during pregnancy?
I mean how many people actually choose that anyway?

Nah if Bath fans where to disappear then Waitrose and Marks and Spencer would go under
I respect that it's a person's body, and their right to do what they want with it must be kept as of paramount importance. That's not to say that ethically I don't have concerns over whether it is morally right.

Morals are different for all of us, legalities and what freedom of choice these legalities give are set in stone.

Fair point about Waitrose and M&S. I prefer Morrisons and Next though.
I'll give you an example of morals v what is legally right, Tigs:

Hypothetical scenario - Leicester Tigers are put up for sale and Nigel Farage puts in an offer to buy the club.

Legally, and as far as I am aware, he has no criminal record (perhaps Aqua's Barbie Girl is in there somewhere) and the money is there - accountants have seen it and he has put together a good business package.

Morally, he is a man who has helped to divide the UK and his appointment as owner would not go down well with the majority of fans in Leicester which is mainly a Labour-run, pro-Remain culturally diverse city.

The legal side says that there is nothing wrong with the offer, and people should accept it and stop complaining.

Morally, a lot of fans would be outraged - there would be protests/sit-ins and petitions to MP's in the city to halt the takeover.

Which side is correct?
I hear that Philip Schofield's in a spot of bother - allegedly touching a woman's knee (though only been told this, can't see anything online).

If it is 'fake news' I'll withdraw the post.
This a politics thread not a celebrity gossip/scandal thread.
So why make a song and dance about people choosing genders during pregnancy?
I mean how many people actually choose that anyway?

Nah if Bath fans where to disappear then Waitrose and Marks and Spencer would go under

Nonsense, as a Bath fan I always shop scum class at Aldi
How many children have you got?

Currently zero of my own, biologically, but I help to bring up my cousin's daughter who has autism and a bi-polar disorder.

So I do have some experience of looking after children, even though no I am not a Father myself.
Currently zero of my own, biologically, but I help to bring up my cousin's daughter who has autism and a bi-polar disorder.

So I do have some experience of looking after children, even though no I am not a Father myself.

Ok because all children arescranned for Downs in the UK as well at 20 weeks so its not just Iceland. I only asked because if you had kids I didnt know if you had opted out of the scanning.
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