And that is a prime example of how Trump still has support.
All facts and evidence must be fake by definition; on the rare occasions that they actually come into contact with aTrump supporter. Anything pro-Trump must be true however, because Trump said so. The media is all out to get him and care only for bringing him down (selling papers / advertising be damned now) with the possible exceptions of Faux News and Brietbart - but only those for as long as they support Trump.
Oh, and he isn't Hillary, her emails and corruption are the ONLY thing that matter. Trump's emails and corruption are completely irrelevant in this because they can't possibly be worse, because Trump said so.
Basically the Trump base is a religion; a cult; nothing to do with politics othing than also having the slightly wavering support of people who will o ly vote for someone wearing a red rosette (because at least they're no damned commies!)
There is literally nothing Trump can do that would upset his base; even using words that Trump has said can't counter Trump's current position on... anything, and trying will just result in closed eyes, fingers in the ears and a collective cry of "la la la I can't hear you; la la la Hillary's emails" Trump could ignore an impeachment order and set his security staff against cops coming to arrest him, and his base will lap it up, he could impose martial law of California, and his base would cheer him. About the only thing Trump could do to upset his base would be to criticise Jebus or guns, and I'm not sure that even that would make much difference.