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A Political Thread pt. 2

What are your thoughts on Thatcher?
Did some good things, did some bad. Pretty good for the Police and military to a degree which I'm very supportive of.

Did well for a woman to get where she did given the times. Which could not have been easy given it was more a 'mans' world back then.

Got on well with America and was a firm allie.

Won a war on are own with little help.

I understand why some people can't stand her
Don't pull that strawman. Nowhere have I said these are "good" people or "my" people, and I notice that you actually didn't address the point at all. You have not explained why all these right wing people don't have a good thing to say about Trump. For someone who claims to care about "truth", your constant and repeated dodging of evidence being put before you displays a supreme intellectual cowardice.

Again a strawman, I suggest you stop putting words in my mouth. I have asked you to again justify why Trump and ONLY Trump has had masses of ex staffers come out and condemn him. I've made no comment on the character of the people, I've not claimed they are on my side, I've not said they may not have motives of their own, I've asked you to justify why ONLY Trump has faced this. I suggest you stop trying to reframe it and actually answer the question put before you. If the best you have it that they are just railing against a former employer, that's really weak.

No, I think very little of politicians, which is why I am fully on board with holding them to account and limiting their power. You are the one who is sticking their fingers in their ears and refusing to even contemplate the possibility that Trump is as bad as people say. At the moment Trump is not being held to account for anything, I'm the one here arguing that he needs to be, you are the one here arguing any attempt to highlight his abuses are just TDS and ignoring it all.

Again you are creating a strawman, I have not lauded these people anywhere and your intellectual cowardice by constantly making strawman arguments is really pathetic. You have proven to me you have zero interest in the truth because you have dismissed everything put before you. The only one engaging in team player behaviour here is you. Despite your protestations, you repeatedly refuse to listen to any evidence that shows Trump for what he is and simply engage in logical fallacies or cry TDS.

And again you ignore the fact I've told you my own family member dealt with these people personally. Do you want to claim my cousin is a self-serving liar you piece of ****?

The best you can come up with is asserting that these people have an axe to grind against a previous employer, which is a ******* weak response given the sheer numbers involved, you've not been able to justify why this is unique to Trump when other presidents would surely also have people with an axe to grind for the same reason and you have not answered what it will take to convince you Trump is as bad as people say.

It's clear your claims of wanting the truth are pure bullshit. You've nailed your colours to the mast.
Mate re read this vitriolic, skewed hatred filled rant and tell me you are being rational?!

I havnt once mentioned any family member of yours, and you've just called me a peice of **** for calling your cousin a self serving liar lol that's an unhinged statement!!!

You claim I'm strawmanning, but you named individuals, reprehensible individuals in some cases, as being anti Trump. If you weren't holding levels of respect or reverence for these people why would you name them? Me laughing at these people isn't a strawman. A Strawman would be, me calling you a peice of **** for laughing at my self serving lying cousin that you never mentioned to me once!

Plus with regards to your cousin, I don't know you, I don't know if you have a cousin, I don't know if that cousin is secretary of state, or a mailman? Why would you referencing your cousin mean absolutely anything to me, if I responded that my brother was your cousins boss would you blindly agree with me?!

I can 100% agree with you on limiting politicians power, I personally think the coalition government's in Europe are best suited to that, and I dislike the American 2 option system (although I probably would have voted independent my entire life, except for Obama 1, we were all fooled by that let's be honest).

But look at your tone, your vitriol, 'intellectual cowardice' your discussing Trump with a stranger on a rugby board, don't let your emotions run away with you, no need to pull a Martin Johnston and punch the desk, you can accept that I don't agree that Trump is going to end the world, destroy the constitution and mass murder immigrants. Your an extremist, and I commend your use of AI or research on all issues, but in trying so hard to win, your not trying to grow.

Would I have voted Trump? No, is it entertaining watching the furore around his actions, of course it is.
Mate re read this vitriolic, skewed hatred filled rant and tell me you are being rational?!

I havnt once mentioned any family member of yours, and you've just called me a peice of **** for calling your cousin a self serving liar lol that's an unhinged statement!!!

You claim I'm strawmanning, but you named individuals, reprehensible individuals in some cases, as being anti Trump. If you weren't holding levels of respect or reverence for these people why would you name them? Me laughing at these people isn't a strawman. A Strawman would be, me calling you a peice of **** for laughing at my self serving lying cousin that you never mentioned to me once!

Plus with regards to your cousin, I don't know you, I don't know if you have a cousin, I don't know if that cousin is secretary of state, or a mailman? Why would you referencing your cousin mean absolutely anything to me, if I responded that my brother was your cousins boss would you blindly agree with me?!

I can 100% agree with you on limiting politicians power, I personally think the coalition government's in Europe are best suited to that, and I dislike the American 2 option system (although I probably would have voted independent my entire life, except for Obama 1, we were all fooled by that let's be honest).

But look at your tone, your vitriol, 'intellectual cowardice' your discussing Trump with a stranger on a rugby board, don't let your emotions run away with you, no need to pull a Martin Johnston and punch the desk, you can accept that I don't agree that Trump is going to end the world, destroy the constitution and mass murder immigrants. Your an extremist, and I commend your use of AI or research on all issues, but in trying so hard to win, your not trying to grow.

Would I have voted Trump? No, is it entertaining watching the furore around his actions, of course it is.
Re read yours and tell me it's anything other than a string of strawman fallacies.

No you haven't once mentioned them, but I have and they are confirming these accounts that you are now trying to dismiss as little more than the lies of politicians with an axe to grind. So, the fact my own family member also corroborates this from first hand experience, and you have called those who are suggesting it liars, by extension you are calling my family member a liar. You didn't refute the claims made in your attempt to discredit them, you attacked the people making those claims. Well one of the people making those claims as I've said is my own cousin so yes, you are calling them a self serving liar.

I named them because no other president in history has had a whole set of staffers come out and say they are unfit for office. If they are such awful people then, even in trying to defend it, you are admitting that Trump was woefully bad at selecting his staffers. I also named them precisely because they are not politically aligned with me and do not have a default political opposition to right wing views. You still have no given any remotely plausible reason for why they all said this except claiming they are horrible people with an axe to grind. That is feeble.

I told you exactly what position my cousin had an even posted an image of their job role from the time earlier... Here it is again
That is who my cousin was during the first Trump administration. You can flat out deny it as it seems you do with every other bit of evidence you have been given, or you can finally start accepting what I'm telling you is the truth for a change. They were working in the British embassy in Washington DC at the time, which involved plenty of meeting people from the Whitehouse. So let me put it to you in black and white, clear as day. These stories about how childish Trump is, how vindictive, how lazy, how hateful? THEY ARE TRUE! It's not an act, it is the real Trump. For god sake man, Trump didn't even care about the possibility of Pence being lynched because he didn't try to illegally hand the election to Trump. How on Earth can you ignore this!? You think he was so desperate to stay in character he'd see his vice president murdered rather than break character!?

Yeah my tone is aggressive because I make the time and effort to properly list out an argument and then you just deflect over and over. You lie, you strawman, you reel through fallacies, you routinely just throw around "TDS" without addressing any of the points raised to you, you do anything and everything except deal with what's being put in front of you. You claim Trumps actions are just a caricature, I've now given you a huge list of people close to Trump who confirm it isn't, it's who he is. I've told you I have first hand accounts testifying to that. There is a mountain of public evidence on top of that too to support it and yet you still blindly assert it's not the case. It is the case, that is what Trump is. It's not just left wing people who oppose Trump politically who say it, it's his closest advisors from his last presidency who say it. FFS his Vice president and his chief of staff, the 2 people who work closer with the president than anyone else, BOTH said he is wholly unfit to be president, among others. You simply wave your arms, go "they aren't nice people, you don't agree with them anyway, therefore their opinion doesn't count". Don't you find it ironic that you accuse me of only supporting my team and in the next breath are complaining when I make a point of using the opinions of people very clearly NOT on my team to support my position, almost like my position isn't in fact tied to a "team"...

You see I don't find watching the destruction of decency, the rule of law and democracy entertaining. I find it sickening. I'm firmly of the belief that politicians should be held to the highest standards and politics kept under the closest scrutiny by the populace. You appear to not give a damn as long as you get a bit of a chuckle out of those of us who actually do give a damn about these things getting wound up by your apathy.
Mate re read this vitriolic, skewed hatred filled rant and tell me you are being rational?!

I havnt once mentioned any family member of yours, and you've just called me a peice of **** for calling your cousin a self serving liar lol that's an unhinged statement!!!

You claim I'm strawmanning, but you named individuals, reprehensible individuals in some cases, as being anti Trump. If you weren't holding levels of respect or reverence for these people why would you name them? Me laughing at these people isn't a strawman. A Strawman would be, me calling you a peice of **** for laughing at my self serving lying cousin that you never mentioned to me once!

Plus with regards to your cousin, I don't know you, I don't know if you have a cousin, I don't know if that cousin is secretary of state, or a mailman? Why would you referencing your cousin mean absolutely anything to me, if I responded that my brother was your cousins boss would you blindly agree with me?!

I can 100% agree with you on limiting politicians power, I personally think the coalition government's in Europe are best suited to that, and I dislike the American 2 option system (although I probably would have voted independent my entire life, except for Obama 1, we were all fooled by that let's be honest).

But look at your tone, your vitriol, 'intellectual cowardice' your discussing Trump with a stranger on a rugby board, don't let your emotions run away with you, no need to pull a Martin Johnston and punch the desk, you can accept that I don't agree that Trump is going to end the world, destroy the constitution and mass murder immigrants. Your an extremist, and I commend your use of AI or research on all issues, but in trying so hard to win, your not trying to grow.

Would I have voted Trump? No, is it entertaining watching the furore around his actions, of course it is.
He has Stage 4 TDS. Don't take it personally.
Trump is no businessmen...

It's hard to take people seriously when claiming billionaire businessmen, who become leader of the free world twice are just petulant children who luck into these things... the hubris on you man!

I'm not saying he's a genius, but let's be honest, he's super accomplished, dumb people don't acheive as much as he has.

I don't understand why it's so difficult to have honest discussions about Trump, it turns to hyperbole within seconds.

We can agree despite Mr A. Dolph being heinous and enacting atrocities, he had strengths as a leader, he was charismatic and a good public speaker, and great at appointing smart people around him.

We don't need to support someone to acknowledge these things, it's why I seem to end up looking pro Trump, and it's merely because I take an unbiased holistic view of situations.
He claims he started from nothing, doesn't mention to $400 mill he inherited, which he managed to avoid paying tax on, oh don't forget daddy tried to bail him out at the casinos.

Casinos bankruptcies, failed businesses vodka, university (fraudulent), airline, steaks etc and more all failures.

He has a history of not paying workers and sub contractors, he was also employing illegal immigrants whilst decrying their existence.

According to available tax returns he suffered so much in losses than he didn't have to pay tax for 18 years, he's been proved to book expenses to pay his daughter and personal services so he deducts turn from tax.

Don't not forget the number of times he went to court to keep his tax returns secret after saying for many years he would happy to release

Also noticeable strumpet and vincent haven't released any tax returns prior to this term either

For brevity this link to wiki allows you to find mist if the truth through other links

Plus these

There's hundreds of links out there it's difficult to find.

He's a shyster if the worst kind.

Don't forget his corp has been found guilty of tax fraud, which he got someone else to take the fall.

His charitable foundation was also found to be fraudulent, probably another tax scheme.

He's been found liable to business fraud from banks.

He's been found guilty of 34 counts of tax fraud

Alan Sugar is a saint compared to strumpet.
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Oh everyone is finally asleep. Nice. What little treats can I leave for our friends from the island where the sun doesn't shine.

Well, first. I never understood why Scottish-Americans have the worst performance and lowest cognitive scores of all European immigrants, until I met some of you lot and realized all scots are practically geniuses comparatively.
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Mate re read this vitriolic, skewed hatred filled rant and tell me you are being rational?!

I havnt once mentioned any family member of yours, and you've just called me a peice of **** for calling your cousin a self serving liar lol that's an unhinged statement!!!

You claim I'm strawmanning, but you named individuals, reprehensible individuals in some cases, as being anti Trump. If you weren't holding levels of respect or reverence for these people why would you name them? Me laughing at these people isn't a strawman. A Strawman would be, me calling you a peice of **** for laughing at my self serving lying cousin that you never mentioned to me once!

Plus with regards to your cousin, I don't know you, I don't know if you have a cousin, I don't know if that cousin is secretary of state, or a mailman? Why would you referencing your cousin mean absolutely anything to me, if I responded that my brother was your cousins boss would you blindly agree with me?!

I can 100% agree with you on limiting politicians power, I personally think the coalition government's in Europe are best suited to that, and I dislike the American 2 option system (although I probably would have voted independent my entire life, except for Obama 1, we were all fooled by that let's be honest).

But look at your tone, your vitriol, 'intellectual cowardice' your discussing Trump with a stranger on a rugby board, don't let your emotions run away with you, no need to pull a Martin Johnston and punch the desk, you can accept that I don't agree that Trump is going to end the world, destroy the constitution and mass murder immigrants. Your an extremist, and I commend your use of AI or research on all issues, but in trying so hard to win, your not trying to grow.

Would I have voted Trump? No, is it entertaining watching the furore around his actions, of course it is.
You have been behaving like a true Richard head in this thread for a while not, coming out with a load of rubbish and misquoting others here to try and find an arguement.

You really need to sit back and re read some of what you have been spouting, a good deal doesn't make sense now and to be honest I scroll through your efforts.

@ragey for god's sake please stop engaging him for all our sakes
@Ragey Erasmus is a lot like his profile picture….

Another product of English hubris who, when the lights are the brightest and the big game moments appear, leaves us exasperated at his abilities versus elite competition. And asking the profound question, is he anything more than his rapidly thinning head of hair?
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Well, first. I never understood why's Scottish-Americans have the worst performance and lowest cognitive scores of all European immigrants, until I met some of you lot and realized all lot are practically geniuses comparatively.
It's the American in them I assure you

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Oh everyone is finally asleep. Nice. What little treats can I leave for our friends from the island where the sun doesn't shine.

i assume you realise its stuff like that that fuels the arguments, the "own the libs", "i dont respect these people so will make a joke about things they are concerned about"...but then people have TDS because they might have taken the bait

its like as @dirty harry said, trump owns the news cycle by saying crazy things, winning the headlines is more important than whats even said....but then people that are concerned with whats been said get accused of having TDS if they take anything at face value
Even when they disagree the Irish remain charitable and good hearted like @Leonormous Boozer. Although I do wish I could say the same about Johnny Boy…


Who said it, @ncurd or Sexton?

Answer: Both
@Kiwiwomble decided to crash the party but like his faraway island, he didn't bring anything interesting except regurgitated, tired arguments about decorum, humility, and honoring traditions.

Hmm, I wonder if he secretly works for the NZ Rugby board 🤨
@Yulia seems like a good chap. He seems pretty measured and willing to listen to arguments from both sides?

Wait, hold… reports coming in from overseas. Reports from the Scottish Highlands from our resident legal expert @AlRums has a breaking news report.

Per sources close to @AlRums, @Yulia is in fact a

The literal spawn of Hilter, Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot rolled into one. Thank you for that special Scottish report @AlRums.

Next up, how to spam message boards with news articles at 7 o clock.
i assume you realise its stuff like that that fuels the arguments, the "own the libs", "i dont respect these people so will make a joke about things they are concerned about"...but then people have TDS because they might have taken the bait

its like as @dirty harry said, trump owns the news cycle by saying crazy things, winning the headlines is more important than whats even said....but then people that are concerned with whats been said get accused of having TDS if they take anything at face value

Actually, I've always thought TDS is the wrong way round, it's really for the people who blindly believe strumpet and are totally incapable of doing any research or finding a cogent arguement to support him.

If you notice the MAGAs here rarely back up any statements they make, ignore and ridicule research presented to them and fall back on the strumpet method, call then names and try to belittle or humiliate them as evidenced to Ragey and myself only a few posts earlier.
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Oh everyone is finally asleep. Nice. What little treats can I leave for our friends from the island where the sun doesn't shine.

No I'm just watching a ww2 film where the yanks failed the Brits badly, starring Gene Hackman.

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