The worst thing Biden did were the blanket immunities at the end of his presidency. Under normal circumstances, I'd have said that was really poor. However, knowing Trump fully plans to use the DoJ to go after his opponents, that gives some justification to it. Beyond that, I can't off the top of my head think of anything particularly bad he did. The Afghanistan retreat was a mess but that plan was actually agreed during the Trump administration and merely enacted during the Biden one. There was no way any withdrawal from Afghanistan was going to result in anything but a mess seeing as in all this time we haven't been able to fix it at all.
Do you write for the rolling stone by any chance?
This seems like a stone article naming the good and bad of Biden, and the bad essentially saying he didn't do more of what they wanted lol. They even called the Afghanistan withdrawal a positive hahaha
Realistically it's hard to judge Bidens presidency, partley because he wasnt capable as decided by a judge, and partly because Covid changed the world.
NAming Harris as vice was a massive error, he literally said he wanted a black woman, he basically called her a DEI hire and ruined her career.
His insistence to pat himself on the back for the 94 crime Bill was pretty bad.
The Afghanistan withdrawal was a mess, but it was a mess the military industrial complex wanted.
As were the 2 new global conflicts, Putin pretty much said he was given an opportunity through a power vacuum.
The pardons were a disgrace, as was the weaponisation of the DOJ to go after Trump pre emptively to stop him running. He had to throw those pardons around after that.
The biggest issue though IMHO was the way Dems installed Harris as the 'nomination'Biden allowing himself to be used for just long enough to avoid primary's. I genuinely think this was a major factor in Trumps victory's, not that the Dems are corrupt, because so are the Reps, but the two finger style way the Dems were being corrupt right in front of the voters fave and not attempting to hide it.
From Hunters dealings, his dropping bags of cocaine on the whitehouse steps, Zuckerberg acknowledging he withheld the laptop story etc...
Bidens presidency was one **** up after another, but not ultimately Bidens fault, he'll go down in history as not at the wheel, and trying hard to be a company man.