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A Political Thread pt. 2

I don't really know how much this is news Corbyn hasn't had the whip in a long time now. This is just the latest in a string of events where he's shown why it won't be returned.

Starmers comment should not be controversial or newsworthy.
At least he's not going to call him into the cabinet as FS (assuming a Labour win next year) and make him a Lord after this. 🤔😂

A pretty baffling ruling saying Trump did engage in an insurrection but that the 14th amendment barring those who participated in insurrection from holding office didn't apply to presidents... WTF sort of messed up reasoning is that? Why the hell would the people who wrote the 14th amendment have decided that the president would have been an exception!? It's ridiculous.

Bit of a shock result. If he is truly Libertarian, he will be expanding the rights of Argentinians whilst reducing taxes and spending. I have my doubts though as many have flown the flag of Libertarianism but been plain old conservatives, imposing low taxes on the wealthy, cutting aid to the needy and actually restricting the rights of everyone who isn't already a top dog in society (ie freedom and low taxes but only if you are wealthy. Taxes and oppression for everyone else).

We shall see how it goes. Suffice to say the various government of Argentina over the last few decades have woefully mismanaged the country with insane populist plans. I'll change my mind on him if he does turn things around but I strongly suspect he is just another Trump/Johnson/Bolsonaro, a populist being anti-establishment to get in rather than an actual Libertarian.
Patrick Vallance criticises former prime minister Boris Johnson for "ridiculous flip-flopping" and being "all over the place" in meetings.

"The right wing press are culpable and we have a weak, indecisive PM," he writes on 28 October 2020.

It's interesting reading further, apparently poor scientific understanding was also prevalent in parts of Europe. It really does highlight the issue in which democracies are set up so those who generally shout the loudest, lie the most and have the fewest morals and understanding get into positions of power whilst those with real understanding and care don't.
It's interesting reading further, apparently poor scientific understanding was also prevalent in parts of Europe. It really does highlight the issue in which democracies are set up so those who generally shout the loudest, lie the most and have the fewest morals and understanding get into positions of power whilst those with real understanding and care don't.
I do think that applies mainly in democratic nations that had populist leaders: US/UK/Brazil etc. In less populist nations such as NZ, Holland, Spain the restrictions were quicker and more decisive, as these leaders didn't rely on being popular as much although it did lead to the NZ prime minister leaving office
I do think that applies mainly in democratic nations that had populist leaders: US/UK/Brazil etc. In less populist nations such as NZ, Holland, Spain the restrictions were quicker and more decisive, as these leaders didn't rely on being popular as much although it did lead to the NZ prime minister leaving office
I wasn't referring to just Covid but more broadly the level of scientific illiteracy among those at the top. Also in other news, allies of Trump are putting together lists of 10,000's of followers who they intend to place in every single position of power and responsibility around the country they can, with the sole criteria being absolute loyalty to Trump. This includes election officials, judges, police, defence and anyone with power and influence. The intention is this will also be done alongside state level appointees in loyal states, filling them with Trump loyalists. This is laying the groundwork for dictatorship and I'm amazed that people can look at the language and stated desires of Trump and his supporters are still deny this is the goal. What sort of democratic and mentally stable leader does this?

If Trump gets a 2nd term, things are going to turn badly very very quickly and yet there are a huge number of morons fully willing to embrace it because there was a bit of inflation whilst Biden was in office that had nothing whatsoever to do with him. I honestly despair at the stupidity of people.
The covid enquiry is showing what we already knew. Sadly nothing can be done and no actions will be taken on those responsible for all this.

This needs to change. Too many of them walk away from the mess with no consequences.
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The reality is that those who were culpable will sail of into the sunset with knighthoods, lordships and a load of cash/earning power.

This country has a broken political system and is ruled by self serving Eton toff gob-shite types. They let a non toff from the Labour party in every so often to make it look like a democracy.

A two stage referendum could have been one way out. First question is whether our political system needs to change (can you imagine the result) and the second stage should include two or three options. Won't happen as we're ball deep in convention and neither the Tories nor Labour would support it.
Was there anger about him being unelected? I can't remember.
There was but considering Blair ran that election on he wouldn't serve the full term it was hardly not what the public was sold.

Brown wasn't close to a toff at all (neither was May or Major).

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