No, I definitely did not make any such assertions. If you misread me, your problem.
Here's a question, if after peer review its concluded there is an extremely high probability that the planet observed by JWST does have life (of whatever state we don't know) - will that change anything in your mindset?
Or are you asking me to present photographic evidence of a planet with civilisation on it somewhere else in the cosmos?
So we've the pilots saying they don't know what it is, the onboard video showing it, and after review by various US DoD experts, the US DoD releases the footage as unexplained. Not exactly a few hillbillies in a crop duster.
To be honest, you seem like someone that'd need them breaking out the proverbial low-rider and hopping down heathrow runway in broad daylight.
Given the observed accelerations and speeds; the gap from where we (mankind) are right now in aero engineering to where something that would have that performance is - its more likely to be extra-terrestrial in origin. Albeit it is possible that the USAF have somehow made a series of breakthroughs enabling a paradigm shift* in aeronautics and the UFO stuff is disinformation.
*talking genuine sci-fi stuff here - inertial dampening etc.