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A Political Thread pt. 2

Out of interest - what's supposed to be the conspiracy here?

That a Tory supporter and donor, supports the Tory party?
That the Sun sat on a news story (for 2 months) until a known-beforehand date for news that would embarrass the tories?*
That Murdock publications have a long and inglorious history of doing exactly this sort of thing?
That the Sun had no idea whatsoever, that releasing this story, complete with no names mentioned, would distract people from other stories?

Or that maybe, just maybe, the 2 aren't entirely coincidental?

This is hardly the territory of flat-earths or vaccine denials, quite a long way away from "conspiracy central"

* This is NOT a "good day to bury bad news - the bad news has been scheduled for weeks and months - unlike the breaking of this story.
The Times reporting Bojo has "forgotten" the passcode to his iPhone which contains the early Covid messages. How convenient.
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Ah the good old "I don't recall" defence with anything inconvenient whilst supposedly perfect recollection for everything else.
No password recovery system?
On I must add a government issued phone (I assume he wouldn't be allowed to use a personal phone for WhatsApp government business).

Anyway it's all moot I can recover the WhatsApp messages with completely diffrent hardware

1) Buy New Phone
2) Place Old SIM in New Phone
3) Log into WhatsApp
4) Wait for WhatsApp to download all your messages

Its stored in the cloud not the phone and tied to phone number not you hardware.
Out of interest - what's supposed to be the conspiracy here?

That a Tory supporter and donor, supports the Tory party?
That the Sun sat on a news story (for 2 months) until a known-beforehand date for news that would embarrass the tories?*
That Murdock publications have a long and inglorious history of doing exactly this sort of thing?
That the Sun had no idea whatsoever, that releasing this story, complete with no names mentioned, would distract people from other stories?

Or that maybe, just maybe, the 2 aren't entirely coincidental?

This is hardly the territory of flat-earths or vaccine denials, quite a long way away from "conspiracy central"

* This is NOT a "good day to bury bad news - the bad news has been scheduled for weeks and months - unlike the breaking of this story.
'More like Murdoch has the Tories in his back pocket, and will release a story like this at a time when distractions are required, without the tories needing to ask.'

As is saying peoples desire to murder people crossing the channel in small boats has been dealt a blow.

Like it or not those are conspiracy theories. Which include attempts to blame tragic or harmful events on a group of powerful individuals. It might not be in the realms of flat earthers but saying people desire to murder people in the English Channel including children isn't far off. It could be argued it's worse.

The BBC were aware of the allegations around 18/19 May. As far as i am aware the Sun became aware by the parents after this date. Are you saying the Sun had completed there investigation and gathered all relevant facts by then? Because it appears that is what you are suggesting. Even the Sun would do some form of investigation and seek legal advice prior to running a story this big. (it appear on both parts of that were p*ss poor).

Pretty much every other media outlet run with this. Media outlets and editorial staff non news corp could have all run with the other stories that have been highlighted

The Sun is a populist trash rag. The Scottish Sun has endorsed the SNP. The Sun supported Labour till 79 and it supported Blair. Murdoch took over the Sun in 69. Roughly 33 years endorsing Tory vs 20 Labour. He switches allegiances the way head lice switch heads purely for his gain. If Murdochs publications have a long history of doing this sort of thing as you state. It then must be assumed they have done this sort of thing when they have supported Labour and others. Murdoch and his publications history is doing things that benefit him be it with Labour, Tory's or the SNP or is popular.

It would not surprise me if the Sun switches to Labour again at the next GE. If they do, i hope people will call out the Sun and Murdoch for covering up for Keir Starmer. Other wise it's simply hypocrisy based on political allegiances.

I agree that the mural thing and the Borris phone thing are a disgrace. Those stories don't sell papers like the Sun. It might simply be that a s*x scandal sells papers. Which is more of a reflection on what the Sun readership want and the UK as a whole.
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You still need to show me the claimed conspiracy. At worst, I see some mild cynicism in my post.

If my claim that a Tory supporter supports the Tory party is supposed to be a conspiracy theory, then what you're doing is remarkably close to gaslighting. (There's a proper word for it, but it's 2.30am and my brain isn't playing ball - but attempting to discredit a point of view by throwing a distracting word/phrase around and not engaing with any substance)

Now, please find me where I'm blaming a tragic or harmful event on a group of powerful individuals.
The timing of the release of a news story does NOT qualify as "a tragic or harmful event" in this case even the story itself barely merits that. I guess you could just about consider Rupert Murdoch and Victoria Newton just about reach the threshold for "a group of individuals" but really not in the way that is meant by "conspiracy theory"

As for the small boats thing - do you really not remember this Tory party trying to get the navy/RNLI to push the boats away repather than rescue people?
These might help your memory
Conspiracy theory, or (briefly, and reluctantly dropped) government policy? It can be so hard to tell.

If you read my post, your 5th paragraph is the entirety of my point. A distraction isn't very distracting if nobody gets distracted by it?

I made no conspiracy theory, let alone anything to be labelled as "conspiracy central" as anything but an attempt to avoid the issue.
So of the 2 conspiacyr theories I'm accused of, we have one government policy, and another which involved no conspiring, and is as theoretical as thinking that a repeated pattern of behaviour is a behavioural pattern that repeats.
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A novel way of trying to justify Brexit.
Good gods, if that was us at "match fit" then **** knows what would have happened if we'd been complacent!

In other news
Can we please get some actual adults into government? Pretty please?

The average size of a secondary school in the UK is 986. Average attendance is 86%. So ball park of 140 collections a day?
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