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A Political Thread pt. 2

Is Dorries stills creaming for for an election?
That was last week.
Yesterday she was opposed; presumably that'll last for most of this week; but then, it's Nads, so who knows? - certainly not Nads.
Think she's saying having an election would be un-democratic now

Seriously this one drives me mad same with 2nd referendum calls being undemocratics.

A general election is the strongest form of democracy we have in this country and trumps any other mandate given. Yes its a massively deeply flawed system but once a party is elected in on that manifesto they are far reaching powers to enact it as by tradition the Lords won't stop manifesto pledges. Equally an election can be caused by a VONC, the PM or term time of parliament. Again none of those are undemocratic they are the rules of the system to enable our highest form of democracy.

The government could try to changes those rules to a better or worse system but until then saying its undemocratic to employ them is nonsence.

Fair play to the copper who went into the grounds - probably saved the protestor's life
The government should require the diplomatic immunity of the relevant staffers be revoked. Diplomatic staff should not be free to send out hit squads / kidnappers. TBH surprised they let the cop walk in and grab him back, legally they have no authority to do that. Can't see the Chinese being willing to make too much of a stink over that specific breach though given what they did first.
I hate that I'm about to write this...

I don't think she's saying that a GE is undemocratic -she doesn't care about the population of the UK, just the conservative party.
She's saying that the conservative party has rules and procedures. Those rules and procedures saw Truss elected democratically (amongst the only people that count - tory party members members); and the rules forbid a fresh leadership challenge within the first 12 months. She's saying that undermining a tory leader within the first 13 months is undemocratic, and she's saying that changing the rules because they're currently inconvenient is undemocratic. Again, this is at odds with her previous behaviour - including from a week or two ago; but also again, she only care about democracy within the confines of the conservative party, not the country as a whole.

May she burn in hell for all eternity.
I hate that I'm about to write this...

I don't think she's saying that a GE is undemocratic -she doesn't care about the population of the UK, just the conservative party.
She's saying that the conservative party has rules and procedures. Those rules and procedures saw Truss elected democratically (amongst the only people that count - tory party members members); and the rules forbid a fresh leadership challenge within the first 12 months. She's saying that undermining a tory leader within the first 13 months is undemocratic, and she's saying that changing the rules because they're currently inconvenient is undemocratic. Again, this is at odds with her previous behaviour - including from a week or two ago; but also again, she only care about democracy within the confines of the conservative party, not the country as a whole.

May she burn in hell for all eternity.
Maybe she needs it pointed out to her that they basically already broke / danced around their own rules to get Johnson out. The Tory party always have rules for thee but not for me, that much has been well establish and they are the last people that should lecture anyone on integrity.
What I find particularly ironic is that you have the likes of Rees Mogg and Dorries calling for MPs to be loyal to Truss and yet it was the ERG who showed zero loyalty to Theresa May and in fact caused her demise. Hypocrites.
Isn't that a joining requirement for the Conservatives?
I hate the Tory leadership rules and regardless of their record while in power I wouldn't vote for them purely because of those rules. If they deem FPTP to be the best voting system at general elections then the same system should apply to leadership contests rather than these multiple rounds of voting which just facilitates shady behind the scenes bullying and deal making. The fact that a new PM can be hand picked by Tory members and that they offer a new series of pledges (most of which are in members' interests and not the national interest) is the most undemocratic thing of all.
You'll be pleased to know though - it's all our fault

Archived: https://archive.ph/wsGLT

I'm not quite sure how it's remainers' fault that Truss is an idiot - didn't the tory party purge itself of all remainers in 2019? And the current crisis is 100% tory on tory.
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I see that Mike Hunt has binned most of Truss' mini budget apart from cancelling the national insurance rise and stamp duty cut. Surely Truss' days are numbered now.
You'll be pleased to know though - it's all our fault

Archived: https://archive.ph/wsGLT

I'm not quite sure how it's remainers' fault that Truss is an idiot - didn't the tory party purge itself of all remainers in 2019? And the current crisis is 100% tory.
Tories and the right blame everything on remainers, conveniently ignore remainers have not been the ones in power. It's little more that a boogeyman that their more intellectually deficient base will lap up without question. They can't grasp that all of this is of their own doing.
So.....mini budget crashes the pound and investors make millions betting that would happen.

There needs to be criminal investigations into this

I suggested it a few pages back. One final pay day before they get turfed out.

Kwarteng schmoozing with financial services leaders the night before the mini budget was announced doesn't at all look questionable.
Tories and the right blame everything on remainers, conveniently ignore remainers have not been the ones in power. It's little more that a boogeyman that their more intellectually deficient base will lap up without question. They can't grasp that all of this is of their own doing.
I'm loving that he's also claiming that al the arguments against brexit are based on emotion, whilst all the facts support brexit; in a complete total and utter reversal of the real world.
I'm loving that he's also claiming that al the arguments against brexit are based on emotion, whilst all the facts support brexit; in a complete total and utter reversal of the real world.
You mean you can't just look around you at the sunlit uplands of Brexit Britain, a country of prosperity, opportunity and stability? Hell I saw the new passports the other day and felt such an overwhelming sense of pride I had to start singing god save the king in Amsterdam airport. Then everyone clapped.
About the biggest economic U turn in history. Surely the question is not if she goes, but how and when.

Shortest Prime Ministerial tenure is currently 119 days.
Right wing rags bigging up the idea of a Johnson return. What a bunch of scummy arseholes the right wing in this country are now. It's terrible under Truss but that complete twat of a man should be nowhere near any position of power or responsibility ever again, he shouldn't have been in the first place. The fact that a fairly large segment of the far right clamour for a serial liar, cheater, hypocrite etc shows just how low whatever morals they claim to possess have now sunk. The right have destroyed this country economically, destroyed our credibility internationally, made a mockery of government as a whole and now want to just keep adding to their fuckups.

If you still support Tory now, or worse support a return of Johnson, something is seriously ******* wrong with you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, just how bad must it get before these people can simply own up and admit that "their side" are a ******* joke and a very bad and destructive one at that. It seems many can't move beyond "iT wuLd B WuRs UnDEr lABouR!"

God I'm sick of the people of this country. Bunch of fuckwits.
Johnson is still facing a parliamentary inquiry which could lead to a by election...
She has to go. Apart from the NICs staying as they are and energy price cap until April, Hunt has reversed everything else.

Edit: also stamp duties cuts stay.
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