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A Political Thread pt. 2

Can anyone enlighten me on where this whole antisemitism has come from suddenly in the news?

I understand Truss said it's rife in the civil service but can't find any evidence to back up her claim.

I also don't know how this type of news will benefit the Tory party.

Oldest trick in the book, when you are facing criticism, find an "enemy" and try to redirect the public anger towards them. The Tories have been living off that redirected anger as either the EU, remainers or socialists. As those become tired out and shown the be clearly ********, they have to keep fabricating new ones. Antisemites, the civil service, judges etc etc. Basically got to keep generating new enemies that you can pin all your failures on so you never have to admit that any of the current **** show is actually your fault.

The staggering thing is how easily people still fall for such a transparent deflection tactic.
Can anyone enlighten me on where this whole antisemitism has come from suddenly in the news?

I understand Truss said it's rife in the civil service but can't find any evidence to back up her claim.

I also don't know how this type of news will benefit the Tory party.
Wasn't it that Truss claimed anti-semitism, whilst saying that the tories should be the natural party of jews because of... antisemitic reasons? (specifically that jew should all vote conservative because jews love making money as self-employed, small businesses)
And she's now claiming that the civil service is rife with anti-semitism because the civil service is this month's "them", and she's still living in the 2010s when labour had a visible issue with antisemitism (that was no worse than the conservative's issues, just more talked about). Alos, of course, there's a complete failure to recognise that the tory party have been in power for 12 years now, so ALL the problems are their own making, or at least happened on their watch.

Oh, and it's so sweet that you think evidence would make any difference this side of "the country has had enough of experts" 2016 - it's about emotion, specifically disgust and fear, driven by the amygdala; not evidence or expertise, driven by the pre-frontal cortex. Appeal to the deeper, older, instinctive areas of the brain.

Nothing to do with benefiting the country or the conservative party - it's about getting Liz Truss as PM so that the ERG can rule the roost as puppet-masters.
Of the 10 republicans who voted to impeach Trump, only 2 remain in office, the rest being replaced with think loyalists who deny Biden won the election. The cult is taking over and the USA is matching down the road to fascism. These are very worrying times and all off the back of right wing populist lies.
For the "Instagram Chancellor" why is he so bad at this?


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