Labour really are screwed with how divided their voters are over key issues
Leader Kier says no to Freedom of Movement if Labour take power:
Sir Keir Starmer is preparing a speech about immigration in which he will rule out bringing back free movement with Europe if Labour wins the next election, The Times has learnt.Under the free movement of labour principle of the single market, citizens of EU member states were able to live and work
Campaigning Kier says he'll work to bring back Freedom of Movement:
The Labour leadership contender said he would 'of course bring back, argue for, challenge' as he made a passionate plea for EU citizens to live and work in the UK - and vice versa
One alienates one subset, one alienates the other - I guess he's working harder to regain the Redwall Tories than cosying up to the younger/more urban voters, which does make sense but he'd better hope it works because turning the next generation away from you isn't a long term strat (ask the Lib Dems who turned a whole generation away from them with the uni fees/coalition)
Just the old two party chestnut, again, though