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A Political Thread pt. 2

Starmer had no choice really. It's clear that the Tories (via doubtless shady methods and dark arts) have invested a lot of time and money in attempting find new evidence which they have handed over to Durham police with the sole intention of deflecting attention away from Johnson and to make Starmer appear no different.

Starmer knows the media would have been pressing him to say what he would do in the event that he received a FPN - he has simply pre-empted this media pressure by voluntarily outlining his position.
Starmer had no choice through his own actions. If he's broken the law and falls it's 100% his own fault, not the Police's, not the Tory party's. His. He shouldn't be thought of as any form of victim.

The Tories may well have indulged in dark arts. But if the evidence wasn't there it wouldn't have been found. And before we paint Labour good, Tory bad, would Labour do likewise? Of course they would.

Out of disdain I have not voted for either main party in years. I find this Tory government reprehensible and believe Starmer has far more personal integrity than Johnson. But each episode has to be called fairly on its individual merits and Starmer's backed himself into a corner.
Starmer had no choice through his own actions. If he's broken the law and falls it's 100% his own fault, not the Police's, not the Tory party's. His. He shouldn't be thought of as any form of victim.

The Tories may well have indulged in dark arts. But if the evidence wasn't there it wouldn't have been found. And before we paint Labour good, Tory bad, would Labour do likewise? Of course they would.

Out of disdain I have not voted for either main party in years. I find this Tory government reprehensible and believe Starmer has far more personal integrity than Johnson. But each episode has to be called fairly on its individual merits and Starmer's backed himself into a corner.
Do we have evidence that Starmer broke the law?

Like this entire thing hinges of whether the police deem this a social meal or a work meal and if it was just a reasonable break for food. Its quite clear from the Daily Mail's brilliant piece of self owning the meal was planned as part of the work day. Labour say they have plenty of evidence showing Starmer still working to 1am that day.

Now I'm not saying he didn't break the law and I've also said if he did he has to go. I'm just saying this feels far more like "ambushed by cake" than "**** up Fridays" and "Cummins gone, Abba celberations". Its incredibly grey I'll be shocked if he is issued with a FNP (or told he would of been like Cummins was which means he'll probably still go). Just I'll be very surprised with everything in the public sphere but I was with the cake birthday party which makes me think the police definitely knew more about that one than we do.

Also if the Mail had a smoking gun I think they'd have shot their load over it last night.
Starmer had no choice through his own actions. If he's broken the law and falls it's 100% his own fault, not the Police's, not the Tory party's. His. He shouldn't be thought of as any form of victim.

The Tories may well have indulged in dark arts. But if the evidence wasn't there it wouldn't have been found. And before we paint Labour good, Tory bad, would Labour do likewise? Of course they would.

Out of disdain I have not voted for either main party in years. I find this Tory government reprehensible and believe Starmer has far more personal integrity than Johnson. But each episode has to be called fairly on its individual merits and Starmer's backed himself into a corner.

I was responding to the suggestion that Starmer made an error by coming out and saying he would resign if handed a FPN and I already explained why I think he had no choice.

None of us knows whether or not he broke the law and so there is no point speculating about that. For all we know it may well have been a legit working dinner. We should cross that bridge when the police finish their investigation.
Whilst they might get what they if Starmer resigns (I think they thought he'd be a hypocrit and hold on) it has been funny watching them tie themselves in knots the past 24 hours without saying Johnson should resign as well.

EDIT: them being right wing commentators

So for not the first time, the Tories are looking a reneging on a deal THEY negotiated and they claimed was brilliant. How the **** can they say "we need to fix this disastrous mess" and yet the Tory faithful seem utterly incapable of recognising it is a mess of their doing and, having ****** it up multiple times already, why won't they **** it up again? Seriously, in any other industry if someone made this many mistakes costing this much due to gross incompetence and lying, they would have been fired.

Genuinely, for those who support the Tories still on this forum, how can you possibly justify letting them continue to muck about with this whilst seemingly not being the slightest bit responsible for the consequences?
Even more ridiculous when Tories keep on saying that one of Johnson achievements in office is getting Brexit done.
At the time I thought the UK government was intentionally whipping up disorder in NI over the NI Protocol. Now it appears likely that was the premeditated intent. Inciting disorder and terrorism as grounds for 'legally' disregarding international law. Could this reasoning also be applied to ripping up The Good Friday Agreement? Or maybe Putin should add that to his playbook to justify invasion by creating hoax disorder somewhere in Russia. I'm absolutely disgusted by that legal advice.

UK Gov doesn't negotiate with terrorists. It encourages them and capitulates to them in the name of the law. Three cheers for the guy who gave a death threat to the Irish Foreign Minister!
Sadly the most legal commentators don't have much time for the current Attorney General who just rubber stamps whatever the government want as legal advice, which is typical of AG's but theres a reason they keep falling afoul in the courts more than other governements have done (and why they hate "lefty lawyers").
Will say watching crypto right now is hilarious, if only people were warned it was a bubble and had no real technical or applicationary benefits at all.

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