If the NI change means those earning less than £35k will pay less NI then I think that should be acknowledged as good thing. Still no sign of a significant policy change to help prevent us propping up gruesome regimes via oil and gas.
This particular dog whistle is a mahoosive vote winner for the hard right in places like Hungary where idiots even more unpleasant than Boris make even firmer remarks. I like to consider myself a reasonable person but I'm perplexed by the priority given to "trans rights" (which impact directly on a very small proportion of people, an estimated 300 in Scotland (out of 5.4 million) according to the pro change SNP government) while other rights that impact on a huge proportion of the population such as euthanasia, get little to nil political push behind it. It doesn't strike me as reformists boxing clever on the topic, particularly when you take a stance that infuriates right wingers and feminists alike (which is quite the achievement).
I've always thought that if you over extend on a policy before the public are comfortable with it, you risk a backlash that is contrary to your intentions. If trans folk think life is hard now, give it 20 years when the hard right is in full control of the media and judiciary. If we don't look out we'll contribute to a poisoned political environment where more entrenched LGB rights (which impact on a much larger 2-10% of the population) get eroded by a succession of populist reactionary muppets who have made political capital out of this topic.
Trans folk can currently change their gender identity. They can have surgery. They can have chemical interventions. They are not a politically oppressed minority group. They are a very misunderstood, marginalised, often very unhappy and alienated minority group. The argument for making gender change quicker / simpler and for interventions at younger ages can probably be better made when society is more aware of the existence of trans folk as society continues its gradual liberalisation. Rushing ahead with policy before society is softened up to change is probably going to be detrimental to trans rights in the long run.
"Softly, softly, catchy monkey" would be my stance on this one.
EDIT: I should clarify the 300 figure is the estimated number of people in Scotland who would seek to change their gender identity.