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What TV Show's are you watching/looking forward to?

I have them to watch, never ever got around to it before, but going to when i get some down time.

Basically what the other guys have said. Band of Brothers is outstanding, and the Pacific doesn't quite hit the same level unfortunately. I still really enjoyed it though, partly because there isn't a huge amount of modern on screen media about that side of the war, or at least not compared to the Normandy landings anyway!

Both are heavily based on memoirs and accurate historical accounts. Band of Brothers works a bit better as it focuses on just one company, while the Pacific uses 2 or 3 little tangents to tell it's story.
With Gotham, Arrow, the Flash, Agents of Shield and now Constantine on TV, all those Marvel shows coming to Netflix and DC and Marvel having movies planned until the 2020's it really is a great time to be a comicbook fan!

Unfortunately, they've gone and made Constantine suitable for kids. I'll keep watching to see if it gets better, but I was pretty disappointed with the pilot. Apart from that, hell yeah! Certainly looking forward to all the comic material coming to the screen.
Unfortunately, they've gone and made Constantine suitable for kids. I'll keep watching to see if it gets better, but I was pretty disappointed with the pilot. Apart from that, hell yeah! Certainly looking forward to all the comic material coming to the screen.

WTF. First Robocop, Then Mad Max, now Constantine and Terminator.
Unfortunately, they've gone and made Constantine suitable for kids. I'll keep watching to see if it gets better, but I was pretty disappointed with the pilot. Apart from that, hell yeah! Certainly looking forward to all the comic material coming to the screen.

suitable for kids or just pre-watershed suitable?
suitable for kids or just pre-watershed suitable?

Pre-watershed I guess. I mean they got rid of Constantine smoking even though that's one of his trademark looks, so the network is clearly aware of their younger audiences. They shouldn't have bothered if that's the case. I really wanted Hellblazer Constantine, not a magic show with try hard humour mixed in.

WTF. First Robocop, Then Mad Max, now Constantine and Terminator.

Haha I couldn't believe what they did to Robocop. I didn't know there's a new Terminator so I'm going to check that out now!

Edit. :( I always wished they brought back the tv series Sarah Connor Chronicles. I was really hooked on that and it ended without wrapping things up..
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Unfortunately, they've gone and made Constantine suitable for kids. I'll keep watching to see if it gets better, but I was pretty disappointed with the pilot. Apart from that, hell yeah! Certainly looking forward to all the comic material coming to the screen.

Really? That's a bit disappointing. I generally don't mind this as much as most of the internet seem to like I actually found the new Robocop to be grand so hopefully I can enjoy this.
A series i missed the first time but have been watching recently is OZ
If you haven't see it I would recommend it as a very gritty and accurate US prison drama.
The last season of Boardwalk Empire. One of the best tv series I've seen. Right up there with the Sopranos, GOT and Breaking Bad.
Apparently there are plans for a TV version of Asimov's 'Foundation' series. Could be great, could go spectacularly wrong.
Apparently there are plans for a TV version of Asimov's 'Foundation' series. Could be great, could go spectacularly wrong.

To throw another 'classic' fantasy into the mix of books being made into TV shows, American Gods is currently being developed for television.

Also it's just been announced that A Series of Unfotunate Events is getting a TV adaption. Could be very good if they manage it well!
I am looking forward to one new show coming out on SyFy in the US (not sure what international channels will air it).

It's called Dark Matter, and created by my net buddy Joseph Mallozzi (of the Stargate franchise). It started as a 4-ish comic book, and is now being developed into a tv show. You can follow production on Joe's blog:



Has anyone seen Curb Your Enthusiasm before? I downloaded it because it gets rave reviews but wow was it not funny.
Has anyone seen Curb Your Enthusiasm before? I downloaded it because it gets rave reviews but wow was it not funny.

It has it's moments. I find it an American attempt at 'Dry Humour', which they just don't seem to get right(most of the time).
The leftovers: horrible, horrible, horrible. Just bad, really really bad. It's like somebody took all of the ingredients from an interesting tv show and forgot to put some talent on it. Special hate for the main character, who's best asset is his WTF face.

Twin Peaks: even better than years ago, the music is specially awesome.

Orange is the new black: I will never grow up from 16, so a lesbian show with a hot secretary will allways get me.
Orange is the new black: I will never grow up from 16, so a lesbian show with a hot secretary will allways get me.

This is my new favourite show! I love the humour in the show. And the boobie shots aren't bad either.

Another show that I like to watch is the Flash. And the nexus between the Flash and the Arrow makes it even more enjoyable.
It has it's moments. I find it an American attempt at 'Dry Humour', which they just don't seem to get right(most of the time).

yeah I thought Curb your Enthusiasm was alright for America. It can get a bit OTT for me, but I'm sure that's part of it. You can't expect the British subtleties that make comedy so great from them, but it's a pretty decent attempt at the dry stuff.
I don't know what to say about american comedy: they are so obviously bad and simple, and then they come up with arrested development, the best comedy show since Monty Python.

Community is awesome as well.
Homeland is sooo much better now that Brodie has gone..................this series is superb!!
I started watching Parks and Recreation and I've been on a binge all week.

Another show I've recently started following is Forever. Each episode involves the partnership of a medical examiner and detective who solve murders. Thing is, the M.E. is a 200 year old immortal, which makes him incredibly observant, wise, and different to those he works with. The murder cases provide light entertainment but it's the larger story of him being an immortal that's keeping me hooked.

I am looking forward to one new show coming out on SyFy in the US (not sure what international channels will air it).

It's called Dark Matter, and created by my net buddy Joseph Mallozzi (of the Stargate franchise). It started as a 4-ish comic book, and is now being developed into a tv show. You can follow production on Joe's blog:




As a big sci-fi and Stargate fan, I shall be keeping an eye on this one :)
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