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What TV Show's are you watching/looking forward to?

No, I understand the point, I just found it hard to get into it.
First episode: Do people really think that the terrorist would agree to comply if the demands were met? No guarantee at all.

I just felt they drove the whole 'suspension of disbelief' thing too hard. Christmas special wasn't bad at times, but the whole blocking thing was pointless. Release someone into society who cannot interact at all; fails instantly.

White Bear I thought seemed the most 'possible'; just an extension of the tabloid mentality.
Started watching New Girl and it's not helping my strong desire to wed Zooey Deschanel.


Just read she is pregnant.

Watch quite a few, The Mentalist, Bones, Arrow, Flash, The Blacklist and Criminal Minds are main ones I watch, Hard to squeeze them all in so its brilliant to have Sky + and on demand.
My current not to be missed list

Criminal Minds
The Blacklist
Critical (not everyone's cup of tea but I really enjoy it)
Wolf Hall
The Musketeers

And the truly hilarious

Bluestone 42
I'm watching Frasier lately. Its a great comedy, a class above todays shows.

Best American sitcom ever!! First class writing, acting and timing. So, so underrated and ****** all over Friends as the best American sitcom of the 1990s. Easily my favourite comedy box set.
They've put a rake of decent shows up on Netflix recently. Stuck up Friday Night Lights which is probably my favorite show overall.
Been watching Vikings too. Quite a good season so far. Needs a bit more violence.
I've been watching an absolute ton of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia the last couple of weeks. Almost 9 series down, one to go :lol:
Absolutely loved it - started slow but quickly turned into one of my favourite shows, after DeVito joined the cast.
After watching season 5 of the Walking Dead I have decided to watch the other 4 seasons that I have missed. Got to say the Zombies in season 1 are a bit stronger and agile than the ones Im used to in season 5 who are a bit naff frankley.
Yep the big show starting next week Justified!

I wonder how things will pan out in the next season of GoT, it left a few big things out of the book last season so am interested if they will intorduce those in this season.
Currently watching Daredevil up to episode 9 best comic book TV show so far IMO very very well done, Great character development.
Winter has arrived! Or the first four episodes have anyway.....busy day for me!

Please don't give away any spoilers. I'm not one of the lucky ones who can watch the streaming version of the episodes. So I have to wait and watch it on tv.

I did however watch the first episode this morning...
Yeah I'm having a game of thrones night tonight. Shall be lovely. If anyone spoils something (even though I've read the books), I will track you down and end you with a fork.
GOT Tonight!

I haven't been this excited about a new episode since the last season of breaking bad.

It's very rare that I go out of my way to watch an episode of something as it comes out these days as it's so easy to use on demand/catch up services.

Other than that - Im enjoying House of Cards and Better Call Saul at the moment.
Game of mofo'ing thrones!

I'm really going to try and watch them one a week, rather than all four, but I'll see how I feel after the inevitable cliffhanger at the end of Episode 1 tonight :lol:

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