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What TV Show's are you watching/looking forward to?

Is it okay to theorise here? There's certainly a dark mystery to this show.
2 episodes in, and Ali and I have got:
The show's title - highly unusual in being essentially impossible to use as a search term. Rabbie Burns would consider this a spoiler for our theory.
Writers from Lost.
Theme tune by The Pixies (thanks for the confirmation)
Travel by tree - to an unearthly realm no less
Surrounded by forest
Runestones of protection (our theory would be stronger if these were flint arrow/spear heads [yes, I know, scrapers not spear heads])
Promises / bargains going horribly wrong (enchantment?)
Story told by the siblings in the campervan - (We both feel that we should be able to identify a "lake of tears" but can't, certainly can identify other bits of Norman's story though)
Ominous murder of rows (in title sequence and travel-by-tree)
A "host" of monsters

We're far from firm in our theory, (of course, 2 episodes), but I'm expecting:
Lumps of iron to counter the Host
Horses (probably black)
Gifts of food
More bargaining than "we can help" and "I'm granny, honest"
A ring of mushrooms surrounding the entire town

Half expecting the Grimm's, Lady Guest or Gaiman to get a consulting credit.
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So, is Burnham Wood coming to Dunsinane?
Geography is famously as trustworthy as the inhabitants of the... realm I'm theorising about.

I remember a tree, upon a hill,
If it stood there then, does it stand there still?
If it doesn't stand still, but moves about,
Then open the gate, and let it out.
Spike Milligan
Yes, yes they do move about.

Confirmation of the "travel by tree" aspect, rather than the one ambiguous shown and the throw away comment. Everyone got here by tree - except Victor, the original inhabitant from the 60s.
And the single most obvious tree-portal you've ever seen.
Professor Umbridge / Death mark messages... I'm drawing a blank in terms of my theorising.
Victor (poor kid, how long was he alone for? Decades? That'd go quite some way to explaining his... erm... awkward social interactions.

"Interesting" that they only need a map of (contiguous) USA to notate everyone's portal of arrival. Seems odd that t respects human borders that way. I don't put this down to anything in the lore though.
@Which Tyler it seems you really like this show. But more I was watching it,more it reminded me "Lost" (as I mentioned before), so I'm already prepared for the same: more and more mysteries and..no real explanation in the end. Although I love Lost, but I wouldn't put too many expectations on the scenario this time either.
I liked "Jasmine" for some reason, don't remember what was the episode 😄:
Started Rings of Power season 2. Remembered the 1920's Daily Telegraph style Irish caricature hobbits existed and stopped watching.

In all seriousness it really is a dull show for me. Just feels so small and narrow, despite being the most expensive TV ever.
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I just watched this excellent movie on Amazon Prime. 👍

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