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The Ukraine War thread

HUGE difference between advocating for money spent versus people being sent into violent conflict as far as willingness to risk personal safety/comfort. Also do you think that the UK would support mass mobilization or is that something that would be political suicide for any politician that suggested it?
Not in principle it isn't no, you are the one making a strawman argument here. Are you saying that nobody is allowed to have an opinion on the use of military force unless they are in the military? Do your civics come from starship troopers?
Not in principle it isn't no, you are the one making a strawman argument here. Are you saying that nobody is allowed to have an opinion on the use of military force unless they are in the military? Do your civics come from starship troopers?
No my point is that it is easy for people to call for war when they are not at risk. Of course, you and everyone else are allowed an opinion, not to say I will agree with it though
No my point is that it is easy for people to call for war when they are not at risk. Of course, you and everyone else are allowed an opinion, not to say I will agree with it though
Yes but whether I personally do or don't go has zero reflection on whether the point I'm making is valid or not. It's a strawman and attempted ad hominem, you're going after me personally and not my argument.
What are you talking about? I wasn't saying anything about you individually only the people who beat the drum without knowing anything about the personal cost. Regardless of your area of service I respect that and your perspective about going in harm's way.
I'm talking about a draft dodging ****** with an orange face along with a draft dodging ****** from South Africa with a laminated face who are currently destroying the American vet community in such a vindictive way that Putin would blush.

Veterans don't forget and they are not to be under estimated. You think tango man can screw over the men and woman that Bush sent to war without push back?

Yeah best of luck with that
Not to protect Putin, but just to respond you in general:
Generals and Colonels are also not on the front line usually,but that doesn't mean they don't take part in a war
But Generals and colonels have spent time as young officers who have deployed
Haven't seen it yet. Nor heard about it. Interesting to see how it will be in reality, especially with some of my male colleagues... doubt that it will be mandatory though
Found an article https://www.gazetaprawna.pl/wiadomo...ejdzie-szkolenie-wojskowe-tusk-trwaja-pr.html

Where they quoted Tusk who compared Ukrainian army with 800k active and Russian with 1.3mln active and said that Poland should have at least 500k (with reservists)+ make an intense training for those who are not in the Army
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Not sure what your point is here? Easy to call for war or troops to be deployed when you are not the one to put yourself in harms way. Just like firefighters and police officers, easy to sit at home in a recliner on your phone and dissect their actions over minutes where there is zero risk to you when they have to react in seconds and their lives are potentially at stake
Didn't your country do just that when calling for war in Iraq and Afghanistan? They demanded a response from NATO forces for events which only occured in the US.
More-or-less exactly what I wrote to my MP

Lie Trump gives a single **** about the american economy!
He cares ONLY about his own ego - which is tied to his own finances, TV ratings, and the "admiration" of people that he admires (or is jealous of - same thing in his mind mush) - like Putin, Salman Al Sald, Netenyahu, Musk and (kinda) King Charles

ETA: My letter, in case anyone wants to be lazy, and write something similar to their MP
For anyone interested; just received his response (dated 04/03/25, just took a week for his secretary to forward it - to be fair, they've been in Ukraine delivering aid and talking to politicians)

Thank you for your email and I am grateful for our interactions over anti-social media.

The actions of the President and Vice-President last Friday were shameful and I condemn them whole-heartedly. While the people of the United States will always remain close friends of the United Kingdom, it is clear that this administration is no ally of Europe's. As a continent, we must now stand united in defence of liberal democracy and human rights.

While the actions of the President were reprehensible, it is important that we continue to engage with the United States as a crucial partner in trade and defence. Furthermore, any deal for peace will require the engagement of the current American administration and therefore their cooperation is vital. While I believe the Prime Minister must be diplomatic in his public statements on the matter, as a Member of Parliament, I will use my platform to hold the Government to account and convey the concern of many of my constituents.

I agree that it is crucial that we increase the military industrial capacity in both the United Kingdom and Europe as a whole. Not only will this increase resilience, but will also create high skilled jobs and boost the economy. Therefore, I was heartened to see the Prime Minster reference this in his recent address to Parliament and please be assured I will endeavour to hold the Government to account to ensure further military spending focuses on domestic production of defence material.

I also concur that closer cooperation with the EU, across multiple sectors, is crucial for Britain's prosperity and security. To this end, I will support any Government plans to reinforce the relationship with our closest partner.

If you would be happy for me to do so, I would like to forward your email to the relevant minister for comment on the points you raise.
I have to say - it makes a really welcome change to have an MP who seems interested in interacting with his constituents, not just the gambling lobby!

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