I am not suggesting that soldiers on the front line go vote, although the US military voted during World War 2 and they were spread out literally around the globe as they did in Korea and Vietnam but I understand the difficulties in the displaced people voting and how that impacts it. The extensions of martial law I know, prevent the election but my question was, is that a possible reason that Zelensky may not want the war to end? He went from being a relatively obscure comedian to the president of one of the most corrupt nations in Europe who people still did not really know until the invasion and this seemingly stalemated war would be a way to keep himself in power as the martial law is continued as well as the international celebrity status that he has had. This was not a question of his numbers vs Trumps but simply a reflection of where he stands in Ukraine.
Also what in my logic suggested that we should have let Germany keep France or anywhere else? My point was that if they had elections, is there the possibility that those areas would vote to leave the Ukraine or his level of support there cause him to lose the election.
No one on this site knows what is in his heart/head. He is not this combination of Churchill, Ghandi and Jesus that people have made him out to be. He is human and as a result flawed and not immune to temptations and corruptions.