<div class='quotemain'>
<div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotemain'> The real reason the All Blacks lost is cos................ they didn't win !!!!!! Phew !! summed up in one line - too easy. [/b]
anyone else getting sick of these "because france was the better team" reasons for the win? not saying it wasnt but this is the talking balls section. this is the pub of the trf-ville. if you go to the pub, where there is in-depth conversation about a teams loss, and you say, becasue the other team was better, you will get kicked stait back out. this thread is one of the best and most intelligent ive seen in a while. its obviouslly worth talking about. maybies, what if's and could haves is the whole point of a forum. a conversation doesnt have to end a day after the game is played.
And if it comes down to simple things like team A was better than team B, then we get to discuss why and in what ways they were so. Lets face it, it was the biggest shock of the world cup, the most controvesial match of the world cup. It requires in depth discussion. As rugby fans we would be negligent not to.
Sorry guys - my bad. Im just one for looking forward, instead staying on the round-about till I throw up.
How far do you go back through the history of the recent all blacks to find the factor than lost them the game? If we aren't careful this will end up being the longest postmortem in recent history. The All Blacks loss can be blamed on nothing (i.e. a game they just didnt win because they weren't good enough on the day) or we can all find 30-40 things that lost us the game. I suppose it all comes down how you look at things. Me personally?? Bring on the Super 14 and some more tests this year. Always looking forward, but remembering where we've been.
Anyways I'll let you guys get back to it - sorry for the intrusion.

Hey bro all good all good

Here I'll buy you a beer..don't leave! Yeah we Kiwis are also looking forward to more rugby this year...life goes on.....S14 is coming up this year. I for one can't wait to see what happens in the S14 now that the NZ teams are focussed fully on it and we are wanting some payback....actually the Aussies are wanting some payback too....and with the S.A players on a high after their RWC victory they will be wanting to continue that...so the S14 should be great!
However...it does seem unfair that the NZRFU does not reveal to the NZ public their findings on what went wrong. As a result AB fans at every RWC defeat simply have to go through limbo land walking around confused and bewildered with the shocking failure. Maybe the NZRFU does not want other countries to learn from our failure. Whatever the reason it does create for a little while a very disappointed AB fan base who experience the pain a little bit LONGER than they perhaps would have if they were given some official concrete reasons.
Perhaps debate and threads like this are simply to help us "heal" better and in shorter time frame. The quicker we find reasons for defeat the quicker we can move on. Even better I would say that the quicker we can find reasons for defeat that point to OUR failings that are within OUR control no matter how far fetched they are....they BETTER we can heal. If we find "external" reasons for our defeat that are outside of our control then it is sometimes harder to deal with because it is outside of our reach. Mr Barnes "strange refereeing decisions" are reasons for defeat which we cannot really control....to accept that is to accept the fact that AB victory or defeat is therefore out of our control.....and that mentality is the beginning of the end for the NZ psyche which often and perhaps sometimes arrogantly assumes that we are the best in the world.
NZ rugby must never put the reasons for defeat on a ref or the other team EVEN IF THAT WAS THE ACTUAL CASE! NZ rugby must always take OWNERSHIP of its defeat...because to take ownership for our defeat is to continue to believe that next time we can put it right. Once we start saying it was the ref or the other team was better or the other team had a sudden 20 minute burst of divine rugby intervention...then implicit say that we are no longer the masters of our destiny...and once that happens we will begin to slide to second tier status.
Look at Samoa.....they often say when the AB' beat them that the AB's were the better team rather than "what did we do wrong and what can we fix up for next time so we don't lose".
I am more willing to accept an "It was our fault why we lost" reason for defeat as it puts the ball back in our court and actually empowers us because we realise we can therefore fix it. To say the other team was better or the ref was blind takes the power away from us because we can't change the other team and we can't change the refs style....it is to admit that the only way we can win is for the other team to change and get bad or for the ref to change and wear glasses....but what if the other team never changes...or gets better...or the ref takes us again in a quarterfinal? Are we doomed?
Our opponents get better or worse...refs make good and bad calls....let us as New Zealanders not care about these things for our success. Let us look inwardly at what we did wrong and analyse it to death and fix it up so we have less chance of getting ambushed again!
I know this sounds crazy but a lot of my analysis of AB rugby nowadays comes from my experiences playing Rugby 06 (Rugby 08 is a step back so I don't bother with it). Despite all I know I still get "ambushed" and lose to a new opponent when I play them for the first time. Knowing too much is not the yardstick for guaranteed victory....there is no actual guarantee of victory when you play someone. This is because I believe rugby is truly a GUESSING game...no one really knows what to expect and often by the time you realise it the game is too far gone and 80 mins is up on the clock. I believe I can only soundly beat people after I have been playing them for a while and realise what their game play is like but until then it is all a guess and I can lose games unexpectedly. Yet in all my games I have only ever thought "gee this guys style is superior to mine" with ONE opponent....everyone else I have sensed my style was superior even when i would be losing. What I am trying to say is that the best I can hope for is to have a higher percentage of guaranteed victories but
I can never have an absolute percentage. What I in Rugby 2006 and I sense perhaps even the All Blacks in real life need to work on is DISCOVERING MUCH MORE QUICKLY WHAT THE OPPOSITION IS REALLY DOING right then and there rather than discovering it too late or not at all or even worse thinking they are doing something which clearly they are not. Like the AB's I actually believe that I have closest style of play to the complete knowledge of what has been discovered on Rugby 2006...but that counts for nothing...it is the ability to figure out which ones of these techniques to pull out and when to pull it out ACCORDING TO WHAT THE OPPOSITION IS DOING!