So I just got back from the cinema and must talk about Deadpool. Sorry if I ramble.
To put my life in context at the moment, I am living in Germany and aside from rent, spending around about 15 euros a week on all other living expenses (travel not included). So when I fork out 6 euros for cinema tickets, and another 8 for popcorn and drink - I die a little inside. But since I was 12 I have loved Deadpool and collected the comics; and have been following the struggle of this film to be made for four or five years now. So I felt I owed it to myself to see it.
I read generally positive reviews - both on here and from critics - but the trailer I felt was pretty poorly edited and the gags (if they were highlights) made it seem like it was going to be more Wolverine Origins than The Dark Knight. So I felt I got a lot more than I bargained.
Without Spoilers: For me it did exceptionally well at hitting the notes of what makes Deadpool good. I've had Ryan Reynolds as the voice in my head when I have been reading it for years, but his performance was exactly how I wanted it to be played. The breaking of the fourth wall was a gag that I thought could have really been done poorly. Nope, they nailed it. They didn't throw the fourth wall effect in anyone's face - in fact Reynolds delivered the lines quickly and timed well, as to not distract from the story.
The cast weren't superstars (in fact the film does brilliantly to reference that it was never going to have the same budget as the avengers) - but they all did extremely well. NEXT LINE IS A SPOILER - SORT OF: Very interesting that they went with Ajax as the bad guy. He is the most consistent villain in the Deadpool series, but his character wasn't really similar to that of the comic character. He was quite generic if I am honest, but it worked well as a foil for Deadpool's character (if there happens to be a sequel Ajax may very well feature).
If there was one thing missing it was a little bit of the sad and dark undertone that Deadpool may be a damaged and ultimately bad person. My favorite story of Deadpool was a Cable and Deadpool cross over, with one run being called A Murder in Paradise. Extremely funny, but it always points out that Deadpool isn't a hero, because he may just be a bad person behind all those jokes. Later in the series Ajax haunts Deadpool, and has the line "Well, then, Wade, what does that REALLY say about you then? Is it that the number got so high you just stopped caring…or is it that you never cared to begin with and that's why the number got so high? Yes, that's what I thought. You're so far lost you don't even know the answer".
Maybe this is something that could continue if there is a sequel.
As it is, fantastic. Was never going to be The Dark Knight. Never tried to be. Much better than I expected.