It might be only me but I quite enjoyed the relaxed pace. Might just be nostalgia and my reveling in how well I felt they translated the setting into cinema. Felt it was well balanced with the underlying tension slowly building. I struggle to imagine how someone new to the story line would experience it though. Also felt the casting was excellent and took it that level extra beyond the wow of the fantastical setting. Really do hope it does well enough to warrant a Part 2 at least even if I have to wait 5 years.
I enjoyed it, and, if anything, felt that it went too fast - skipping from plot point to plot point, as if they were trying to squeeze 5 hours worth of film into a 2.5 hour run-time, and cutting an awful lot of natural development.
It felt exposition heavy, in a way that suggested to me that they didn't have time to show us things, so they had to tell us instead - whilst when they showed us (without access to a character's inner monologue) it reduced the mystique (eg Jessica coming close to losing it when Paul is being tested; or Paul's reaction, and the time taken, with his hand in the box)
Yes, individual scenes could be lengthy and slow, but the whole felt rushed. Shortening the individual scenes wouldn't have bought enough time to cover the absent material.
It was visually spectacular, and I genuinely enjoyed it; but I felt that its run-time had removed it's soul.
Leto's death should have been a hammer blow like Ned's
There were glimpses, but no more than that of the relationship between Leto and Paul
The film left me with no idea who Gurney Halek really is, beyond being head of security
I don't think the film even mentioned the word "mentat" let alone how semi-omniscient they are
Atreides seemed to have no idea they were walking into a trap, rather than "just" a scorched earth Akkaris
Who really was Yueh? and why was his betrayal the unique key to Harkonnen success?
I've only read the book a couple of times; as a kid when I didn't understand WTF was going on in the Lynch film; and again about a decade ago (I was intending a re-read when I heard they were making a new film, so didn't); so I'm not familiar enough to pick up on specific changes (which, quite honestly, is how I prefer it).
It was a good film, and I suspect when watched in conjunction with the sequel, could be a great film - it just felt weirdly squished, and I wish they'd had the guts to make the first book into a trilogy. This is a film begging for an "Extended Edition" in a few years - ideally in time to watch alongside Part 2.