1. Put in a create a set play mode for backs moves(especially), Line out moves, and Back row moves(that can include backlines aswell).
Preferably use the system FIFA has implemented since 2010 for the corners if possible, but if not; I remember in Madden (cant remember year for definite, possibly 04) You could make moves on a grid system. For backs moves, The ability of these moves to performed correctly would depended on stats, such as strength, passing, handling, speed of the playmakers and strike runners. These should definitly not come off every time even if your backline was the worlds best playing against the worst team in the game(then 90% of time) but two evenly matched teams should have only about 20-40% linebreaks. Backrow and Lineout moves should be the same more relevant stats obviously.
2. To implement different styles of play you should have a slider option. They have it in FIFA. One style is rigid(or something similar) and the other is Freeflowing(or something similar). This mean that if you had the rigid style on all your forwards would run to rucks or be either side of 9, meaning your ball would be slower and you wont score many on the outside but you would rarely concede turnovers. If you had the freeflowing option on your forwards would mix with the backs, get outside centres, go and play in the half backs if required. This would let you diffferenciate easily the difference of styles of different teams and somewhat, the Northern Hemisphere/Southern Hemisphere divide in style
3. A be a pro/Superstar mode. preferably more like the superstar, where there is the other side to being a rugby player aswell; Training, Agents, Sponserships etc. Maybe later add extra things like social life etc, but unimportant for now. Have the option of already being Dan Carter or starting as a 17 y/o subbing for a club team.
4. The Difficulty obviously needs to improved. Primarily in opposition defence. If you could make them just react quicker to where the gaps are. If the gap is in betwwen 1st and 2nd centre then the 2nd centre should start moving in and if the space is out wide then the defence should notice this and try moving wide when the ball is passed out (Drift defence).
5. Rucking needs to be improved. At this current moment the attacking side has the advantage at the breakdown which should be reflected. If a defender(Not tackler) gets to the breakdown before an attacker then depending on his rucking stats and time until attacker hits breakdown should derive whether he gets the ball or not. If your in defence there should be a counter ruck option. By throwing 2 or forwards into the ruck the ball could either; still be fine if the attacking ruckers are good, slow ball if they're ok, ball spills out the back and is loose if they are average and get completely turnedover if they are bad ruckers compared to your ruckers.
I believe the principles numbers 4 & 5 to be crucial. the methods are only suggestions, but improved rucking and opposition defence is crucial no matter how it is implemented to this game. Numbers 1 to 3 are suggested features that would improve the game significantly in my opinion but are not crucial, but may become crucial at a later stage. Other important thing are obviously the Licenses and some sort of World League/Manager mode which is essential in my opinion.
Good luck with the game, with or without these implemented. Cant wait for it