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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

7's is a different game and would be completely pointless in a full blown Rugby game, mostly because they would have to program two sets of AI one for the normal 15 man rugby and one for 7's it wouldn't work well.

why would it be pointless if it was made properly? 7's would be great fun if the engine was upto scratch.
How about you can unlock the ability to select your own barbarians squad from any of the players on the game? (including any classic player!)
The ability to update rosters and ratings (for single-player mode only) would be great.

Perhaps weighted stats for players, so it gives a more accurate rating.
By weighted stats, I mean certain positions draw from certain stats more than others. (Ex: Wings take speed, acceleration, and agility into more consideration than hooking and lineouts.)
I speak for many celtic rugby fans when i say that the MAGNERS LEAGUE SHOULD BE FULLY LICENSED. We don't want the kits from years ago, like on rugby 08, and we don't want to have to put the proper players in for ourselves. E.G Martyn Walliams has to be replaced by Martyn Williams for the Blues etc. If the Magners League, clubs and all it's players were fully registered, you'd make a lot of celtic rugby fans happy!!!!!
Just playing some Rugby 08 now :p

I think what would be great is a more dynamic approach to beating a man. The sidestep is predetermined and really doesnt give much of an impression of having the man beat. If we could get some sort of control with the right stick, like madden - flick right to step right, flick left for left, then what they dont have in madden which would be awesome would be a double step, ie flick right then quickly left for a double step....

That would be awesome.

Another thing is improved defensive AI, I realise that it probably will have been stepped up - but it was way to easy to flick it out to 13 who would steam through a hole in the defense. This was made easier by the fact that the defense didnt move until the player had gone past. There should be different mentalities of the defense - e.g. goal line defense should be a drift blitz at minimum...

Everyone agree?
Having played Backbreaker, I think I'd be alright with having a hitstick type thing. The right-stick is a wonderful tool, and if you make the bumpers/ L/R1 pass, and R2/Right Trigger some sort of aggression mode (much like Backbreaker), then it could work without need for buttons.

Of course, the game probably won't be in the same view as Backbreaker, but I feel like many things can be pulled from it, which could translate well to a Rugby game.
I agree C.P, i've played the BB demo a lot recently (got the game coming next week :D ) and have got used to the right stick,
Though they should def have an option to have buttons instead, like in BB, as a lot of people don't get along with them (i know it took me a while to get used to not using the buttons at all)
I agree C.P, i've played the BB demo a lot recently (got the game coming next week :D ) and have got used to the right stick,
Though they should def have an option to have buttons instead, like in BB, as a lot of people don't get along with them (i know it took me a while to get used to not using the buttons at all)

Hehe, yea. I was playing the demo and have the game coming soon. I love how the aggression running + right stick does different things to normal running + right stick.
A new thing they could add is a stick half-left, then fully-right to make the player step more realistically, like in the game.

Agreed that buttons should be an option, but what with the added intricacies to Rugby from American Football, such as kicking from hand and passing, we may have to settle for a hitstick/ trickstick option, like in the Fifa games, with buttons applied to various types of kicking. Otherwise we might run out of buttons on the pad, and I'm not sure how you'd go about making a button-only setup.
I believe their should be a control player mode where u can create a player and take him through a career mode all the way to international rep..and also play him individually in a selected position u prefer. example: position- flyhalf ' player controls. passing, running, clearing - kicking etc or Winger " ability to call for kick n chase, call for cut out passes, grubbers, Fullback ' saving tries, kick returns, even prop - flanker Captain, second row...any positions, control players salary, willing to extend contracts with clubs, walk out on clubs leaving a bad profile, crowd booing at u, becoming a crowd favorite, unique player celebrations, unique running style, known for hits, steps, contending fior high balls, n many more..

please comment on wat u guys think or am gettin 2 exited lol..
In my opinion the game needs better REPLAY VALUE more than licenses. Sure licenses are cool and make it seem more official and I'm not against it at all; I'm just saying that a higher priority is to have better game play with Ryan McDriscoll trying to win the Cider Cup than to have the 08 game play with BOD in Magners League. Ideally it would have both though!

Some previously mentioned ideas that I think are most valuable:
-My Player mode (start with someone as a U-19 player and play as him as he moves up through the ranks, eventually becoming a world cup/barbarian superstar if you play/train well enough)
-Manager Mode: Acquire players, create playbook, adjust salaries. Start as D3 team and become a D1 powerhouse.
-Easter Eggs! Someone mentioned unlockable legends -- awesome idea. Remember in Tony Hawk 2 when you beat the game you unlocked a new character? How about if you win world cup on a given difficulty or with a given team you unlock someone (based on which difficulty or team you were) -- shouldn't be too hard and you could just use him in exhibition games. Unlock a team (Barbarians/Lions). Unlock movie clips. Unlock law variations (old scoring, ELVs on/off, lineout lifting). Unlock sevens mode (don't yell at me and say it's too different, I know it is. I'm just saying as a simple, fun, diversion type thing.). Unlock a stadium (Rugby School?). An unlock could also occur via a challenge mode or other in-game accomplishments. Easter eggs get people wondering and talking about a game -- creates buzz.
-Online play -- don't make a PS3/360 sports game without it.

Aside from that, the game play itself has been discussed ad nauseum. I liked what one person said about L2 being like a Shift button from finesse moves into power moves (i.e. R3 right = sidestep right; L2+R3 right = stiff arm right). Gives a lot more control and a lot more for someone to master. Someone else said more complicated controls would be no fun for "the casual gamer" and that there should be a simplified controls mode. I'm sorry but no. HB is limited on budget and I'd be ****** if they put their resources into giving people more control over the game and then created a simplified controls mode on top of that for casual gamers. If someone wants simplified controls, just stick with 08.

That's all for now. Hope this helps!
I agree that unlockables would be great... I posted the following ideas in the ideas thread before I saw this one... Remember in Tony Hawk 2 when you beat the game you unlocked a new character? How about if you win world cup on a given difficulty or with a given team you unlock someone (based on which difficulty or team you were) -- shouldn't be too hard to program and you could just use him in exhibition games. Unlock a team (Barbarians/Lions). Unlock movie clips. Unlock law variations (old scoring, ELVs on/off, lineout lifting). Unlock sevens mode (don't yell at me and say sevens is too different, I know it is. I'm just saying as a simple, fun, diversion type thing.). Unlock a stadium (pitch at the Rugby School?). An unlock could also occur via a challenge mode or other in-game accomplishments.
while the gamplay could be improved hell of a lot, just improving the graphics like, making it a hundred times beteer would be start. Plus using the sort of engine that backbreaker uses, with every tackle and collision being totally unique
physics engine is perfect for rugby, that alone will make the game 100x better.
possible setting for a 7s mode?
different locations around the world
like said before - make sure they have correct names, it would ruin game like pro-evo
online world cup?
kickabout when loading like fifa 10?
I have one big thing that should be included. A more in depth game mode. For example career mode, create a player and build up his stats playing for his club team and work your way into the international team all the way through to his retirement. With that being said even give him certain tasks you have to complete for extra stats, for example a 1st 5/8 you could have complete a match without getting a kick charged down etc. That would make the game so much more enjoyable and give it a longer playing life
i think even just adding ageing into world league would make it soo much better
as it gets a but reoeatitive winning 20-30 seasons with the exact samne team
a game mode where your controlling just a single player would be cool
like on fifa, it's be a pro, and madden is superstar i think, then you could make your career with lets say, cardiff blues, then sign a deal with ulster, and after a few years play for a team like cursaders. And then you have to train to get picked in the team, international and club/region level
This game needs a 7s rugby mini game!!!!!
7s a side that you can take online.

Perhaps even, - selecting your own team, so like allstar 7s.

Just an idea :)
I love the idea of having the L2 button as a shift button and using it to pull off fends and side steps. And it all works based on their stats. Like if the person you are using isn't that strong and he attempts a fend then he gets pummelled. Like on the WWE games, how the smaller guy can't lift the bigger guy.

And the scrum, timing the hit is a great idea and maybe having you tap "x" to commence the drive.

Lineouts need work. Make it so you can jump at both, one and two. And have a short lineout.
I love the idea of having the L2 button as a shift button and using it to pull off fends and side steps. And it all works based on their stats. Like if the person you are using isn't that strong and he attempts a fend then he gets pummelled. Like on the WWE games, how the smaller guy can't lift the bigger guy.

And the scrum, timing the hit is a great idea and maybe having you tap "x" to commence the drive.

Lineouts need work. Make it so you can jump at both, one and two. And have a short lineout.
That's actually a pretty good idea. This would open up other button functions as well.

It would be good to use in conjunction with the RS to pull of jukes, spins (rotation based) or fends (flick in a direction e.g. left to right), and break tackle attempt (lower shoulder) by pushing forward on the stick.

I think the key for intuitive controls lies in the stick. :)

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