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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012


In Attack
*The right stick would be for elusive manouvers;
-Move the stick to the left= Quick step to the left
-Move the stick to the right = Quick step to the right
-Move the stick left then right = Pronounced step to the right (A players left and right legs would be mapped to the stick (like in madden), so the move would be move fluid and specific to the tempo of how you moved the stick than in previous games where there was just one animation)
-Move the stick right then left = Pronounced step to the right
-Move the stick back = Stutter/Goose step
-Move the stick forward = hop/jump (this could be used to jump over fallen players, in conjunction with a sidestep, or to avoid an ankletap from behind)

You would also then be able to produce combos if you had the right timing and a player with a high enough agility/ elusiveness rating, so if you were to push the stick up, then right, then left, this would happen

*If you then hold down the L2 button, the stick would be for power manouvers;

-Move the stick to the left = quick fend to the left
-Move the stick to the right = quick fend to the right
-Move the stick left then right = Drop the shoulder to the right (like rupeni does at 2:47 in this clip)
-Move the stick right then left = Drop the shoulder to the left
-Move the stick back = Head down and leg drive (This was seriously lacking from the last couple of games, its a staple move)
-Move the stick forward = Lomu style bunt

If you got good enough at the game, you would eventually be able to string together combinations of both power and evasion moves; steping to the outside and fending for instance.

In Defence
I see there being three main types of tackles; normal tackles, ballwinning tackles and power tackles.

-Normal tackles are just performed by running into the attacker, these would hardly ever turn the ball over.

-Fetcher tackles would turn over the ball, once a fetcher type tackle is performed, the defender gets to their feet and will turnover the ball unless the attacker has support players to ruck the ball. If not performed correctly it has a chance of missing however and you could get penalised for hands on the ground.

-Power tackles would halt the momentum of the attacking team and have a chance of jarring the ball loose. If not performed correctly It has a chance of missing however and you could get penalised for a high tackle.

*The right stick would by default be for fetcher type tackles,

You would have to line the attacker up to tackle them,
-If the attacker is infront of you, you move the stick forward to tackle them.
-If they step to your right, you move the stick to the right to tackle them
-Move the stick in the opposite direction to the attacker = attempt to put the attacker to ground without leaving your feet and go straight for the ball (If performed properly, its the quickest and most effective way to turn over the ball. If you get the stick direction or timing wrong, or if the player isnt skilled enough, it is an easy tackle to break. You could also get penalised or yellow carded for not releasing)

*If you hold down the L2 button, it would become a power tackle stick.

You would have to line up the attacker much like the fetcher tackle.

If the attacker is directly infront of you, move the stick forward

If you move the stick in the opposite direction to the attacker = Lift and slam tackle (This tackle is very likely to knock the ball loose or injure the attacker if performed correctly. If the timing or stick direction is off or the player isnt skilled enough, then its an easy tackle to break. If poorly performed it could become a spear tackle, resulting in a penalty or yellow card.)

* In order for these to work properly, the default view would have to be front on, like in Madden. My biggest problem with the rugby series was that the veiws were side on. ITS NOT SOCCER, you cant see holes opening up in a defensive line from the side. The view has to be front on widescreen for attack and defence.
i really like some of these ideas. it is important to have unlockables in sport games. they seem to be a bit... aimless without them. definatly a barbarians team, or something like the, what was it, top 10 competiton they have in 08. but somethin a bit quirky is what i prefer. i dont know if the game would be suited to something like a team lomu (or the idea of) but something simmilar to what pes has were you can play against a bald team. veterian team, youth team etc.
I agree with all those suggestions so far which would make this game amazing!
Also I've played rugby for years now and how about some focus on the rivalries and aggression of some teams. I would love for there to be some sort of agression/fighting aspect to the game, we see it in every real match, so lets make it as real as possible and add something in that will really get us involved! :)
i dont know if what i am about to say has already been mentioned seeing that there is 60 pages of this stuff

personally i think all game editors should be forced to play one season in madden 10 and one in fifa 10 because both games have many aspects which would work in a rugby game

such as mentioned above the should use the right stick for decking in fifa style. aka while sprinting you can only do cuts and stuff but if holding L2 you can pull of more complicated moves such fake kicks,360's(i know spin aramos are a bit gimicking but every sports game needs them) and stuff like that

they should have a hit stick like in madden to control the height of the tackle (hold it down you will do a knee lifiting drop tackle holding it up will cause you to tackle his chest) but dont make it nesseracy

they should have a bit of auto aim for dive tackles (with a slider)

they should have several tutorials you can choose from such as just show me the controls to i have never played rugby teach me the rules and controls good for north America were rugby is relatively small

make sure to sell the game in north America

and like in fifa (not sure if in nhl or madden) have keys that set your teams aggression/offensive defensive play from super defensive to super offensive

and finally a be a pro mode were you start off in a small local club and work your way up to national team

and sry for the numerous garmar mistakes and if you couldnt follow some of my points^_^:lol:;)
Quicker response to button presses. Too many times i could have thrown a try scoring pass in 08 but it took too long for an effect to take place on screen by which time id been tackled. and my computer isnt slow.
Better AI formations. Maybe i am missing something, but my far winger was never further than halfway across the pitch. I could never utilise the full width of the pitch because my AI teammates didnt move wide enough.
A bit more randomisation to other results. I never met anyone other than the all blacks in the world cup final when playing as scotland because no one else could beat them.
More licenses, As an edinburgh fan, our roster was A. 4 years out of date, B. No licences for names. C. players looked nothing and i mean nothing like what they should have and D. No accurate representation of players form/ rating.
The online needs to be better and more realistic like fifa. playing in heiniken cups and magners league and certain players being called up to international duty. There also needs to be a be a pro career , where you see your player win trophies , be called up on international duty like 6 nations autumn and summer international tri nations world cup and the lions tour
of course my idea for a rugby game will never happen unless i design it because ive never heard of a sports game doing this but i reall think it would work. and if i ever end up in the gaming industry. you can bet on seeing a game like this.

every player controlls one player in either first person or third (over the shoulder). so in every game theres 30 guys playing a match.(unless its 7's) all the players choose their positions.. and assuming multiple people chose the same position it gives the rest of them positions relative to the position they chose.

( say 4 people wanted to play wing. the computer will set 2 people as wings, 1 as fullback and 1 as outside center.)

make it as close to the real game as possible. bundle it with a headset so the entire team can communicate.

make a button so you attach yourself to a ruck or a maul and set pushing as rapidly tapping a button.. but not a button people could set rapid fire mods to..

things of this nature
You can do that with Fifa and NHL (probably others, but those are the only two i've played)
When i play Rugby 06 or 08, i have to play with namibia or portugal to make it challenging, and i still manage to beat the top teams. The difficulty level actually needs to count for something and should be realistic to actual results . E.g New Zealand should only ever be able to rack up 20 point wins over South Africa when playing well, Namibia lose to Austrlia by 40 when playing well, Lions find it extremely hard to make semi-finals in the super 14 etc. It needs to be relaistic and simulate real expectations.
Something else to add: From a NZ point of view ITM cup would be great (NPC) but even better than this would be the 7s.
I know that is very expensive to add and quite different but imagine the greater audience it would pull in. The 7s will very soon be added to the olypimcs and create a huge following from nations all around the world. The commonwealth games are being played this year which would be a good time to assess teams and the players in them (e.g NZ will take S14 players and so if teams are based on this then not many new players need to be created).
This would create a rela edge to the game, something very fresh and different but extremely exciting, and if replicating true 7s style, a game that can be won or lost on the day.
The Bounce of the ball should be more realistic not always bounce in the direction you aim it in.

The wind must be a factor in running play and not just in place kicks.

TV Match Offical will give a realistic feeling if that should be added.

Blood injuries

Smarter AI ( a lot smarter please) Rugby 08 you cant beat any team with Russia on elite.

More Club leagues like French Top 14 and Currie Cup(South Africa)

Better engine, Madden's engine is a good example.

The advantages must be corrected, penalty advantage and scrum advantage durations differ! When you do have a penalty or scrum advantage you don't lose it if the ball goes out of play(behind the advantage line).

When players return from a injury or they have a low morale, you must be able to see that in there gameplay.

Less delay on the set piece moves.

1) Better/unique side steps

2) Ability to chip and chase


4) Roster updates via online

5) Player statistics eg tackles and metres gained

6) User/ Controller statistics. For when you and a friend play on the same side to see who made the most tackles or metres

7) Better franchise mode:
- money instead of points
- able to buy all players if you have the money
- more than 5 star players

8) Players actually contest for the ball and push other players out of the ruck. Really needs fixing

9) Better quick taps. George Gregan has copped a few shots over the years haha

10) Star players have more impact

11) Weight and size has an impact on player stats. Backs dominate the forwards too much in this game

12) Better create a player mode

13) Ability to trade/buy players in Super 15 mode

14) Better bombs

15) CUT OUT PASSES need fixing. Once that is fixed the game will be so much better

16) More set plays

17) Team chemistry has more effect

Thats all I can think of now.

If you fix and implement these suggestions Rugby 2012 will be amazing

PS Quade Cooper is the best
unlike 08 2012 needs to have a career mode not just world cup, and online mode and alot more stadiums like twickenum and the aviva
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Definatley get the Magners league teams, players and stadia licensed. Also give better tackle/breakdown animations. Add more competitions - Magners league, French League etc. Get better kicking animations - ones that are individual. E.G stephen jones' straight run up toe-poke style. Also give it a manager mode like on Fifa 10. Where you can buy great players, loan players out or sell them etc. Make the ratings more realistic - e.g on rugby 08 cory jane was like 50 something, now he's a real star for the all blacks, as well as zac guildford. Also in a manager mode, you should have a youth academy, which will give you good quality young players for you to develop. Also the manager mode should have about a 30 or 40 year career where top players get regenerated as young players with the same name or surname. Also lower leagues should be included, like french division 2, where the legend that is Jonah Lomu plays. Lastly if there is going to be a world league, make it more realistic, not ;ike rugby 08 where you would buy dan carter then you would be sacked because you couldn't afford to pay the teams' wages!!!
Well i think couple things should be added to rugby 2012
Well in line out we should be able to run a play or set piece eg like maroi split or fornt runner plays,
When creating a player should have more attitubutes, more hair styles,different body bulids, but also to have different types or side steps you can choose for your player not the same old step and and also be able to choose your own kicking style
They should introduce BE A PRO like in Fifa, or something along the lines of that
Or introduce Virtual Pro also like in Fifa
And also ofcourse make graphic reslestic, but also i know it not as straight forward as i say
Hi, there is alot of things they can improve like: * blood injuries * player sweating * career mode, where you play with one player that you create and you become better like in pro evo soccer 10 and you can announce your retirement!!! *a much better manager mode where you search a player and try to transfer or loan him, sometimes they dont want to sign a contrac lik pes and fifa! * celebrations if you score a try sometimes * interceptions must be real, but you must have a special ability to do it like jean de villiers, you must time the pass and go for it and if you dont have a special ability it wil be harder to intercept, sometimes even knock the ball on! * stretcher when sometimes badly injured * chip kicks ! ! ! Plz ! ! ! You must time it to perfection. * refree on the field, make real refs, popular one's like jonathan kaplan of sa and steve walsh of aus, plz! * other commentators * make the game harder, more difficulties * LAN, a player vs player of 2 different cpu's ! * if there is a great try let us can SAVE THE REPLAY! *man of the match/series/tournament ! * rugby 7's, if you can! * HD kits, logos and emblems plz ! * search engine * player form if you play a tournament that you should consider him for the next game, and if his form are poor in the game he will play badly in the match! * undershirt / sleeves is a must for the game! * tatoos * under armor / shouler pads * TMO / tv umpire * better music when they score a try * if you are playing a tournament super14, manager mode ect. And you are in a match and a tackle is really bad he can get banned/ suspended for the next game(s) * make the fans more realistic * blood replacements and blood revearsels * let both teams sing their anthems and the haka more aggressive thanks thats all for now

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