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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

I have one suggestion.

I found the running lines on previous rugby games to be very restricted.You'd get the ball and have to run directly at the opposite player or use speed to go around the player. How about with the right joystick you could move the player to the right or left of the ball carrier and set up various running lines. In set backline plays from the set piece this could work. An example would be a fly half running with the ball from a scrum, you could then use the right joystick to bring in the Inside centre (no.12) and pop a short ball for a crash ball. This would allow players to attack gaps and space not men...which really is the aim of running rugby. Alternatively to the short pop you could use this control to push a receiver wider, this would unbalance things in the midfield and break things up a bit. IT opens the game up to unbalanced midfields, interceptions and a whole lot more.

I always find with rugby games its very difficult to make space, you have to ruck and mall 4/5 times and then hope there is an overlap and go around players. For me the ability to open up gaps and space is fundamental in the game.

Anyone agree? Any thoughts on this?

Totally agree!!

Would be interest even if we were able to do quick and less predictable skip pass, for example:
1 click left = pass first man left
2 (fast) click left = skip pass left

One of the things I liked in R06 is "fly half on the run", making him run before to spin the ball out of a scrum/ruck/maul, and take the ball advancing... as a (mediocre!!) flyhalf I love it, but...
...if you do that in R06, the AI takes your openside wing and switch him to bring inside the 10. A man inside the 10 is always useful (I use it a lot of times), but I don't want that it would be a player from the outside, cause if so, I'm gonna attacking wide without a man!
Just bring a player from the blindside/other side or from the ruck!
the only thing I can say is I agree with the idea of having a more comprehensive manager type game where you can work your way up from coaching an NPC team to having the all blacks and wallabies fighting over you.

Also maybe with the tackleing it could be a bit more realistic, being able to have two guys make a tackle at the same time for instance. In addition if a player runs the ball high and is caught in a mall there could be an option to try and drag the ball to the ground to cause a ruck.

Players like richie mcaw could have special abilities like being able to sneakily use hands in the ruck and win ball.

The main thing is that there will be a new game and that is exciting... EA really had me scared there for a while that 2008 (which lets be honest was a let down) was going to be the last rugby game. Good on you HB studios and make it a good one please :)
there is so many posts i don know if this stupid or has been said heaps but the ability to make a tackle in your in goal that leads to the ball being held up rather then always scoring it doesnt have to happen always but if your in the RIGHTpostion to intiate a tackle that trys to stop the ball from being grouded rather then just going for the legs of the attacker it would be good, like i dont expect a person who got break and who gets cut down from behind on the line to be held up but if give a short ball or snipe from five metres out and run straight into a defender then the animation maybe that he wraps up the player, the attacking player may still ground it during this tackle or may be held up, to get deeper into it maybe as the attcker you could keep pressing x to try and score which could lead to other ouctomes like a knocks on, double movements (penalisable offences) or the ball being grounded and from there you could branch out to TMO calls.but yeah starting small and being able to hold up the ball carrier sometimes would be awesome.
Um don't know if anyone already said this but what about some players go to score a try but they don't ground it then get up and run in closer to score a try and a better cance at getting the kick over (fake try score move) and a the french guy with the funny face taping when he was injured imanol harinordoquy be good to be able to play with him like that or just as normal.another thing when charging down a kick be cool if you got hit in the face with the ball sometimes causing bleeding or knocked out.What about being able to hold on to the players shorts or jersey and drag them down in the tackle???.Able to kick the ball away or throw it away when you get penelised to stop your oponent from a quick tap option,able to slide on the ground when running back to get the ball and up to your feet in 1 motion insted of just reaching down and picking up ball.
players and teams!

i dont know weather this has been said but i would like to see the irish provinces done properly.Like the proper jerseys and crests.
I would like to see more recognizable players, as in Rugby 08 I don't Know how many people looked like Geordan Murphy.

Another thing i would like to see is an improved computer A.I,because in Rugby 08 it is too easy to just run from one end of the pitch to the other on Elite.
I would like to see more realistic game play like scrums and mauls,make it look like there is a real battle going on and how stressful it is in there rather than the one dimentional way of Rugby 08 where everybody is just straight and the scrum and maul move!
I want to be able when you are running with the ball and you come up against the full back that you can chip the ball over his head rather than just being able to grubber it along the ground.
I also would like to see more realistic crowds for example when you are are playing as or against a team like Munster that the crowd start singing "The Fields of Athenry" or if you are playing France they start Chanting "Allez Le Bleue"

I would also like to see a FIFA-esque style manager mode where you can pick a team and bring them through several season for example: Leinster,have them play in the Magners League and the Heiniken Cup
Also that you have a control over certain aspects of club affairs in this game mode eg. buying and selling players and tactics.
I would also like to see a form based system in this mode for example a player who is in good form will have a higher stats and will play confidentaly and visa versa,this would especially affect kickers.
And at the end of each season i would like to see the IRB awards where it shows who won player of the year and coach of the year and so on.

These are some of the things i would like to see in the new game and i hope some of these will be read and taken into account!:)
players and teams!

i dont know weather this has been said but i would like to see the irish provinces done properly.Like the proper jerseys and crests.
I would like to see more recognizable players, as in Rugby 08 I don't Know how many people looked like Geordan Murphy.

Another thing i would like to see is an improved computer A.I,because in Rugby 08 it is too easy to just run from one end of the pitch to the other on Elite.
I would like to see more realistic game play like scrums and mauls,make it look like there is a real battle going on and how stressful it is in there rather than the one dimentional way of Rugby 08 where everybody is just straight and the scrum and maul move!
I want to be able when you are running with the ball and you come up against the full back that you can chip the ball over his head rather than just being able to grubber it along the ground.
I also would like to see more realistic crowds for example when you are are playing as or against a team like Munster that the crowd start singing "The Fields of Athenry" or if you are playing France they start Chanting "Allez Le Bleue"

I would also like to see a FIFA-esque style manager mode where you can pick a team and bring them through several season for example: Leinster,have them play in the Magners League and the Heiniken Cup
Also that you have a control over certain aspects of club affairs in this game mode eg. buying and selling players and tactics.
I would also like to see a form based system in this mode for example a player who is in good form will have a higher stats and will play confidentaly and visa versa,this would especially affect kickers.
And at the end of each season i would like to see the IRB awards where it shows who won player of the year and coach of the year and so on.

These are some of the things i would like to see in the new game and i hope some of these will be read and taken into account!:)
i think the "world league" should be comparable to fifa's managment mode. Things like player growth throughout the season, managing training sessions, managings press conference scenarios and off the pitch problems, managing proper financing i.e. not just player salaries (which should start also being more realistic) but also stadium entrance fees, merchandise fees, the whole nine yards! What Rugby 2012 really needs is basically a set of alternative game modes that really sell the game to a wider range and audience of gamers and who would deny wanting to be in charge of a full fledge rugby club/team and being the boss??
Please make right stick a hit stick

The right stick in the last couple of rugby games were used for offence but using it as a counter for defence would make this game so much more realistic. 1 By pressing towards the attacking player dose an upperbody tackle which would stop the previous low barge but would be less effective against a palm. This being an upperbody tackle it stops any chance of an off load but can cause the running player to gain a few extra meters from momentum and even break tackles if not countered right. 2 by pressing away from the player would result in a low body tackle where side steping and the palm become less effective but leave the player able to offload and use the low barge to break the tackle. This still leave left and right with a possiblity of differnt types of tackles.
Could work, but if they did do that then i'd like to see button alternatives/the option to use buttons instead of the right stick. I much prefer to use the buttons over the right stick (in NHL09 i switched to buttons)
Please add this to Unleash CHABAL Furry:
Ah... please, just let Stephen Larkham in the game. Selectable for Wallabies, Barbarians, Japan, whatever, but don't forget him!!

I need Bernie!
Don't make the game to easy! Rugby 08 was to easy and that take away the fun, because knowing you are going to win the match even before you start playing is just wrong. The AI needs to be able to read the game and take their chances. I hate it when a AI player have a open line before him and he pass the ball to another player. In '08 I was hoping for the AI team just to get some points on the board to make the game a challenge. Please focus on making the AI better!

Then please include creating players, teams, playing kits and stadiums. Try and use the creating tools from Fifa 10.
I really would like more teams and competitions, for example, the Magners League and the Top 14, with real teams, not like those french, irish, scotish and welsh clubs you have on Rugby 08.
I would also like the possibility to change the clubs inside a championship, for example, not having the same clubs at the same groups as the European Championship on the last game.
And finally, more official licensed countries. (Namibia last game was ridiculous) whoever created that team has never watched a rugby game in his life!
In fifa there's a tactics menu where you can customize your attack and defence according to what you prefer. This should in my view be a must in Rugby 2012. For instance you should be able to change formation, player positioning etc on attack and defence. There should be a counter attack, counter kicking and other tactics available. And on defence you should be able to change your pattern of defence (slide, blitz and man on etc) on different parts of the field. It should have a fully customizable tactics menu.
  • Adequate customization options, which is standard in 99% of sports games. That means editable teams (including individual players), transfers, create-a-player/team, etc. Custom jerseys would be welcomed, but not paramount.
  • More plays on attack and defence. This includes the lineouts.
  • Carrying on form this, if the plays are disrupted, don't have the players just mindlessly continue running if it's broken up.
  • Which brings up, more fluidity in the game. Players shouldn't act like robots/stiff.
  • I suppose implementing the plays as an optional function when you have the ball (i.e. it's free play/unstructured attack until the player chooses some plays (maybe via the D-pad?).
  • Rucks. This needs to be more dynamic/. Though that doesn't necessarily mean more complex. Just not random and adding players.
  • Also, players in the ruck shouldn't be stuck there (i.e. can be taken out).
  • Halfbacks shouldn't be easily caught sniping when darting from a ruck (this was too easy for the CPU to do in 08, above the easiest difficulty.
  • Cutout passes/miss 1-passes (outside of setplays) should be able to be made.
  • Right stick as hit-stick/truck-stick.
  • Offloads should be able to be made at pretty much any moment, providing their arms are free. Should be a risk/reward type of deal if that player is smothered by tacklers that it would increase the chance of a knockon or turnover. Would also taking into account attributes. (e.g. 'Handling' skill)
  • More game modes: Provincial, super rugby and the NH competitions as well.
  • Also, perhaps a create- a-tournament mode.
  • Kicking from the hand (during free play) should be easier. It was too easy to get caught mid kick, and would ALWAYS result in a knock on.
  • Speaking of which, the scrum game should be simpler/more fun. The old system is a tad confusing/boring.
Phew! I've got so many more ideas, but that's all for now. Been waiting for a next-gen game of rugby.

It was understandable that these things couldn't/weren't done in the older systems because of limitations (at least on the ps2/xbox) but they should be done now as most of those things are pretty stock standard in sports games.

Good to know that you guys are taking suggestion though. :)
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different tackles are key, this will add a whole new dimension to defending appropriately.
hard tackle - more likely to knock ball on, less consistent/accurate
wrap tackle - less likely to force knock on, more consistent.
wrap up arms - need to be closer to ball carrier, prevents ability to offload. (offloads should be able to be performed in either direction by holding left/right on stick)
i think these could be denoted by different face buttons

edit set play
run a line with one player, and that line is recorded.
next run a line with another player, such as a center, and that line is recorded.
continue doing this with each individual player, to create a custom set piece.

call for switch in open play
should be a button to call for a switch with the nearest player on the field
this is just another option to the standard formation of players running outside of the ball carrier for a passing option, as in older versions.
also, more dynamic runners in general, and the ability to use forwards as backs and vice versa.

ability to start maul/dynamic rucks
maybe hold a button while running into a tackle, which will attempt to start a maul.
ability to add/remove players in rucks, also maybe a button tapping sequence which will determine who wins the rucks, which is easier with more players in.
this will make it easier to win rucks with lots of men in but leave you with less of an overlap/options once the ball is won.

finally, if there is a way, TMO.
different tackles are key, this will add a whole new dimension to defending appropriately.
hard tackle - more likely to knock ball on, less consistent/accurate
wrap tackle - less likely to force knock on, more consistent.
wrap up arms - need to be closer to ball carrier, prevents ability to offload. (offloads should be able to be performed in either direction by holding left/right on stick)
i think these could be denoted by different face buttons

edit set play
run a line with one player, and that line is recorded.
next run a line with another player, such as a center, and that line is recorded.
continue doing this with each individual player, to create a custom set piece.

call for switch in open play
should be a button to call for a switch with the nearest player on the field
this is just another option to the standard formation of players running outside of the ball carrier for a passing option, as in older versions.
also, more dynamic runners in general, and the ability to use forwards as backs and vice versa.

ability to start maul/dynamic rucks
maybe hold a button while running into a tackle, which will attempt to start a maul.
ability to add/remove players in rucks, also maybe a button tapping sequence which will determine who wins the rucks, which is easier with more players in.
this will make it easier to win rucks with lots of men in but leave you with less of an overlap/options once the ball is won.

finally, if there is a way, TMO.
Love those ideas!

I don't think they'd be too hard to implement either (going by the games today). :)
a question ....... but are not yet available pictures or other?

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