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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

A lot of talk has gone into set pieces and offensive play but the defensive play has got to be stronger. In Rugby 08 computer controlled defenders would simply stay in one place. You have to have a defensive line that is attacking and sliding with the movement of the offense. Don't really know if it is feasible, but I don't want defensive improvements to be over looked.
what the hell is an e fed via justin.tv ?

A E fed is a user created character e.g. created wrestler on Smackdown vs raw 2010 which is streamed E fed is Fantasy Wrestling . Justin TV is a website for streaming live casts, games and all sorts, The E fed in which im part of takes viewers characters then they create a show or brand with each viewers character. The CPU part is where the computer decide the winners and losers and a story is based off of that. Why i want a CPU vs CPU thing where we can just set no controller for either side is because i'll be doing a E fed for Rugby which will be fantasy Rugby.
yeah sounds much better than playing. try pro rugby manager 2005 or something.
Would be cool if it had unique styles of stepping , for example the Karmichael Hunt step, press L2 to hop( or jump into the air like a goose step ) then right analogue to go eitheir way, and if the agiity is good then the step will be good , players running holes would be good like on madden superstar how it has running back lines and wide recievers etc, it should have angles that centres and second fives run. Better computer defence system.. Line out options to go back to Rugby 04 , with heaps of options.. better create a player system.. abiltiy to perform a cut without choosing a set play but by just pressing a comand control ? for example somthing like to get some one to cut left , L1 AND CLICK THE R3 button.. crowds to applaud the right moments in game, or to hate on one player, or just rip into that player with heaps of booing.. ITM Cup, super15 ,English league,Magners, Hinekin cup top14 / Trinations(4nations when agrintina come in) 6nations, pacific rim comp , japan 5 nations, world cup qualifing and world cup.. Better match speed and players not getting fluke tackles and a player has to lock a target or somthing so he cant just defend the whole backline which doesnt happen in a game , and teams getting more aggresive and certain trys meaning more to the game situation, Better quick tap, scrums , lineouts.. rucks and abiltiy to be able to start a maul in game play not just from lineouts.. thats all dox
I for got this , maybe it was suggested , if can be a seven modality to play.
What about a World XV team 1 player from 15 different nations to make up a All-Star starting team or something like that ,or World XV team Past players and World XV current players.Just a idea spice things up abit.
I would like to see more depth in the playing rosters and for players to be able to customize players (eg. making Lomu back into a superstar :p).

I understand the All Blacks need to have Adidas boots but as an avid player of Rugby 2008 it gets a bit lame to see the NZ Super 14 Franchises decked out in generic Adidas boots. Please include some different colour predators or whatever they wear :D

New tackle animations are definate must and although I loved the "Star" player feature, I think it can be tweaked just a little bit more to allow some shortcomings of their game, ie: they get fatigued the more you rely on them.
You're talking about a game that hasn't been revisited since 2007??? Do you really think they can sustain two releases and if so, what has made it suddenly profitable?

I think this Rugby game needs to be as good as it can be for this series to survive. In a perfect world, I would love the Euphoria engine to apply to the Jonah Lomu Gameplay but it won't be that good unfortunately :(
I would like if , can be interceptions that where more realistic and sorpressive or something like that.

Yes that would be sick! Interceptions are a must as they are a key facet of our game. As soon as you release that flat ball, there needs to be a speedster lurking to make you pay.
Does anyone else think that the way video game licensing works is a little odd? When you think about it, these teams are essentially getting free advertising and public exposure simply by virtue of being in the game. Perhaps HB could frame it that way to these teams - tell them they are offering them the opportunity to be accurately presented in a video game that will give its brand exposure to a new market and then tell them that it won't cost them a dime - they just need to agree ;) .

It totally sucks. I particularly hate in Rugby 2008 how the French Top 14 teams had so much unlicensed depth. I wish the IRB would get behind this and enforce this as a contractual obligation of all franchises who HB want in this game. How else are you going to spread the mass appeal of Rugby?
Seeing as New Zealand is host for the World Cup and we are Rugby mad over here. I'd like to see the Air New Zealand Cup!!! Huge ask but what about 7's Rugby??? Maybe you could produce a sevens ARCADE style release after this game...SEVENS RUGBY arcade would be ultimately AWESOME.

Or even 7's as DLC.
When blocking the ball in a ruck (pushing R3) not having penalty every time, and not having yellow card depending on the referee and the championship. Same thing for the high tackles and collapsing mauls. Sorry for my english...

Tackling a player who was in the process of catching the ball was an automatic red card for me, and one of my most annoying issues of Rugby 08.
Last night when I was playing 08 I went to touch the ball down, but instead dived into the dead ball area. why would my player do that? why? hmm?

I dropped the moron.

Also I dont like all this bad mouthing about katalau, berti, heffler, gonzales etc... I feel like I know those guys, and yes, heffler may be infuriating at times, given the fact that he plays like a retarded 6 year old child, and gonzales may be a fat idiot who cant scrummage to save his life, but come onnnn, they're awesome! Damm's a legend! How many tries has Nawali scored for you! Probably not many but so what!

Nawali has scored plenty for me, but Chupin is the man at flyhalf ;p
I was wondering, can we have a hand in deciding the player ratings? This whole time ive been thinking that it doesnt matter if player attributes are wrong as long as there is a player editor. But online mode will require default rosters to be used.

This being the case, can HB let us reach a consensus on player ratings? In previous years there have been some shockers. Nick Evans really sticks out for me, the best aspect of his game was his ability to accelerate into gaps, he was lightning quick, even played on the wing for the all blacks on occasion, then ea rugby comes out and hes one of the slower flyhalves in the game, kick and clap flyhalves from the Heiniken Cup were quicker than him. That single error ruined the whole thing for me as he was one of my favourite players and fairly unusable, it wasnt worth putting him in the all blacks because the character didnt play like him. Carl Hayman was another, he was the undisputed best tighthead prop in world rugby and his stats were average, then there was Isaia Toeava, not only could you not pick him for the all blacks because it listed his nationality as Samoan, but it said he played fullback only, Isaia Toeava plays every single position in the backline bar halfback!

If we cant straight up decide what the ratings are, can HB at least post the stats and rosters up during development so the forum can check for errors or discrepancies? its a whole team of free proof readers willing to work for free

Even worse ones were Berrick Barnes and Cory Jane! The latter was WTF??? :eek:
I'd like to see an enhanced kicking system, something like the first Rugby League game, where the time slowed down and you could control where the kick went, or whether to run or pass. A fake-kick option would be good as well. And more realistic passing, instead of the furthest pass being a one-man cut out, the longer you hold it the further it goes. And perhaps add a intercept "moment" where if a long pass goes, the player has to follow a sequence of buttons, for example, if the on screen tells you to push X,X,Y, RB for an intercept, in a short amount of time. But offer a consequence if it doesnt work, a knock-on or a deliberate knockdown. Also maybe a 4th official (Video Ref). And I like the thought of weather interfering with the gameplay, longer kicks with the wind behind you, or vice versa. Also if it raining, an increased amount of dropped balls and less bounce for the ball on the ground. Fatigue also needs to be an option, as one thing I noticed in Rugby 08 was that players could essentially sprint the entire game. Make it so that players with increased stamina are only able to perform for this long. Also, create-a-player needs some tweaking. An annoying thing in 08 was that if you tried to make a player, and give him awesome ratings, it wasn't nearly as good as some of the other players. For example, if you gave a player 99 speed and acceleration, they weren't nearly as fast as Habana or Robinson. Perhaps add a create-a-team option, and create-a-stadium. BRING BACK THE LIONS TOUR! That was an awesome thing in Rugby 05. Also, add a "tours" section, where you could choose a team, and then go on a tour on a certain area. Like a New Zealand tour to Europe. I think a "Be-a-pro" section would be awesome as well, choose a player, and then rise up through the ranks, state then national selection, captaincy and then impact player, being able to increase ratings on the way, like the Captain-Your-Country section in Fifa 2010 World Cup. Also, choosing who your impact players would be in a particular game would be great. There are so many options! Make this an awesome game!!!!!!!!!
1. Sevens mode! There should be a 7's tournament where you select a squad from the country you want to be.
2. Player attributes should be able to be edited by the player. Some of the attributes are horribly wrong and it gets very annoying (Like Spies is slow and weak)
3. Need to fix some of the rules. For instance, if you have a penalty advantage and the ball goes out, you have the line-out not the penalty. That HAS TO be fixed. Also when you take a drop goal your advantage is over too. They must make it go back for the penalty.
4. Squads must be 34 men. 30 isn't enough in the tournaments for guys like me who like to mix things up.
5. A player musn't knock the ball on every time he touches it if he is playing out of position. This is the most irritating thing in the entire game.
6. Only the locks and the number 8 can jump in the line-outs. The flanks should be able to jump too.
7. Drop-goal distance is too short. You can't get it from more then 40m out. You should be able to slot drop goals from halfway.
8. Blood. Just to make it more realistic.
9. World league mode. Their should be contract negotiations, media stuff etc. Like players complain that they not getting enough game time, or they might want a raise or something. Like a really hectic manager mode.
10. Fatigue mode for tournaments. In tournaments, players should have a fatigue bar. If you play them too many games without subbing or resting them, their fatigue bar could rise which could cause injury. This will force gamers to manager their guys properly.There should be an option to turn this function off though.
11. Up and unders need to go further.
12. No players should be rated under 65. If they were so useless they wouldn't be playing rugby (Except Earl Rose)
13. There should be a new attribute. Cleverness, or ingenuity or something. How smart the guy is. Like Ricky Januarie is rated more then Fourie du Preez. There should be a smartness attribute as in decision-making, then this mistake in the ratings would be corrected.
I don't like the idea of a mini game at every breakdown, maul, scrum and even long pass. Use Fifa as an example, (and even previous EA Rugby games) matches are flowing and fun to play. One of the best things about the previous games was when you attacked cleverly filling your momentum bar and you could just let the game flow, without the need to stop for any mini games.

Actually Momentum and quick ball should be important too if no one has suggested that yet.

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