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Scardest you've ever been watching a movie ?

Big Ewis

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Oct 10, 2011
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Always cool (potentially fascinating) to read such posts from various people with different phobias, life experiences, tastes...I mean how interesting is it that for some it could be a movie about large empty spaces, or the opposite, claustrophobia; for others it would be small but crawling insect like things with thin needle-like features, others are afraid of voluminous things like giant squids or a t-rex; or being tied up on a long-chair and films with surgical instruments and a scientific-experimental vibe; for others it's slightly warped features like smiles too large or all things related to eyes and staring glances; for some body transformations are terrifying enough as they substitute with the protagonists; creaking doors, places with an eerie vibe, houses, sounds, screams, utters, long silences, white noise or other things technological; things of a (ir)religious order...such a wide palette !

Could be watching a series, movie...anything cinematic. Let us know, TRF, YOUR FEARS.
Wow...I have a few...

Fiend Without A Face (1958 ) - I saw it one day as a kid. Menacing, crawling brains. I was all alone in the house and stumbled across this flick - it freaked me right out.

See No Evil (1971) - Watched this one on TV, not sure how old I was but - again - I was alone. Blind girl running from a murderer. I think out of all the scary movies I've ever seen, this one is the most realistic, so therefore the most scary in the long run.

Jaws (1975) - I live at the seashore. Mom took me to the theater to see this one (and YES, I did just date myself - sorry to disappoint but I am old), and to this day I am a scaredy cat in the water.

Prophecy (1979) - Another film I stumbled across one day when all alone, but I was a bit older this time...probably late teens. I was always exploring the woods behind our home, so this one - about mutant killer bears lurking in the forest - really scared the crap out of me. This is another one that still affects me - like sharks and water, this one has me worrying about mutant bears every time I go for a hike in the woods.

The Hitcher (1986) - A horrible movie! I thought it was going to be sort of like a Hitchcock flick, but ended up being this gory horror movie that - for some reason - I just could not look away from. Not sure if it scared me, or horrified me like stumbling on a crime scene. I saw it on TV so later than 1986, but I think it was the film that made up my mind for me to never watch this sort of film ever again. I just can't be entertained by human suffering, not when filmmakers keep trying to make the suffering more graphic and more realistic. Give me crawling brains any day!

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Films that have genuinely sh*t me up:

Invasion of the body snatchers
An American werewolf in London (somehow i saw this when i was only 10 and it scared the bejeezus out of me)

John Carpenters - The Thing
For me it has to be the movie "The last house on the left".

But it's a personal thing, as that movie was shot in South Africa, and when I was a kid, visiting my Uncle who lives in Somerset-West in the Cape, we used to go to the same location where the movie was shot, and he used to scare us when we played hide and seek around that house they used in the movie.
The Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang scared the crap outta me as kid.

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The Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang scared the crap outta me as kid.

When my little boy was old enough I decided to download chitty chitty bang bang to watch with him.

Left it downloading and went to work came home to an irate wife who kicked off at me for being so brazen as to leave some pron downloading in full view.

She thought from the name it was some deviant gang pron I'd taken a fancy to.

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When my little boy was old enough I decided to download chitty chitty bang bang to watch with him.

Left it downloading and went to work came home to an irate wife who kicked off at me for being so brazen as to leave some pron downloading in full view.

She thought from the name it was some deviant gang pron I'd taken a fancy to.


The movie she was thinking of is called: Clitty Clitty Bang Bang
When I was about 10 I watched Jeepers Creepers - that's the most I've ever been scared due to a movie.
The first time I saw Jaws and the head fall out of the boat I leapt about a foot off the floor from a cross legged position, still makes me jump to this day :)

Horror films never really scared me as I always understood what they were however, one film that always made me feel uncomfortably scared was The Entity as it was based around true events and was bloody well made.
their not all leathery old swingers mate.... :)

Ah, that explains it.

I mean that must have been a pretty hilarious conversation for you!

It was one of those moments when you walk in and are just open mouthed as it all unfolds in front of you before bursting out laughing for a good few minutes before catching my breath and explaining what it actually was.
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E.T scared the **** out of me as a kid. He was so weird looking.

Chucky scared me a lot as a kid too, but not these days.

When the Asian horrors such as Ju-On first came out I **** my pants, not literally. They whole long hair over the face and white gown look became over done after a while.

I haven't been scared too much by the newer movies unfortunately.. They are fun but not scary any more.
When I was about 10 I watched Jeepers Creepers - that's the most I've ever been scared due to a movie.

Jeeeepers...Creeeeepers....how'd ya get those eyes ?? :D

For me it has to be the movie "The last house on the left".

But it's a personal thing, as that movie was shot in South Africa, and when I was a kid, visiting my Uncle who lives in Somerset-West in the Cape, we used to go to the same location where the movie was shot, and he used to scare us when we played hide and seek around that house they used in the movie.

hah, cool story. I mean it literally, that's really cool to read.

John Carpenters - The Thing

I saw it later in my life, but yeah, very well done and a classic. A lot of what 'fear' is, perfectly portrayed and incorporated there.

Chucky scared me a lot as a kid too, but not these days.

When the Asian horrors such as Ju-On first came out I **** my pants, not literally. They whole long hair over the face and white gown look became over done after a while.

I haven't been scared too much by the newer movies unfortunately.. They are fun but not scary any more.

We're fairly alike. That whole post is very like me. I remember watching Chucky at a friend's place when I was a little kid, and literally hid behind the couch.

When I was a teen I saw "The Grudge" (American Ju-On) and that was the last time in my life I got really scared of a film. I'd think about it for *weeks* before bedtime and had trouble turning the light off my imagination was roaming so free. In my house at the time, the PC was in an open space leading to the stairs, and every once in a while I'd turn around on the right to look if the little Asian ghost kid wasn't staring at me holding on to the ledge awkwardly !...
And yes, haven't been scared in a while...
Oh wait ! REC, the real Spanish production. Some rough moments to go through with all the silences and jumpy scenes.

Anybody here knew Orin, Starchaser the animated film ?? This scene used to scare the Fukkidee fok out of me. The eyes on that second organic-bot thing...boy did I see those in my dreams as a child..

Weirdly, I'm fascinated with the great white shark but although I saw Jaws fairly early in my life, it never left a mark on me.

Oh, and how could I even dare forget...Cronenburg's The Fly (1986). But it was more than fear there, I know see as a grownup the movie is downright unhealthy. Too bad, because it's a great movie. Don't think I'll ever watch it again now, though..
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@Big Ewis Haha I feel you man! Just something about a toy that can come to life running around in the shadows killing people didn't sit with me too well as a kid. Also as a kid your imagination gets carried away a lot more so it's not impossible (then) for Chucky to just creek open your door one night to pay a visit. Oh boy, kind of scaring myself right now.

With Ju-On it was weird. I got heaps of creeps and scares throughout the film but afterwards I was all brave like meh I'll be all good. Then when it came to bed time my imagination just went crazy. I was looking at my windows, the foot of my bed, underneath my bed, I had to keep opening my eyes every couple of seconds in case she was there and when I did open my eyes I was so scared her face would be right in front of mine. The most frequent imagination was just her head slowly rising from the foot of my bed hair over her face and that UUUUGGGHGGHHGHGHG noise. Haha fun times as a kid and teenager. Best remedy for me was to turn on some music or go on the computer, chat on msn messenger hoping to god someone was awake.

REC is a good one BE, I agree there were some shocking moments like if I remember correctly the body randomly falling and hitting the ground out of no where. And the really dark scene up in the top floor where you couldn't see anything, just anticipating a scare to happen. SO much dread in that scene.

I also thought a couple of scenes in The Sixth Sense were scary like where the girl reached out from underneath the bed, and also when the young boy was in his little bed sheet tent with a flash light where suddenly the vomit girl just appears.

I think the greatest creeps and scares happened before adulthood just because my imagination would get too out of hand.
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@Big Ewis

I also thought a couple of scenes in The Sixth Sense were scary like where the girl reached out from underneath the bed, and also when the young boy was in his little bed sheet tent with a flash light where suddenly the vomit girl just appears.

Aahh I can see why that would be freaky, I didn't effect me as much as it should because for some reason I had worked out the little code that had been put in the film to let you know a dead person was in the scene so I was prepared, I don't mention it outright because I don't want to put a spoiler in but will reveal if you want to know?
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