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Rugby World Cup 2015 Game Announced

Well i'm glad they are making one, hopefully this time it will be a game worth buying unlike Rugby 15. Anyway @ScottishCannon . i've not been looking at your channel in a while, has there been any news on Rugby 16 ?
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Well I think rugby 16 is not going to happen if rugby world cup 2015 is coming out!!!
hopefully this wont be such a broken mess. i really tried to overlook the flaws but just couldnt. i love the idea of the new passing system but it just doesnt work well enough on rugby 15
Amazed they've given it another shot after the utter failure that was 15
It's gonna be utter ****e. And that pattern is emerging of no screenshot with just 4mths left to release, showing once again how utterly not bothered they are.

Just hoping it will be RugbyWC2011 upscaled with normal controls because that is the best we can hope for and it will save me setting up my PS3.

HB Studios - You are CRAP and a waste of time (wanted to use harsher language you rip off c....) and I hope your wives/girlfriends have had to get 3rd jobs just to support you useless divs trying to tweak an animation on a spectrum...
Look, I would have had respect for them if they admitted that Rugby 15 was a mess and they are going to do their utmost to try and right their mistakes, BUT they somehow had the audacity to call rugby 15 a SUCCESS in their press release. For that this game doesn't deserve any optimism or support from us at all.
this is gonna be another bad game but just a world cup game, I'd want a game with clubs with a career mode etc added in. Really can't see myself getting this especially with so many other great games coming out
Wonder if they managed to secure the All Blacks and Wallabies licenses. You would think TruBlu's 4 year exclusive deal would be over by now.

Don't know why HB Studio's can't just make the same gameplay as Rugby 08. RWC2011 had worse gameplay than 08. A carbon copy of Rugby 08 with updated graphics would be good enough.
We all know what's going to happen.

They are going to take Rugby 15, and then just replace the teams and players with the international teams and players.

This is basically just their cash-cow to dangle in front of uninformed fans who are either too dumb to realise they now bought 2 copies of the same game with just different ***les, or those who just don't care and want to add it to their collection.

The fact that they kept it silent for so long makes me think that they have done absolutely zero to enhance the Rugby 15 game. They basically just sat and waited to hear if they will get the licenses and then decided to make a statement.

They won't even have a team to work on the game, maybe 2 or 3 guys, one to edit the data and the others to do the graphic designs of the jerseys.
It's quite bizarre really that given Rugby's continued growth over the past 2 decades there STILL isn't a gaming market of a significant enough size to invest enough money into a ***le that will do the sport justice, yet some how Rugby League has managed to produce a few quite decent ***les over that same period in spite of being confined largely to Australia and NZ.

League is a much easier game to translate into a video game of course, but all the same with rugby's much greater footprint you'd have thought they'd manage something by now.

This particular quote has me worried for this ***le I must confess:

After the success of Rugby 15, Bigben Interactive will give players the chance to take control of their favourite national team and win the Webb Ellis Cup! The Rugby World Cup 2015 video game will be released in line with the start of the official Tournament and the video game is set to add an extra dimension to the excitement around one of the biggest sporting events of the year.

Success? Are they talking critically or financially, because I was under the impression Rugby 15 flopped on both fronts...
yeah I don't think they know what the definition of success is, If its everybody ridiculing the game and hating it, then they definitely had alot of success in Rugby 15.

I just really hope this year they take their heads out of their assholes and make a good game, I dont know how they can go from R08 (arguably the best ever rugby game) then to RWC2011 which gameplay wise was not too bad, it just lacked modes, then to a game like Rugby 15 that has 1 stadium, 0 replays, 0 cutscenes, 0 imagination and BUGGY AS HELL.

They really need to step it up because if this Rugby World Cup 2015 game is not good, then they are just a laughing stock, TBH I would be happy enough if they stuck with Rugby 08/RWC2011 gameplay, and just improved the graphics and added stadiums, replays, cutscenes, some fun modes, why not bring back world league?? and improve that? , it cant honestly be that hard can it?
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It makes zero sense to me how they go about making a rugby game... everyone liked rugby 08, could it be made better... of course it could, so what do they do... took away everything everyone liked about rugby 08 and changed it, then took the things nobody liked and made them worse!

its the equivalent of FIFA 16 throwing away all they learnt from pervious games and starting again (while also taking away the sprint button obviously)

its called research, why would you ignore your audience
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^ The problem is that for whatever reason many people, including on these boards, are going to go and pay full whack for the game, hoping against all the evidence that the game will be decent. I can think of two main consumer groups here:

1) Casual fans who only really get into the sport during the world cup and who suddenly want a game to play which is somewhat like rugby, who will play it and probably never touch it again after the world cup buzz dies down.
2) real rugby fans who are simply desperate for a good rugby game and are susceptible to blindly hoping that against the odds, the game will be somewhat playable.

I counted myself among the second group up to and including the first rugby challenge game. However I soon realised that to all intents and purposes it might as well have been a hockey game in its ability to reflect what makes rugby fun - it just did nothing for me.
I decided then not to ever again buy a game out of sheer hope. Part of what we look for in sporting games is a faithful representation of the competition - to the extent that I'd rather play an excellent football game than a terrible rugby one, even though I don't much like football!

Now I mean while I'm resentful of HB, you could suggest that there's little harm in taking advantage of the casual bandwagoners who care about rugby for a week every 4 years - albeit £40 is a ridiculous price for such a half-arsed product. However there are a lot of real fans out there who cry out for a good game and deserve better - I guess the challenge is in making that understand by these companies.

FIFA and PRO Evo got weight behind them because both knew their customers were knowledgeable, discerning and passionate.
Until devs understand that there are many passionate and discerning rugby and gaming fans, I don't think we're going to be getting any sort of good game.
There's a root issue that unless is dealt with, will always affect a rugby game. Rugby 08 is not the best game of all time, it was even sub par at the time since it was a constantly updated version of the same game released back in 01. When you expect and demand a 15 year old game, that's what you get. The bar is too low and is kept low by the very same gamers.

Rugby 08 had a solid control scheme that encompassed all the rugby intricacies that everyone got familiarized with and that's about it. But everyone praises the gameplay, the graphics, and the game modes, so that's what you get in Rugby 15. Poor gameplay, mobile worthy graphics and a world league. Why is everyone so obsessed with world league? Games today are more than capable to have several leagues under one simulation, no need for a single fantasy tournament.