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Rugby World Cup 2011 Official Game

Looking forward to both games in principle but assuming the HB isnt going to be announced as also for pc, I'll be ruled out of the market for that unfortunately. Shammmeee, I sold my 360 a while back and I wouldn't get another one just for Rugby 2011 when my PC is otherwise a gaming laptop. But I'm glad Rugby challenge is on pc, and I'm very excited with the looks of it and its having super rugby with a few licenses and such.
I love a good looking game...i have tried to play o8' on ps2 a few weeks back...was a very poor experience after playing games like Fight Night, Fifa and Call of Duty on Xbox 360...those games look awesome and r super realistic and that is what these generation of consoles is all about...MONEY MAKING!!

fixed it for you, honestly Console games are made to be played for 4 months until the company can churn out a new one Call of Duty MW2 was followed by Black Ops after no time at all, consoles are made for people with short attention spans mainly 15 year olds.
fixed it for you, honestly Console games are made to be played for 4 months until the company can churn out a new one Call of Duty MW2 was followed by Black Ops after no time at all, consoles are made for people with short attention spans mainly 15 year olds.

In most cases what you've said is 100% right. Although I'd argue that if PC versions of the same software companies games were still coming out as much, they'd be just the same. It's modding communities which have made a distinct difference to this.
Let's face it HB aren't gonna tell anyone about the licensing so could you Please give us a heads up as to who the commentators will be
fixed it for you, honestly Console games are made to be played for 4 months until the company can churn out a new one Call of Duty MW2 was followed by Black Ops after no time at all, consoles are made for people with short attention spans mainly 15 year olds.

You are aware that the Infinity Ward and Treyarch variants of Call of Duty share an equal amount of DNA as you do with a Dalek?
fixed it for you, honestly Console games are made to be played for 4 months until the company can churn out a new one Call of Duty MW2 was followed by Black Ops after no time at all, consoles are made for people with short attention spans mainly 15 year olds.

I have all of them...HA HA...was talking about graphics, they look awesome, but yes you can't play COD for very long. Most sport games like Fifa are the games that i can play for ages...Pretty confident Rugby will be way better than Fifa though; only played FIFa cos there was no good rugby game on 360. Football is flippin boring compared to Rugby.

I am guessing you don't like consoles cos you don't have one? Consoles are what makes gaming as awesome as it is...i would be really bummed if i had to play my games on PC...Consoles are just better in most aspects; better performance, Graphics...can actually lie down on a coach while playing. XBOX 360 Rocks!!! If there weren't any HD, High Performance consoles the gaming industry would stand still and would not develop; simply consoles are better than PC. All the Money i have spent on xbox 360, games and HD TV set is all worth it...you can't compare that gaming experience with useless PS2 Graphics and performance...if a new Xbox came out tomorrow, i would get it in a heartbeat. Ok...Blabbling done now....why settle for anything less than the best.
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So rugby world cup 2011 has 20 teams (maybe)?. Probably would be a smart move as it leaves HB with more time to spend on developing gameplay and graphics whereas Rugby Challenge has a few tournaments/teams to consider as well as gameplay and graphics. Sooo In my professional opinion Rugby world cup 2011 will be better to look at with smoother gameplay and rugby challenge will have more teams/players and tournaments but a less polished more 'disjointed' game with gameplay similar to rugby league live (think I just vomited in my mouth, my bad). Still I'll probably buy both.
fixed it for you, honestly Console games are made to be played for 4 months until the company can churn out a new one Call of Duty MW2 was followed by Black Ops after no time at all, consoles are made for people with short attention spans mainly 15 year olds.

Actually the modern consoles prices and marketing strategies are aimed at the 20-30 year olds as their main target audience. Oh and the fact that the majority of games are released on PC and console ruins your idiotic comments.
Hope we don't have to wait 2 months before we get any more info/details on this game...they give us a taste and then take the meal away, we are left unsattisfied.
Actually the modern consoles prices and marketing strategies are aimed at the 20-30 year olds as their main target audience. Oh and the fact that the majority of games are released on PC and console ruins your idiotic comments.

True Dat...
Actually the modern consoles prices and marketing strategies are aimed at the 20-30 year olds as their main target audience. Oh and the fact that the majority of games are released on PC and console ruins your idiotic comments.

I am guessing you don't like consoles cos you don't have one? Consoles are what makes gaming as awesome as it is...i would be really bummed if i had to play my games on PC...Consoles are just better in most aspects; better performance, Graphics...can actually lie down on a coach while playing. XBOX 360 Rocks!!! If there weren't any HD, High Performance consoles the gaming industry would stand still and would not develop; simply consoles are better than PC. All the Money i have spent on xbox 360, games and HD TV set is all worth it...you can't compare that gaming experience with useless PS2 Graphics and performance...if a new Xbox came out tomorrow, i would get it in a heartbeat. Ok...Blabbling done now....why settle for anything less than the best.
I did have a PS3 for a while, I have an $800 computer that I got two years ago that runs every game on the market today at full spec, I haven't had to update it or anything, and I doubt I will for another two or three years. I can see the allure of console gaming, but for me it lacks the depth that a Keyboard and mouse can bring, but to each his own I guess.

As for marketing strategies used by gaming companies, I think you'll find that consoles have far more frequent expansions than PC, they have to because you can't mod the games in any simple way.
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I did have a PS3 for a while, I have an $800 computer that I got two years ago that runs every game on the market today at full spec, I haven't had to update it or anything, and I doubt I will for another two or three years. I can see the allure of console gaming, but for me it lacks the depth that a Keyboard and mouse can bring, but to each his own I guess.

Your right...different strokes for different folkes.
I would say as a minimum - if club/provincial/region sides arent in the game (and i appreciate this isnt confirmed), but if they are not - the minimum they should do is create other international tournaments using the teams they have. Ie Six nations, tri/four nations, lions tour - so at least when World cup is over we can still be involved in the game

for other tournaments - even if licensing were an issue it could have some format, such as a european international tournament including 6 teams for example.

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