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Rugby Championship: South Africa - Australia (29/09/2012)

I know who our ideal captain is... Marcell Coetzee!!!

On a serious note: What about Juandre Kruger?
I know who our ideal captain is... Marcell Coetzee!!!

On a serious note: What about Juandre Kruger?

I for one think he would be ideal. he's not camera shy, he deserves his spot in the squad en he's on for the future. But Andries Bekker makes the choice a bit difficult.
Schalk Burger, Bismark du Plessis?

Oh i just looked up and saw that some of you don't view them as leaders...
To be honest i think Bismark could grow into the role, but Burger's probably too old, and injury prone for a long term option.

I know who our ideal captain is... Marcell Coetzee!!!

On a serious note: What about Juandre Kruger?

I for one think he would be ideal. he's not camera shy, he deserves his spot in the squad en he's on for the future. But Andries Bekker makes the choice a bit difficult.

All legitimate options but no clear-cut... well leader. I also thought taking a chance on Bismarck could work. Think I posted so earlier. He certainly is a garaunteed first choice in his position and giving Burger the Stormers captaincy did wonders for his discipline. I wouldn't start Jannie then though and would ask Bismarck to keep a clear head; not psych himslef up with music from Slayer before matches for starters.
Really? Why? Bekker hasn't been that great and to be honest, Kruger is a huge surpise (positive). He could be the leader we are looking for. Bismarck du Plessis would be another option but I don't see him as a cool leader, more a hothead who gets involved in scuffles to often.

The only real veteran we have left is Bryan Habana, but is he captain-material?


South Africa:

15 Zane Kirchner, 14 Bryan Habana, 13 Jean de Villiers (captain), 12 Francois Steyn/Jaco Taute, 11 Francois Hougaard, 10 Johan Goosen, 9 Ruan Pienaar, 8 Duane Vermeulen, 7 Willem Alberts, 6 Francois Louw, 5 Andries Bekker, 4 Eben Etzebeth, 3 Jannie du Plessis, 2 Andries Strauss, 1 Beast Mtawarira

Substitutes: 16 Tiaan Liebenberg, 17 Coenie Oosthuizen, 18 Flip van der Merwe, 19 Marcell Coetzee, 20 Elton Jantjies, 21 Jaco Taute/Juan de Jongh, 22 Patrick Lambie

  • [*=center]
    15: Zane Kirchner
    14. Bryan Habana
    13: Jean de Villiers
    12: F Steyn/Taute
    11: Hougaard
    10: Goosen
    9: Pienaar
    8: Vermeulen
    7: Alberts
    6: Louw
    5: Bekker
    4: Etzebeth
    3: Du Plessis
    2: Strauss
    1: Beast

    16: Liebenberg
    17: Oosthuizen
    18: Van der Merwe
    19: Coetzee
    20: Jantjies
    21: Taute/De Jongh
    22: Lambie

    Steyn dropped from the squad completely :eek:.
Springbok Team announced:

15. Zane Kirchner
14. Bryan Habana
13. Jean De Villiers
12. Frans Steyn / Jaco Taute
11. Francois Hougaard
10. Johan Goosen
9. Ruan Pienaar
8. Duane Vermeulen
7. Francois Louw
6. Willem Alberts
5. Andries Bekker
4. Eben Etzebeth
3. Jannie Du Plessis
2. Adriaan Strauss
1. Beast Mtawarira

16. Tiaan Liebenberg
17. Coenie Oosthuizen
18. Flip Van Der Merwe
19.Marcell Coetzee
20. Elton Jantjies
21. Jaco Taute / Juan De Jongh
22. Pat Lambie

If Frans is injured, then JDV will move to 12 and Taute to 13. They'll wait until Friday to make a final decision.
Considering injuries I'm happy with the squad except that I'd drop Kirchner for Ludick. Hopefully if F Steyn is injured we'll see JdV move to 12. Maybe with Goosen there Pienaar and our centers pick up as they've been showing lacklustre form while behind a good pack of forwards.

Good to see Coenie back and hopefully we'll get to see Taute though the line-up seems to suggest that HM sees Taute as a center and Lambie as a fullback. Personally I see them just the other way around... only time will tell.
Considering injuries I'm happy with the squad except that I'd drop Kirchner for Ludick. Hopefully if F Steyn is injured we'll see JdV move to 12. Maybe with Goosen there Pienaar and our centers pick up as they've been showing lacklustre form while behind a good pack of forwards.

Good to see Coenie back and hopefully we'll get to see Taute though the line-up seems to suggest that HM sees Taute as a center and Lambie as a fullback. Personally I see them just the other way around... only time will tell.

I watched the announcement on Blitz.

By what i gathered from the press conference, I won't be surprized if Kirchner goes off 2nd half for Lambie, so that Taute moves to fullback.

Very happy with the squad!

only Kirchner and Hougaard from the Bulls in the starting 15... How about that???
I watched the announcement on Blitz.

By what i gathered from the press conference, I won't be surprized if Kirchner goes off 2nd half for Lambie, so that Taute moves to fullback.

Very happy with the squad!

only Kirchner and Hougaard from the Bulls in the starting 15... How about that???

And Kirchner shouldn't even be there LOL. Sorry Bulls. TBF the Sharks and Stormers have been more consistent than the Bulls and then there a few players from the Cheetahs and Lions who pick themselves. J Kruger I wouldn't have minded ahead of Bekker TBH though Strauss seems more comfortable with throwing at Bekker.

I see the Bulls as being in a place where they have players just slightly passed it and then youngsters who still need two years. They'll be back though. No team can lose Matfield, Bakkies, Steenkamp, G Botha and FdP (and dare I say Olivier) all in one go and not be effected. I actually thought the Bulls had an awesome season all considered.
I must say that life on the forum is a breeze since I put Icemn on the ignore list. I strongly suggest it to everyone!
oh yes brilliant... Call everyone you disagree with an idiot, then ignore or ban them... How fun this forum will be when it only has members with the same view and agree to everything anyone says... What is the point of a forum? U need different views!

this "ignore list" what does it mean? Nobody can see my posts or just sparky that added me :? if only him and I happen to call him a **** bucket, he won't see it right :?
oh yes brilliant... Call everyone you disagree with an idiot, then ignore or ban them... How fun this forum will be when it only has members with the same view and agree to everything anyone says... What is the point of a forum? U need different views!

this "ignore list" what does it mean? Nobody can see my posts or just sparky that added me :? if only him and I happen to call him a **** bucket, he won't see it right :?

I hear what you're saying but just as you can say what you want he can ignore whomever he wants. Don't take it personally.
@Icemm, I think it just means Heineken can't see your posts, not a bad thing considering all you two do is argue.

In any case I'm extremely happy with the squad but also a little nervous. Purely because if Goosen doesn't perform (touch wood) HM will consider himself vindicated and select Steyn again next week.

There are actually very few things I would change in the squad, the talk of Ludik, Ebersohn, Whitehead etc is all very well and good but there is a limit to how many changes you can make to a team before it collapses completely. HM actually has brought in a lot of new players, he was never going to do a complete overhaul of virtually the entire team, I see building the team as a gradual process. I don't think there is a quick fix solution to our "centre problem".

I do feel sorry for Lambie, looks like he's never going to get the shot at fly-half he deserves but I would say Goosen has marginally more potential.
Anyway no real complaints. Here's hoping we can finish the Tournament on a positive note.
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I can't believe it. Maybe I was being too hard on HM. I apologise.
Do you guys think coaches and players actually check out this forum? Some might even be registered here :? I think Darwin might be graham Henry :p Heineken is dean Greyling (since he can't see my posts)

once I saw 100 guests on this forum, might be players and coaches...
I hear what you're saying but just as you can say what you want he can ignore whomever he wants. Don't take it personally.
Lol don't sweat I'm having a good laugh here... I'm sure he can see when someone else quotes me... (What I was hoping for)
I hear what you're saying but just as you can say what you want he can ignore whomever he wants. Don't take it personally.

In his case, he should take it personally...

anyways, back to the team... We all know why Kirchner remains in the squad, to keep the politicians at bay...

yet, I wonder what the contry will say if we lose on the weekend? lack of experience, wrong gameplan? either way, HM will be in the firing line again and that is part of his job...

BTW, how did HM break the news to Morne? did he say it to him face to face, or over the Walkie Talkie?
@ stormer2010: It's Ludik, not Ludick. Please, get the name right. It's hard enough hearing about Keegan Daniels, Heinrich Brussouw, Jacques Fourie, Jean Deyzel and Robert Ebehrson....

Also I like how you quote Icemn so heineken can see his post after all ;)

On the squad... Yes, a good call on Goosen but what does Lambie have to do to start for the Boks???

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