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Rugby 2005 Gameplay Tips

Just played 5 hours straight , excellent game , does anyone have any tips on tackling as I find that the AI always cuts holes through my defence ( on normal )
and no matter how many times I hit the L2 button I can't get near the guy with the ball.
This should help everyone irrespective of your skill. I did this with England and won the 6 Nations on Hard.

Often the problem with your backs are that the centres are too slow and the ball is taking to long to get to the faster outside backs.

I have made a move to select my quickest player in the squad as my inside centre. By utilizing his speed I have managed to rip open many defenses.

Please note that this will not always work, but does help if you need to hit a gap hard and quick
When near touch 15ish metres out from opponents line pick up from base of ruck with scrum half run blind side laterally, draw in opposition wing, pass to wing and try. My only good move!
I could only add the following to the plethora of great stuff already posted;

1. I find that when pinned deep, kicking for touch to the wide side of the field gets me almost always to the 50 (at worst the 10). Why? 2 reasons; the fullback cheats toward the short side therefore isn´t in place to field the kick (and the wide-side winger almost always reacts poorly), therefore, the ball bounces and carries on positively.

2. When going into to tackle I always (100%) perform one of the moves, even if the defender is already on top of my runner. I find this has greatly increased my ball retention.

3. When going for the line with a defender squared up on me, I can always plow over the defender using the charge action (R3 in the direction you are running). So much so that it makes it a bit boring and now I try to use the other movements just to amuse myself.
When tackled select a play IMMEDIATELY (even before bind). Players set faster and you can always cancel this move before it hits the green.

You don't have to bind players at every ruck when you are attacking. Give it a go, you can go from one end of the field to the other from ruck to ruck without even binding a single person if you play your cards right (like not getting wings isolated).

Don't rush the pick and go. Sometimes it is more effective to wait awhile until the ruck is a bit clearer, especially if you want to do the pass to the first five trick.

And has anyone tried Sharks Fans tip?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
I find that you can get a turn over if you press R3 once you have made the tackle and just before going to ground, and only if you are controlling the player making the tackle[/b]

This sounds quite revolutionary!
I have found a fourth way to get the first receiver (backs) to accelerate quicker after recieving the ball. This method also encourages the Auckland Blues/All Blacks wide style of 2003.

On side mode when you pass to the backs from the ruck, as soon as your reciever gets the ball face the far sideline directly and activate the sidestep going towards the sideline. The sidestep accelerates anyone even if they are standing still (like the flat first reciever) . Now you cannot regain control of your player while in that lengthy sidestep animation so that is why you face the sideline directly to do this because if you are facing forward or at an angle you may sidestep into a tackle.

What you will discover AFTER your first receiver has finished his animation and you have regained control is that your backline has pushed out further and faster, often more so than the standing defence and you have MORE DEPTH to begin your line movement. You will have more players in support on your outsides than normal. YOU ARE NOW ACTUALLY USING THE WIDTH OF THE FIELD with your backs rather than playing a pathetic narrow game.
When you are playing multiplayer and attacking there are 2 oppositions you are playing against, not one. One of them is the computer AI and the other is the human contolled player. It is important to look at the defence with this in mind rather than look at them as a whole team as both of them respond very differently. Build your attack to exploit their particular weaknesses and avoid engaging with their strengths.

Computer AI in multiplayer defence:
Very rarely rushes and do diving tackles. Safe, steady, and predictable. You can cut on the inside of the computer AI easier and they will respond slowly. Computer AI in multiplayer is DUMBER than the AI when playing single player.

Human AI in multiplayer defence:
Often goes for big hits with the dive tackle. Lots of turbo when chasing. Comes out of the line a lot. Can be easily tricked because of the HUMAN REACTION FACTOR. The human controlled defender is the most dangerous yet also often the most clueless.

Basic strategy for dealing with this mix is to sidestep the computer players while fending the human player as the fend is most effective against dive tackles unlike the sidestep while the sidestep is very effective against the DUMBED DOWN multiplayer computer AI. Also understanding this mix helps you make the right decision which lines to run and where to best engage for the next ruck and how to engage in it.
According to the laws of Rugby, when your player is tackled you must release the ball as soon as you are on the ground. However, delaying the release can provide your supporting players with enough time to form a ruck around you and protect the ball. If you feel your player is isolated when tackled this is a good tactic to use. But beware, the referee might penalise you. The longer you hold on, the more likely this is. Press and hold $R3 during the tackle to hold on to the ball. Releasing $R3 immediately releases the ball. You do not have to use $R3. If you don't your player will automatically release the ball when they hit the ground.

I just found this in 1e970ae67ff.....english file.
occasionally after second or third phase ball, your winger will end up playing half back, this is ideal for a half back break off the ruck and either a foot race with the full back or a grubber past him
ive found that if your phases arnt going anywere, (when this happens to me im between the halfway and their 22) and it just gets messy, pass it to the flyhalf, and give a bomb a go. if you get it back, it almost "resets" the backline especially if a foward catches it, and then you can get some stability back.
and in WL, i would say get a good lock reasonably early in the game. BOD/caucau and then a cheap kicker, then a lock. johnson or okelly, because of strength and lineout ablillity. put them in the No.5 jersy so there at the frount of the lineout, were its mostly throwen to
Originally posted by SharksFan@Apr 1 2005, 08:58 PM
Press and hold $R3 during the tackle to hold on to the ball. Releasing $R3 immediately releases the ball. You do not have to use $R3. If you don't your player will automatically release the ball when they hit the ground.

I just found this in 1e970ae67ff.....english file.

I'll go and try it by going to the winger and running him wide and isolated. If it works you are truly magnificent.
I do recall being penalised for holding the ball in a ruck, but it did not appear to me that i had the ball.
You don't have to have the ball, you're trying to take it from the opposition by using your hands while on the ground.
I mean to hold it on the ground while with the ball. I think that's what people have been saying.
Sharks Fan your tip about holding the ball works. Particularly when playing HARD mode. Now I can actually cart the ball up from my goal line to the other tryline (even if it takes 20 rucks).

What I found trying your tip (2 hours play before taking the game back to the video store). Remember YOU have to be in possession of the ball. This is on the dreaded hard mode:

You hold on to possesion on isolated tackles when you take the ball to the wing and the majority of the time you will win the ruck.
If you do not win the ruck while you are holding the ball (your backs line up defensively) then pile in all your players. Do not let go of the ball but wait for the referees decision. Experiment by wiggling with the R3 stick while still holding down. Eventually the ref while blow the whistle and then it is 50/50 whether you get the put in to the scrum or whether you get penalised.

Sharks Fan......you are magnificent!
"Configuring Set Plays ÇAccess the Set Plays option from the Management menu during a match.Here you will be able to make changes to your team's current set plays so that when you have the feed at a scrum or the throw at the line-out you will have an updated set of plays to choose from. È- ÉQuick Set Play ÊWhen your team has possession at a ruck press { to initiate a quick set play. Execute the quick set play at the right time and you may catch your opposition off guard and set up a scoring opportunity for your team. ËConfiguring The Quick Set Play ÌAccess the Quick Set Play option from the Management menu during a match. Here you will be able to replace your team's currently employed play with another set play of your choosing."

Found this in the same file as the R3 tip. But I am at work so haven't checked this.

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