I could only add the following to the plethora of great stuff already posted;
1. I find that when pinned deep, kicking for touch to the wide side of the field gets me almost always to the 50 (at worst the 10). Why? 2 reasons; the fullback cheats toward the short side therefore isn´t in place to field the kick (and the wide-side winger almost always reacts poorly), therefore, the ball bounces and carries on positively.
2. When going into to tackle I always (100%) perform one of the moves, even if the defender is already on top of my runner. I find this has greatly increased my ball retention.
3. When going for the line with a defender squared up on me, I can always plow over the defender using the charge action (R3 in the direction you are running). So much so that it makes it a bit boring and now I try to use the other movements just to amuse myself.