This is spot on. RC2 is still very fun, i just cant handle playing it on anything above hard level as the AI passing etc is just not even realistic and gets very frustrating. I still enjoy the game alot and the more i play it the more i understand the tactics, rucks etc and the more i enjoy it. If you ever see it for sale for cheap, buy it, i got a copy the other week for $25nz. I know on the face of it people will say its just rc1 with a couple of added features but there is more to it, alot more depth to the game than any other rugby game and in my opinion sidhe were heading in the right direction.
My thoughts exactly, people who say RC2 is RC1 with minor tweaks must not have explored all the new features they have added. Actually, I think they tried to please so many with so many new features that some features they added were not as polished as they should have been. RC2 had many more new features added then any sports ***le to date. I think some people just didn't bother trying to learn how to use them. There are the obvious like pilfer, removing players from the ruck, interceptions, no 8 pickup, forward play moves, mauls from lineouts and then there are the some real game changers like ruck commitment, pod formation, and the different tactics, and animation wise they added much more weight to the tackles. I think this is a pretty long list of new features, give them a try you may like them
Cheers and Salud