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Rugby '15 announced

is it that year already ?


Just a few Questions

1) Will there be injuries, like a slider similar to rugby 06/08 where you can select how high u want these to be? or a option for low/medium/high injuries? Or will it be the on / off selection only.
2) Will there be a career mode or a world league mode similar to rugby 06/08?
3) What international teams have you got at the moment?
4) Are you guys thinking of adding future additions to the game etc, stealing the ball in the ruck, holding on etc (are these in the game)

  • France is the obvious leader in the commercial side of rugby and you are logically targeting that, some people don't some to understand this. What are your thoughts on the impact that RWC 15 could have on England's market and as well Europe?

Don't read too much into Bigben targeting France, it's more than likely because they're a french publisher (on top of being a leading french distributor)

My only question would be :

- Is this a real full featured game or is it a sort of experiment/beta for the rugby 16 game you will release for the world cup ? :cool:
Sidhe (a nz company) targeted france, and Mario one of their top management said that it is the top market now and where they got the majority of their sales
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envisioning ScottishC's upcoming interview...

Two lil' chairs, a lil' table in the middle with a toy flower tea set on (empty), callumwhite sitting on the other chair surrounded by teddy bears a Mr. Potato Head and robot toys to make up numbers. Scot pointing the rolled up newspaper mic at callum and asking, " Can Scotland score a try in Rugby 25 or are you making it realistic?"

envisioning ScottishC's upcoming interview...

Two lil' chairs, a lil' table in the middle with a toy flower tea set on (empty), callumwhite sitting on the other chair surrounded by teddy bears a Mr. Potato Head and robot toys to make up numbers. Scot pointing the rolled up newspaper mic at callum and asking, " Can Scotland score a try in Rugby 25 or are you making it realistic?"


World class!
envisioning ScottishC's upcoming interview...

Two lil' chairs, a lil' table in the middle with a toy flower tea set on (empty), callumwhite sitting on the other chair surrounded by teddy bears a Mr. Potato Head and robot toys to make up numbers. Scot pointing the rolled up newspaper mic at callum and asking, " Can Scotland score a try in Rugby 25 or are you making it realistic?"

lol, nah just over Skype, and Callum has noothing to do with it, he is just a great subscriber, thanks for the laugh!
Just saw the first trailer for this and ... someone call the year 2000 because they want their graphics back.

Seriously, I hope it plays bloody well, because the visuals are the most dated thing I've seen for PS3, let alone PS4...
Just saw the first trailer for this and ... someone call the year 2000 because they want their graphics back.

Seriously, I hope it plays bloody well, because the visuals are the most dated thing I've seen for PS3, let alone PS4...

It's atrocious, isn't it? Honestly most of the footage didn't look fit for an alpha build of the game...which is worrying as the release date is supposedly this year :/

I think I'll get over it if it plays really well, has a decent career mode and a satisfactory number of licences. But that's quite a big ask...
i'll be watching more off that later, btw did someone pick up what they said about Ultimate Team ?
They said that they are going to look into it, it is not out of the question, but it is not in rugby 15 but they have a long-term plan that may include a game mode of ultimate team!!!
Tournament mode, there is no career mode, no online, local multiplayer, they focused mainly on the gameplay this year and next year they are focussing more on game modes and licensing!!!
I noticed that he didn't mention the Pro12 licence when he was talking about what tournaments they have. Probably means at this stage that they don't have the official licence since the switch in sponsors, or they're still in discussions or something. The latter is less likely I think from what he was saying about sending the game off to Sony etc.
When they actually finish the game instead of releasing half a game on the excuse of building a yearly franchise, then I'll buy it.
Can't believe after all that there is still not going to be a carrier mode!!!

Why would anyone play a game more than a few times if it's just the same thing over and over!

Carrier mode = important

No one who makes these games can play them otherwise they'd be bored in a few games like all the true gamers

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