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Rugby 08 Editor

it's sweet woosah, did a quick test and the magic number is 65536, just add it to the negative numbers in the 08 editor and you get the corresponding number in 06.
Also I forgot to ask and haven't tried yet, but does this version of the editor allow you to edit created players??
Do you mean re-download the editor from the same link?? or do you mean create a player and test it, as you have made adjustments to the create a player editing features on your roster editor?
Great stuff. Well most of the bugs have now been fixed. Top work there.

Socks up/down is now being read into the editor rather than defaulting to up all the time. Up is now up and down is down.

The bug which caused the editor to crash with the birth dates for strettle and other players no longer occurs.

Opening the roster for the first time after installing the editor now works perfectly with the filetype set to .ros(good call here I though you might set it to "any", but lets face it some noob would screw it up, hehe)

Face and skin colour work perfectly in game.(Very politically correct of you using those descriptions for skin colour, let me recommend changing the descriptions to: "cracker", "coconut" and "black ass mofo" :p )

Things I haven't tested:
-Editing a created player
-All the different headgear, headbands and bootstyles.(only tried a few bootstyles and all have worked so far)

Bugs that still remain:

-Portraits do not change to reflect the changed face ingame.(What's up with that anyway? Allyoop reckons there is no separate portrait info in the xml and it worked perfectly in 06. Weird :( )
-The team rating swap still occurs when performing team edits.

The editor is very stable, however that team rating swap is the only reason not to release it yet as it will cause all sorts of confusion even if you do include a note in a readme. Never underestimate the power of the noob, if it can be f$#$d up, it will be.

Here is how I get the bug to occur 100% of the time(just in case you need the info to help you fix it more easily):

Select any team in the team editor, move the kicker down or up 1 place and then shift them back to their original position. Note that the player's name will disappear from the kicker box on the right. Now press save.
Immediately following this select a different team and repeat the process of moving the kicker 1 position down then shifting them back to their original position and pressing save.

Now when you go in game the team which you saved second will have the same team rating as the team you saved first.

In order to avoid this bug occurring you must only edit 1 team in the editor at a time save it then completely exit the editor and restart it before editing another team.

Again great work Woosah I shall be sending rep points your way!!
thanks for all that info i have now fixed the team rating bug. Ill upload it later tonight. and then ill have the updated one available for others to upload.

Ill then work on the team editing side of things like editing the ratings :)
Great stuff Woosah, just wondering if you noticed whether it swaps the home ground of the team along with the rating as I have had a game where Tonga had it's home ground over in one of the European stadiums! hehe.
I'm sure everyone will be stoked to get the new editor and I better get my roster update out there by the time you put it up as people will start ripping into the roster immediately!
Dang blast it. Hey Woosah, just got around to testing created players.
I created the players ingame then edited their faces and stats with the roster editor. Result: Crashes when you play with a team using created players that have been edited using your editor.
Also you can't view the created players for editing ingame and if you try the game crashes. Also the created players portrait remains a silhouette even after changing the face in the roster editor.
The 06 editor also didn't let you view a created player after editing them with your editor, but they had the proper portrait and the game never crashed at the editing screen, there was just nothing in there.
Ok even more info on create a player crash.
I was able to get the created players working in game again by assigning a madeup number as their face, when I did this before to existing players, they end up in the game with no heads. For the created players this reverted them back to the big head default that I had assigned to them in the create a player section.
Hope that some of this info might point you in the right direction as to what is going wrong. It only really confirms that assigning a real face to a created player is what is causing the crash.
Ok cheers, ill hold off on a release then, there was a value somewhere that let you use real faces on created players last time around, i just have to find that value.

Also i had no problem in changing any of the stats and still eding the player, though i did not change the player face, that could be my problem :) I think once you play with the faces thats when it dies.

It will give me something to do tonight when i get home :)
Cool bananas Woosah, lucky thing Canterbury's not playing for the shield tonight otherwise you'd be glued to that :)
It's definitely the face that's doing it and I recall back in the 06 editor you had a little drop down box that switched from real face to created face, can't remember if it had a number associated with it.
I think once that bug is done it will be the last of the major bugs although I have found one more just to annoy you, but it's so minor it's probably not worth taking the time to fix it.
When you open the roster and press cancel rather than selecting a roster file and opening it the editor crashes. That's it.
Well, i cant seam to find the value for real face and created face so i will have to wait til Evol comes back for that one, i have uploaded the file for everyone to download.

Ill sort out some of the team stuff for the next release.
Ah well that's a pity, thanks for all your hard work and one more thing.
Bloody hell, good fight back by Waikato and I thought they might do it for a while there. Ah well here's hoping Auckland will put stinking canterbury back in their place.
yeah the only thing is thats not til the last game of the first round.

bloody good game :)
I see the ungrateful rabble have started commenting already, I knew that if there were any problems at all with the editor they'd complain. Ah well for my part I appreciate all your hard work woosah and shall be releasing my roster update asap so they don't have to trip over themselves using your editor too much, as the majority of the work will be done for them.
yeah i am not too worried. its all fun and games til someone gets hurt.

the face thing isnt a big problem.
dude test this out?


let me know what you think

- Now if you copy and paste a player face in, it will save it :)
- Headgear actually saves - I am a dork
- If you press cancel it shouldnt crash while openeing a roster
- if you try to open up a tmt file (which it will now let you do) it "should" let you edit teams player info for that roster. Ok i have only tested this on GP, WL and Euro cup.

let me know what you think :)
Hey Woosah, just thought I'd bring a pretty nasty bug to your attention.

Currently the roster editor is unusable with created players. What happens is that after you create a player then go to edit them in the roster editor, the blasted editor auto assigns a real face number to the created player and if you are unaware of this happening(as it is on the 2nd tab) and go into the game and try to use the created player it will crash because of the real player head on created player bug. To see this bug in action just go to S.Thompson then ensure the second tab showing face number is selected then use the drop down box with each player to go to the first created player and you should see his face number get auto assigned the number 21 same as S.Thompson. There is no way to prevent this auto assignment. It sucks. A lot.

On top of this the latest editor does not allow you to revert the player back to a created head by typing in a non existant face number(e.g. 778223) and pressing save. If you try to do this in the latest version the editor crashes. I'm pretty sure this is due to the fact that you enabled copy and pasting head numbers rather than having to select from the drop down box. I got around this problem as I made sure to keep every version of your roster editor released so far and just used an earlier version to make the created players accessible again by assigning a random face number.

Unfortunately the bad doesn't stop there and when you go to try and edit the created players using the built in create a player editor in game, every single player you assigned a random face number to using your editor are linked to the same face so that when you edit one of them all of them change to the exact same face. This really kicked my ass as I hadn't backed up this time and had gone ahead and created about 20 Tongan and Fijian players all with customised faces. Then I used the roster editor to correct their stats and upon pressing save I found every last 1 of them had lost their custom faces and were clones of one another. Totally gutted, but once again a reminder to backup every single time. Besides the created faces look like total **** ingame anyway.

If you like I will send you a copy of my roster update and you can take a look, but if I don't hear back from you I will just release it as is, since there's pretty much nothing more I can do as I have run out of duplicates.
Nothing more can be done unless skin colour and real faces can be assigned to created players.

Thanks for all your help Woosah, I know it can get super tiring trying to do something when you don't really feel like it. Right now that is how I feel with the roster. If you reckon you can't fix it or are unlikely to make any further updates on the editor for a long time then please let me know so I can release my roster update to the public and they can do with it as they wish.