Is difficult to explain in english (i'm ItalianWhy do you ask? Interested to know what it is about the Backbreaker system that appeals?
As this is our first online Rugby game, there's lots that our online guys have been focusing on and will need to be monitoring as the game is released into the wild at the end of August.
Leaderboards are high on the priority list moving forward, but were moved off the list for this year. As points aren't awarded for wins or losses, rage quitters, while annoying, won't be consequential to your online record. Definitely something we'll be looking at in the future. For now, I suspect being quit against will be a badge of honour... ;-) It will also be interesting to see if the character of Rugby players sees fewer rage quitters and shows them to be better sports than Football gamers.
With a lot of these features, we have to be very disciplined in including or not including their development in our plan. We have to ensure that we don't bite off more than we can chew if we're to hit our dates. I'll speak more to this in the future.
Although realtime simulations make tackles look pretty, they don't necessarily add to gameplay. Is Backbreaker more fun than Madden PS2 because of its Euphoria based tackles? Where I could see runtime behavior simulation adding substantively to gameplay mechanics is in precisely the area that would be most technically challenging. The number of players on which you would have to run concurrent behaviours to simulate a dynamic scrum, ruck or maul, is, I believe, beyond the capabilities of even this generation of consoles.
It is.
The cameras are really tuned, however, for widescreen TVs - though we used 4:3 TVs in development as well. I'll be very interested to hear your feedback on these new cameras and whether they've struck the right balance. We're pretty happy with them, but we've been surprised by peoples' camera choices in the past.
We're pretty adamant that side on is the primary camera in our game, but polls have shown in the past that most people play end on. Personally, I think that's tantamount to cheating. ;-)
Interestingly, the advent of online means you can play side on camera against someone else playing end on camera. I wonder if this means that masses of side on players are going to suddenly find they prefer end on!
We discovered during development a very new dynamic for multiplayer emerge which is pretty exciting. Playing local multiplayer in the past, you could always see the opponent's kick arrows appear, and set plays being selected. Not so online.![]()
An aside, here are the stats and abilities you will be able to edit in game:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Primary Position
- Secondary Position
- Alternate Position
- Height
- Weight
- Preferred Foot
- Attack
- Defense
- Speed
- Acceleration
- Agility
- Handling
- Passing
- Kicking
- Kicking Power
- Goal Kicking
- Tackling
- Strength
- Rucking
- Scrummaging
- Hooking
- Lineouts
- Discipline
- Aggression
- Stamina
- Consistency
- Temperament
- Creativity
- Bravery
Special Skills
- Command
- Passer
- Playmaker
- Scoring
- Goal Kicker
- Tactical Kicking
- Crash Ball
- Tackle Breaker
- Ball Winner
- Defensive Organizer
- Scrummager
- Jumper
Yes, height and weight editing, that means we'll be able to do a real shuffle around of players and that'll really ad to the customisation options!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to this like mad now!
But I wonder once edited can you then use that online? I could make a team of 130kg giants as NZ. Or do you have to make do with the generic squads online?
But I wonder once edited can you then use that online? I could make a team of 130kg giants as NZ. Or do you have to make do with the generic squads online?
No chance. Online will always be default.
Otherwise, chaos ...
We've been prototyping rolling mauls since pre-Rugby 08.
In the absence of real time animation in Mauls, there's not a huge leap forward that we'd be happy to move into production and that would not devolve into a mini-game contest that is inaccessible to players outside of the hard core. The jury is still out on whether physics based animation systems can support the number of real time simulations required to have than number of players in a dynamic maul.
We have focused on getting the core of our gameplay working on this generation of consoles - which we're confident we've been able to do.
Dynamic mauls and rolling mauls remain on the feature wishlist, but still haven't moved beyond prototyping into a feature that was greenlit for production.
Yup. You're penalized for playing your players out of position. This is by design.
I'd love to see an Off-ball player control like in the NHL games or early FIFA... this would make set plays waaaay more interesting...![]()
We've taken largely the same approach again to our kicking controls. Grubbers are faster to pull off and as I've mentioned elsewhere, we've added the chip kick and drop goal mechanic has returned to the model we used for 06.
The colours of the arrows match the buttons used to trigger them on the controller. Consequently, they'll be different colours on different consoles.