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NFL Thread

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>BREAKING: AP Source: Law enforcement official sent copy of Ray Rice tape to NFL executive in April</p>â€" The Associated Press (@AP) <a href="https://twitter.com/AP/status/509806406934204416">September 10, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Thought so.

Pretty shocking on the NFL's part.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en-gb"><p>The Vikings have released a statement regarding Adrian Peterson: <a href="http://t.co/a5vwGa0vWH">pic.twitter.com/a5vwGa0vWH</a></p>&mdash; NFL on ESPN (@ESPNNFL) <a href="https://twitter.com/ESPNNFL/status/510542307188551680">September 12, 2014</a></blockquote>
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I don't think so. Nothing on the NFL or Bronco's site, and I'd imagine it would be 'front page news' if he was. The ban may be reduced from 4 weeks, but can't see it being just 1.

PS. Feic, sort the 'team changes' out on the site, to allow 'up until start of games' instead of 'up until start of first game' Please.
I dedicate this song to Rich Taff and all Miami fans everywhere......

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Reports of Miami having an effective O-line were premature. *mutter*

Bills D-line is up there amongst best in the league, I wouldn't press any alarm buttonbs the Dolphins might rebound next week. The Bills were hungry today, I haven't seen Ralph Wilson Stadium that fired up in years, the tributes to Ralph, the celebrations of Jim Kelly being fre of cancer, home opener vs. the Dolphins, the new owners keeping the team in Buffalo.....it was a great week for the Bills, I really thought Miami had very little chance on Sunday just due to the intangibles.
Bills D-line is up there amongst best in the league, I wouldn't press any alarm buttonbs the Dolphins might rebound next week. The Bills were hungry today, I haven't seen Ralph Wilson Stadium that fired up in years, the tributes to Ralph, the celebrations of Jim Kelly being fre of cancer, home opener vs. the Dolphins, the new owners keeping the team in Buffalo.....it was a great week for the Bills, I really thought Miami had very little chance on Sunday just due to the intangibles.

Yeah, I started the Bills D. Was always going to be something happening.
I'm going to veto that trade as someone put it is a unfair trade and shouldn't be allowed through.


Basically I need Foles to score 8 more points than rivers tonight to win my game.
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I lost Adrian Peterson because he struck his son with a hammer but Alfred Morris (His replacement) made 2 TD for my fkg Fantasy team. Yeah baby! :thumbup:
My god my fantasy team is awful  I'm like Zebre of this league

You only need McCoy to outscore Sproles by a small amount to beat me this week. Wouldn't say that's the personification of 'suck' :p

Oh, and once again Feic, please change the settings to allow team changes all the way up to games, not just the initial Thursday Night Football.
You only need McCoy to outscore Sproles by a small amount to beat me this week. Wouldn't say that's the personification of 'suck' :p

Oh, and once again Feic, please change the settings to allow team changes all the way up to games, not just the initial Thursday Night Football.

Still scoring by my guys is poor. I suffering for missing draft.

Ha on a side note, am a huge Giants fan and flicking through few articles and it was hilarious in 1 from 2009 where it states Eli may become better than Peyton. How wrong were they?

But anyway guys after 2 games who are we thinking may be going far? Panther? Detroit? Bills?
I think Seattle don't have same hunger.

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