Looking good!
Nice little glimpse of the "HUD" as well
Lineout looks good, as do the French players in the closeup
lineouts looks identical to rugby 08
I was disappointed with recent screenshots, it seems true and lawful Rugby 08 with improved graphics
look the players poses
and replaying rugby 08 on ps2, I realized that, it would seem from the screenshots, that even the movements of the players have not changed at all.
Wow what exactly are you guys *****ing about!!! Don't you understand economics? They don't have the budget to make massive changes or take it to the "next level".
Maybe its just me but I am never blown away by Fifa's graphics in game. In fact most of the time I wonder why its not 10 times better with the budget and the money that the game makes. How exactly do you expect them to compete? Hell one of the biggest publishers in gaming is not even interested in getting involved.
Lineout looks good, as do the French players in the closeup
No one is wishing this to fail, but others like me and annoyed by what we have seen so far this game is reusing a lot of assets from a game that was made 6 years ago. Is it really too much to ask to change these aspects that people had been complaining about? Show us something new in these screen shots to get exited about instead of screenshots that can be recreated in Rugby 08 within a few minutes.
You're right and I totally agree.
I also read somewhere that HB studios have budget constraints which might indeed have them using rugby 08 material - there is most certainly evidence of this in these images, especially the lineout image, where player animations look exactly like Rugby 08 (the French backline have the same animation and the two respective scrumhalfs look like duplicates facing opposite directions)
The thing that got people excited about RC (apparent from the graphics) was what they showed was new. All the animations they had were different thus to any rugby game fan the screen shots appear fresh and exiting.
We then go to RWC2011 who's screenshots have looked painfully familiar to Rugby 08. Why not give us a screenshot of the chip kick that you 's did? Or the new defensive strategies? Something we he haven't seen before in a HB rugby game? Then you'll see proper excitement.
I'm not too worried about some most aspects of this game, HB have a huge head start in making very good rugby games. This appears to have all the hallmarks of an awesome game!
The advanced previews of Rugby Challenge have been warm responses. Not red hot. Forward play has met a VERY tepid response. It seems there is NO breakdown contest. Sidhe have made decent, then poor, then (from all accounts) reasonable (but not flash) Rugby League games. I sincerely wish them nothing but success, I have nothing to lose by that.
Check PES and many other VERY EDITABLE games. IT IS POSSIBLE. End of story.