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Yet Another Exclusive - E3 Screenshots -RWC 2011

Thread Cleaned up... Now back to talking about the game!
exactly. its just strange really, not good or bad or in between.. strange. This is a great post, because it makes the most sense to an objective person. a lot of argument and debate is a result of potential customers who have become restless, and a lot could be defused i'm sure with a simple, unrevealing post from somebody important who reads these (developers).

it would be great for hb studios to promote their product not because we need more info, but for the franchise to have a better opportunity to grow. this is my opinion, and i think it is at least somewhat sensible.

Thanks.... i'm sure well be getting enough info the next few weeks. I also believe that despite a lot of the comments on the forum most people will buy the game. I personally wil buy any new rugby game a can get my hands on. Looking forward..
Phew... For a second there I thought this was the 2012 sub forum. That's a releif.
need to see the full gameplay screenshots/videos to really make a full judgement but I'm not gonna go out and buy it at £40 straight away if this is anything to go by
I think it looks absolutely amazing. I've played every rugby game on the playstation and if this doesn't make you think it'll be amazing I don't know what will. To add to that the game will have loads more teams than rugby wc and huge customisable options.

***please keep comparisons the appropriate threads***
I think it looks absolutely amazing. I've played every rugby game on the playstation and if this doesn't make you think it'll be amazing I don't know what will. To add to that the game will have loads more teams than rugby wc and huge customisable options.


Christ I hardly post much I know, but posts like this are even starting to wear me down...
I get a kick out of what the TFR RWC forum has turned into. The admins had to give up on directing RC talk to the RC section of the forums. RWC Exclusive forums basically got transformed into the RC fanboy forums, even Sidhe posts more on here then HB. I don't know why RWC even bothers with TRF Exclusive deal at this point and I'll be surprised if it carries on much further. It's just lost its way. The support structure here just doesn't exist. I can understand RC fans wanting to see the game succeed; It's the new kid on the block and possibly opens a whole new fresh experience but I have a feeling the majority want RWC to fail even greater. The hate that originates from here is so incredibly strong that it can take a reader into a dark corner of his brain. Normally people like to feel upbeat and positive for a new Rugby game but this place is just a pure hate machine. This RWC forums exclusive strategy is just not worth it I don't think. Personally I say let them both come out strong and learn from one another for the next round. One min there's none and now that's there is two, we only want one to succeed. I say the more Rugby games the better, just stand behind both.

Anyway that's my little rant that had built up in that dark corner of my brain, even though I know it wont make any difference, this post will get burred among the hate.
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I get a kick out of what the TFR RWC forum has turned into. The admins had to give up on directing RC talk to the RC section of the forums. RWC Exclusive forums basically got transformed into the RC fanboy forums, even Sidhe posts more on here then HB. I don't know why RWC even bothers with TRF Exclusive deal at this point and I'll be surprised if it carries on much further. It's just lost its way. The support structure here just doesn't exist. I can understand RC fans wanting to see the game succeed; It's the new kid on the block and possibly opens a whole new fresh experience but I have a feeling the majority want RWC to fail even greater. The hate that originates from here is so incredibly strong that it can take a reader into a dark corner of his brain. Normally people like to feel upbeat and positive for a new Rugby game but this place is just a pure hate machine. This RWC forums exclusive strategy is just not worth it I don't think. Personally I say let them both come out strong and learn from one another for the next round. One min there's none and now that's there is two, we only want one to succeed. I say the more Rugby games the better, just stand behind both.

Anyway that's my little rant that had built up in that dark corner of my brain, even though I know it wont make any difference, this post will get burred among the hate.

Sort of. We always get inundated with children trolling the board up to the eyeballs whe3na new game comes out. This year it's exasperated because it's the first game in ages and there's the competitive fanboism as people from TRFs favourite other forum sign up and shove their oar in.

It's a case of civing out the sh*t to find the good posts. This is all small beer compared to what things will be like during th World Cup.
I think it looks absolutely amazing. I've played every rugby game on the playstation and if this doesn't make you think it'll be amazing I don't know what will. To add to that the game will have loads more teams than rugby wc and huge customisable options.

***please keep comparisons the appropriate threads***
How can you say this looks amazing. The players look worse than rugby 08. It looks shocking to be honest looks like HB have spent more time designing billboards than the players.
How can you say this looks amazing. The players look worse than rugby 08. It looks shocking to be honest looks like HB have spent more time designing billboards than the players.

Clearly missed this then.

PS. Apologies if that first gameplay screenshot spooked some of you â€" what you saw was not a true reflection of what you’d see onscreen â€" the process of getting the image from the game to your browser (two plus rounds of compression applied to a de-interlaced source image) compromised the quality. We've identified the issue and we won’t be making that mistake again. :)
How can you say this looks amazing. The players look worse than rugby 08. It looks shocking to be honest looks like HB have spent more time designing billboards than the players.
I was talking about RC not Rwc!
Looks alright, ishhhhhh good pitches stadiums etc.
The players are all looking the same. Same Build etc need to be able to tell a prop is a prop by them being slightly fat, amount of mscle on players for example James haskell cannot be the same size musce wise as king Roana O'Gara. Also people like will Genia, Quade Cooper Sonny Bill need to look like them. ON 08 Quade Cooper is crap and looks like Jeremy Paul. Need the players to be good as well. On 08 Mike Phillips is only 76 overall whereas he was awesome in 2008/07/06 ???
Sort it out it seems like we are all asking a lot but in reality we just want a good rugby game unliike the disappointments before. Also the wait is killing me so HB must be doing something special to keep us waiting this long. The expectation grows....
Codemasters stopped producing cricket games. Big Ant developer of Rugby League Live are now attempting to make a cricket game and it's release has been pushed back many times now. That's about it. If that gets the reaction of International Cricket 2010, then the game will be dead on this current generation of consoles.

With these rugby games currently coming out, we all have a chance to prove we are real rugby gamers, not just talkers, to stop slagging off whichever game is not quite as good as the other, not buy some other category of games for a couple of months and buy both of these games.

The only way you'll get another game of rugby next year or the year after that is to support these games as much as possible. If you support them both you double the chance of that happening.

If anyone out there seriously believes that the way to save rugby gaming is to kick one game as hard as you can due to graphics seen prior to release, then they are very much deluded.

Both companies are striving to make as good a game as they can. We need to keep pre-game screenshots and trailers in perspective for what they are. A glimpse.

Do you judge everyone you ever meet on a glimpse or someone elses words? Or do you actually make your mind up after getting to know them? The answer tells you more about yourself than the subject of your attentions.

Well well well, if critisicm is going to cause a game developer to stop creating game then they dont belong in the gaming industry,period! How does the saying goes," If the kitchen is too hot get out!"

Graphics is important to many gamers out there and so it should be. Dont shoot them down because they do. I remember how great the Telstar stadium(Australia) look in the EA rugby games. I loved to play in that stadium. Yes, graphics should not be the main reason for not buying a game but surely it should get some thought as is the case for me. The only dissapointment for me so far with regards to Sidhe's game is that the South African national teams as well as the super 15 franchises are not licensed. Lets hope their editing option is good as the one in the PES series.

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