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MMA/UFC thread

Chris Weidman got Anderson Silva'd!

Couldn't make it up - seen it happen twice in the UFC and he was involved in both

Absolutely horrendous to watch, felt sick as a dog after seeing it
and to make it worse they show it in slow motion! Silva sent out a nice tweet to weidman after the incident. showed his true class there.
disappointed standing in the rain GIF

Me watching Jacare get his arm broken
Mae that years on the bag and not training properly has left his body unable to cope with the rigours of a fight. I'm truly shocked.

All I saw was Poirier's censored post fight interview, seems like a good, tough dude. Glad he's ended McGregor's career as a contender, presume he'll pick up novelty fights for a couple years before one last ill advised come back attempt.
Very happy for Dustin,
Very glad to see McGregor get ****** up after he was trashing Poiriers wife in the press conferences
Mixed feelings to be honest. Happy DP won but this gives mcg an excuse, so he won't shut up.

Did you see o malley's fight? SPOILER

Holly **** that was intense. Koutinho was unbelievable. I cant recall such an uneven fight where I kept thinking "koutinho actually could still win this with a bit of luck".

Sharpest spear vs strongest shield kind of thing. Either o mally has cotton hands or koutinho's chin/face is made of granite. He NEVER stopped going forward and the few shots he did connect appeared to hurt o malley.
I understand why they stopped the fight, but I am not sure I like the decision. He received 8r49354594 punches and suddenly 4 punches is too much? He was still going forward and didn't look woobly.
Think Herb Dean remembered he had O'Malley by stoppage in his parlay so had to step in

I really can't stand O'Malleys character - he's got great striking and a some good BJJ as well, but I can't wait to see him get ****** up by a top guy (and I think he will)
McGregor looks very bad last year to be honest. Maybe alcohol/drugs.. I don't know if he drinks a lot or takes something illegal actually,but can't find any other reason why such a young and healthy man can look like that while just a couple of years ago he looked VERY good.. it's sad for him anyway.
You think so? I am not convinced that's the reason as in that he's become a worse fighter. I think people got his number and now know how to counter it. He's never been what you call a well rounded fighter, he had considerable weaknesses. People just didnt know how to react or addapt so he could hide disguise em a bit.

People talk about 'aura of invencibility' a lot in mma. The thing is, it's not just the confidence of the fighter himself that's affected. It's that once you are beaten, others can see a roadmap of how to do that and can replicate/elaborate/experiment such a that path.
Just saw that McGregor will get a rematch, can't see that going well. Sounds like that pink bald lad trying to get McGregor shot at a belt, ignoring that he'll be up against an already better fighter having lost a lot of his lateral movement which is a big part of what makes him an elite fighter by the sound of it.
Volk vs Ortega was one of the best ***le fights I've seen in a long time
Started decently but then round three onwards was nuts
Olivera vs Makhachev booked.
That's an interesting one. Sharpest spear vs strongest shield kind of situation. Think Makhachev takes it.
Yeah I really want Charles to win but think Islam takes him down and controls him on the ground for 5 rounds
Charles' BJJ makes it more interesting but usually elite wrestling can nullify BJJ
Still gotta get the takedowns though and Charles hits like a train and Islam has been KOd before
This is the rationale behind my opinion:

Let me start with Charles: CO appears to feel quite conf on his feed because 99% of the times he gets dropped people don't jump in due to the fear of getting caught in a sub. Imo that won't work with IS for several reasons, mainly because
- IM has a better stand-up game imo.
- IM will not shy away from jumping in if CO lands on his back
- IM imo has the power to decide the direction of the fight (feet/ground). Maybe not 'at will', but close enough

So i see the fight starting with IM trying to dominate the stand-up, and if that doesn't yield good enough results, he will attempt to take him down, which i am pretty confident he will manage to do. Once there i see CO almost getting a sub a couple of times, but getting beaten up in the process.

To be honest, the only way i see IM losing is him being reckless. The fact that he's been knocked out is a pro for IM imo. Him and his staff dont like to lose (more than others i mean) and i don't see them making the same mistake again.

How could OC win? Making it very messy. Tons of clinch and odd positions.
- IM has a better stand-up game imo.
This is a weird one for me/is what makes MMA so fascinating
IMO, in a vacuum, Oliveras stand up is way better - however much like with Khabib: IM has very solid fundamentals, which combined with your opposition being terrified of the clinch/takedown can elevate that to domination on the feet
I don't think Charles will fear the takedown/clinch as traditionally that's where he's had so much success - I think that's a mistake for him though as he's never faced a wrestler like IM (and has been out wrestled numerous times in the past)

I've got a feeling it'll be a bit like the Gathje fight where everyone says they've never faced a guy with such strong Muay Thai and solid grappling before...then the Dagestani just runs through them

Really hope Charles wins, though

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