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MegaUpdatePatch (MUP09)

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My Leicester minikits (just to confirm im a bit of a noob, but the minikits are the kits that appear when your selecting a team to play right?) are fine (I had a copied folder of rugby 08 and renamed it MUP09, I put all the data from the beta version in there and then when the new version came out I just overwrited the old files with the new ones) and i've done a little bit of experimenting...

The world league was fine when I started a tournament with gloucester and crashed for wasps, then I removed the RDF file from the MUP09 roster folder (in my documents) and then starting with wasps worked fine.

faatau says: you have the minikits correct. Before you pick the stadium, you pick the teams, and the teams show home and away kits, or 'minikits'. Try deleting all the game files in the mup09 folder you made (but not the exe, icons etc) and then add all of the new ones. I have this problem in vista where if you copy and paste it makes copies that you can only detect in the actual programs browser.

Remove the rdf file from the roster folder in my documents.. then try. Fingers crossed, this will work.
Ok, I got it to work, all I did was copying all the files again in the main directory of the game without adding the .rtf later, the rtf is still in my roster folder but that doesn't seem to be a problem.
Second of all, I'd like to congratulate all of the crew who made this mod, I know it is a lot of work so I applaud your effort.
And finally a question, I'd really like to play the world league with the mup09 changes, so will I be able to do that or the problem with the .rtf file means I won't?

Thanks a lot!

faatau says: So it all works for you? I think there is a problem with the rdf, but not the actual file. Sometimes, on vista i get duplicated files when i copy into the directory. It copies the file to update it but seems to leave another file exactly the same, which is impossible as you can't have two filenames the same. You can only delete (to find it) it using the programs browser.

Glad you like the mod. It was mainly myself, but lots of kits, faces and other stuff has been contributed too. See 'acknowledgements' in the menu option 'extras' for all the credits. I want your +rep :)

The rdf should work, it all works fine on my system with MUP09 rosters. The rdf is supposed to go in the main directory (with the gamefiles). I did have some problems with this file, exactly the same as you are having (the crash to desktop) which i remember now. Try to delete the rdf from the directory and then paste it back it by itself.. also do a search for that filename and see if there's a duplicate. Try using the hex editor, XVI32. It will detect the rdf in a filename search, and you may find there is a 'hidden' or 'trojan' duplicate.

It might well be that it's because i use vista and vista has this duplication file bug, which the folder search cannot detect, but the program browsers do.

The file seems to be buggy by design. It actually stops the game from loading, but it's not the content of the file, it's the format of the file, or the fact you have some hidden bugged rdf that shoud not be there. Like the remains of a deleted file.
FAO MUP09 users..

Just another tip to try to get past the rdf issue if it doesn't work for you.. i remember i had the same problem with the crash to desktop, it was a while ago and i forgot i had it. What happened was the rdf file was added to the directory and the game crashed back to desktop for no reason. This was after i got my fixed rdf from pageski.

I deleted the rdf, and copied it back and same problem. I was baffled.

What i found is that for some reason, occasionally vista (my system) seems to make hidden or trojan copies of the pasted files (i had it with .big too) and although it says you have added a new file and saved over it, it is leaving the hidden file.. which is impossible, but it's like a ghost or shadow.. it doesn't exist to the PC but it does to the programs browser.

Now, my game works fine as i found this hidden file and when i added the rdf afterwards, all was good. No crashes. I might have still have something in my gamefiles, which my system fixed but will appear on your system. So it think you need to try the following.. i think we have a vista to vista or vista to xp issue here.

The file works, i 100% guarantee it.

1. Download XVI32 (hex editor) from showcase forum..
2. Save it and look for the file 73cb47d1d69c90f28fd1cc4186ac1926.rdf
3. Delete ALL copies you find.
4. Copy and paste the .rdf back into gamefiles (for the MUP09 folder)

Run the game and hope.
Hello ,

The MUP profile crashes when it says it has loaded

faatau says: Delete it, and run the game without it. See if the Maori and Lions appear in the team select. If so, save the game and you will have a new profile, with the changes.


How to Fix:

1. Change the name of the MUP.pro folder in my documents to something so it won't match the file name.
2. Run the game. It will tell you the profile cannot load, but the game will progress, but it's default from new.
3. Go to squad management or team select and see if the Lions/Maori are there listed. They should be there, and the challenges are as new, no medals.
4. Go to options and make the rules, appearance as you need.
5. Save the game profile.

It will then work.

I tried it with mine. The .pro file is not needed it just completes the challenges. For MUP, i think we coded the teams in but there is no link. This will work. Perhaps you have ross munro's (intercept JdV) resolution thing?
I now have a completely crash free MUP09 with the advice (castrogiovanni hair is a little weird still, but I heard that kabezon might release a short hair version). I found that because of the new graphics I had to lower the resolution to 800 x 600, but this doesn't make a difference really and it seemed to make my game flow better than it did before. Thanks to the team who made the components and faatau for putting it together, great mod worth the extra wait, but can't wait for the audio (hurry up please, I want a complete Patch).
I have a problem with this. It's similar to the opening crash, but I can do everything fine except, I have just got to the Challenge cup final and when I finish, it crashes. After the pop-up to show me as the winner, I click continue and the game crashes. Is this the same thing as the other ones? I have deleted the extra RDF with the roster, but it's still crashing.
I have not touched those things, so they should not crash. It could be an xml problem. I can't test the game and make it, so if there is an issue.. then i know where to go to fix it. Unfortunately, as i mentioned.. trying to put it all together and not have any crashes was quite difficult, so i expect a few hiccups.

My advice?

Try making a new profile (by not using MUP.pro) and use that, it might solve some issues. There seems to be random crashes in World League, some of which are just bugs i can't get rid of, but if there was any bugs, WL would not load at all.
the thing what i want to say is that there arent'all the minikits in Fifa Style...i tried to open some minkits and i found lots of them are old...this is possible or i'am wrong?

faatau says: Sounds like you have the mup beta. Did you use the NEW zip file, rather than maybe extract the old one? You should see mup 09 logos with grass on the intro/menu pages. Tell me if you see that, if not you are running the wrong files.
Keith Earls= 55 and he's black! haha:)

it's looking good though, only thin that I find a little strange is the full first names?
Keith Earls 55 and black.. that's defo not right, i will check this as i'm sure i did Munster. Don't worry, i will finish the roster.. i just wanted to release something. The faces should be assigned, but i will fine toothcomb every player to make sure they are ok.
Seems to work ok, but my gameplay seems to go into slow motion for patches and then speed up again. when i exit the game, i get an ATI warning, stretched desktop. Anyreason why the mod would cause this (otherwise its fantasic!)

faatau says: So it works fine for you as well? No crash? Did you use mup.pro? I think it's better not to use mup.pro. Load the game without mup.pro (rename the mup.pro folder) and then save a new profile, but with your usual settings. My settings are clashing with your settings, as PC's vary in spec. You are running it above it's graphical limit, i think this is why it is slow.
ahh cool great.. again I feel bad criticizing because it is a really really good job over all!

so basically if you need any help etc don't hesitate to pm me

and thanks a lot for putting in all the effort:)
It appears that the problems are random. I have had issues from no graphics, to missing graphics, to rdf crashes and all sorts of issues.. none of which are constant issues. So i think it's time for a troubleshoot. I am doing my best.

I need feedback. As long as it's tasteful and constructive that's fine. It's your patch too, so i am trying to make it work for all.. it's just hard work with all these random issues.
well maybe a good idea would be to open a thread on the forum for each of the TRF member countries and let us all vote on what the squads are so we'll get it exact..basically so you arn't expected to know the squads and abilities of every player in the world
I could do that, that's what showcase forum is for it's got all the threads.. and it's dead as. No forum contribution.

I have done all the research for this by myself for player data, i know quite a lot anyway about players so i know what's what. No-one is really that crap in the game. If you don't like the ratings, then you are welcome to change them with your spare time if you think Carter is 99. The roster is not complete yet, i have not said that it is.. it's a beta, but i have to release a roster with the files, as they are married together with the new unique face assignments.. so that's why the stats are.. a bit rubbish.

The roster will be here soon, it's my next job give me a month or so.. and it will be much better.
ahh it's not too bad.. some things need looking at but it's getting there:)
Can someone tell me please, is the Namibia minikit the original isometric design, or is it the fifa style?

I checked my gamefiles and it's the new one, but in the files i uploaded it's old files.. but i got the files (which are new) from my mup09 folder.
Can someone upload some screenshots (use fraps, it's easier) of the team select with namibia please. I haven't had any remarks about the graphics other than from dady11, and i check my uploaded files and he is right.. but other people seem to have the full set.

How is it possible to have the real gamefile with a new namibia kit (fifa style) and have the actually uploaded files with the old one, when i used the real gamefiles and put them into a new empty folder?

I hate vista.. it's killing my mod.
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