For me personally, that "living life through Jesus" doesn't neccessitate being a Christian - there are plenty of "Christians" that are awful people, even though they claim to "live their life through Jesus". For me, the adverse can also be true and is also legitimate, if you are a good person without being religious, that is just as OK in my eyes - for me, "living through Jesus" is more about the core principle of being a good person rather than about Jesus the individual himself.
I struggle with the idea of hell and fiery damnation - how can an all forgiving all loving god condemn someone to an eternity of suffering? My most satisfying answer to that is that when one dies, and upon witnessing the glory of god, one can do nothing but repent, literally no-one is perfect, and if a religious person tells you they are, then they're a liar. Christians, agnostics, atheists, the worst people to have ever walked the earth and
@Welsh Exile alike
are left with no other option but to repent their sins and committ themselves to god.
Obviously that's my very personal philosophy, but is one that I spent a long time thinking and talking to my Chaplain about but that's my answers to some really difficult theological questions