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I have the game! ppl

Originally posted by TRUTH@Mar 7 2005, 08:02 PM
GET AN XBOX!! graphics are way better
Than PC?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
plus... has any1 played halo 2 online??
its tha shiznit
cant do that on a ps2[/b]

No, but you can play other PS2 games online. And besides, anyone who has played FarCry or Half Life 2 wouldn't touch Halo2 with a 10 metre pole! It's actually a very unimpressive game to most FPS fans...
I got both xbox and ps2 but im getting rugby05 on xbox if its f@#*ed like u say then i'll get it on crapy ps2.. no big deal
Originally posted by TRUTH@Mar 7 2005, 09:17 PM
I got both xbox and ps2 but im getting rugby05 on xbox if its f@#*ed like u say then i'll get it on crapy ps2.. no big deal
That's the word on the street (that hte button layout, which is unchangeable, is almost unmanageable)...

PS2 bro - keep it real!

Originally posted by TRUTH@Mar 7 2005, 08:02 PM
GET AN XBOX!! graphics are way better
plus... has any1 played halo 2 online??
its tha shiznit
cant do that on a ps2
what a dumb post

Xbox graphics will NEVER be as good as pc graphics.. NEVER...

and halo2 sucked.. its just cause xbox ppl think its good.. there are 100 better FPS games on the PC.. if halo 2 was on the pc it would be considerd a crap game.

Althou if your talking about ps2.. then yes xbox does have better gfx than a ps2
I dont really like the campain on halo2 im talkin about muliplayer on xbox live (16 players in a game)im freakin addicted 2 it.. and they got bunch more downloadable content on the way(more levels more game types)

I've never really played pc games and never probly will so i'll never ever know
Halo2 is a very good FPS.

....For a console, I'd much sooner touch Doom 3, Far Cry, Half Life 2, MOH etc etc.
FPS shouldn't be on consoles, it just doesn't feel right.

As for Halo2 being the best game ever....read above.
GTA San Andreas is the best console game ever, and yes, I have played Halo 2. A bit overrated, no doubt it's quite fun in multiplayer though.

Back to rugby 2005....
Originally posted by locksley+Mar 6 2005, 09:39 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (locksley @ Mar 6 2005, 09:39 PM)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-THE CHIROPRACTOR101
@Mar 6 2005, 07:23 PM
thank you shane for the stats...your better than locksley mate!!!!
...locksleys had the game for friggin months and this guy gets it today and starts firing answers...thanx mate ur legend!!!

how accurate do those stats feel?

and whos the fastest player youve come across playing the game(either as controlled player or cpu)

enjoy your game mate

.....march 17th
Thing is though mate, I have the PS2 version, and it's much easier to get captures from the PC version, and answer questions, because it's the same machine that he's using the forum on!

Sorry for not answering your questions, but I do work as well you know!

Anyway Shane, Brilliant work! Keep it up. [/b]
yeah sorry

all ya needed to do mate was post caucaus stats...i didnt wanna screenshot

good stuff...time is dragging with this game

BUT..ive got the formula!!!!!

i start training for league tomorrow...WOOT WOOT
First up Shane good work bru!!! Thanks alot for time and patience for the million requests. Its quiet funny as you have answered everyone questions but you have asked one twice and now ones answered it can some one please tell the man what he needs to download full length games!!

P.S Lets not forget all the work Locks did in the beginning. You are now both Legends.
Originally posted by Los Lover@Mar 7 2005, 07:28 PM
And that is why you must use a console.....come on fellaz...

sports games are meant to be big and nasty - fork out 80 dollars for a secondhand playstation 2 (xbox controllers are rubbish and doesn't feel as good - the games - either) and crank it on the big screen.

Keep your PC and your games separate. The whole looks better rubbish is silly for two good reasons (tho many more besides):

1. you can't increase the resolution anyway.

2. A bigger, wider picture IS a better picture - it's all semantics.

Do yourselves a favour - peace!
A bigger screen doesn't imply a larger resolution..unless you own a plasma TV(which pretty much takes the price advantage out of console use),you'll never be able to reach 1280 x 1024 with a PS2.
Originally posted by nosferatu+Mar 7 2005, 11:31 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (nosferatu @ Mar 7 2005, 11:31 PM)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Los Lover
@Mar 7 2005, 07:28 PM
And that is why you must use a console.....come on fellaz...

sports games are meant to be big and nasty - fork out 80 dollars for a secondhand playstation 2 (xbox controllers are rubbish and doesn't feel as good - the games - either) and crank it on the big screen.

Keep your PC and your games separate. The whole looks better rubbish is silly for two good reasons (tho many more besides):

1. you can't increase the resolution anyway.

2. A bigger, wider picture IS a better picture - it's all semantics.

Do yourselves a favour - peace!
A bigger screen doesn't imply a larger resolution..unless you're using a plasma TV(which pretty much takes the price advantage out of console use),you'll never be able to reach 1280 x 1024 with a PS2. [/b]
Do U know what semantics means?

I didn't say it had a better picture resolution wise - although my tv is the shizzle (and the tv is also for dvd etc where again, frankly, size does matter) and not a plasma or anything - I said that a bigger picture IS a better picture.

Frankly it's more esciting seeing exactly who the player is at all times and having a thumb sized guy running around. I can't even handle using anything less than 26 inches of screen.

19" etc doesn't cut it IMO....but hey! If the ONLY thing you're wanting is really crisp little images and no room for abunch of friends to challenge you....what the hey!
Originally posted by Los Lover@Mar 7 2005, 10:36 PM
Do U know what semantics means?

I didn't say it had a better picture resolution wise - although my tv is the shizzle (and the tv is also for dvd etc where again, frankly, size does matter) and not a plasma or anything - I said that a bigger picture IS a better picture.

Frankly it's more esciting seeing exactly who the player is at all times and having a thumb sized guy running around. I can't even handle using anything less than 26 inches of screen.

19" etc doesn't cut it IMO....but hey! If the ONLY thing you're wanting is really crisp little images and no room for abunch of friends to challenge you....what the hey!
Ever heard of TV-out?
Now try bringing your console on that 19" high-rez monior.
Originally posted by Los Lover+Mar 7 2005, 08:19 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Los Lover @ Mar 7 2005, 08:19 PM)</div>
@Mar 7 2005, 09:17 PM
I got both xbox and ps2 but im getting rugby05 on xbox if its f@#*ed like u say then i'll get it on crapy ps2.. no big deal
That's the word on the street (that hte button layout, which is unchangeable, is almost unmanageable)...

PS2 bro - keep it real!

Hey, I'm a huge XBOX bagger, I love PS2, IMHO I tend to see the XBOX as basically a 'lite' PC that plugs into your tellie, it's bulky, it's Microsoft and it's got controls that are about as practical as brail buttons on the keypad for a drivethru car wash.

Nonetheless, I've seen both full versions at a media launch in Chch last week, and well, as much as it pains me to say, the XBOX version isn't that bad to play, and not to mention it looks a hell of a lot better than the PS2 version. If you have an XBOX and a PS2 and don't know what version to buy it for, I would suggest XBOX, you'll get more out of it. I wouldn't reckon anyone should go out and buy a PS2 just to play this game - hell, it's not GTA: San Andres here!

Yet, in saying that, anyone that has a PS2, don't rush off and buy an XBOX for this, it's not that big of a difference to worry.

All in all, whatever you already have, go with it. And if you have both, then get the XBOX version.

I'll be getting the PS2 version tho.

Jamie Gough
Originally posted by Teh Mite+Mar 7 2005, 08:24 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Teh Mite @ Mar 7 2005, 08:24 PM)</div>
@Mar 7 2005, 08:13 PM
anyone who has played FarCry
You mean that over-rated, graphics fest that is all sizzle and no steak? [/b]
Well it was actually originally designed as a demo to showcase new graphics hardware (can't remember who's), but people were so impressed with it they made it into a whole game.
Also, I don't know what you mean about no steak, the game has everything you could want in an FPS... almost. Either way it shits in Halo 2 and that was my point.
far cry kicks halo 2 off this planet! ive cleared the 2 and played far cry longer its purly just amazing! and dont start me off about half life 2! and even COD2 is in production yay

Can you please give me the Bulls Linup and Stats?


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